A Cord Cutting Ritual To Let Go And Move On
Heartbreak can be one of the most difficult emotional hurdles we face.
Whether you’re recovering from a failed romantic relationship, a friendship that has run its course, going no contact with a toxic family member, or any significant emotional connection that has ended, finding closure and healing is essential to moving forward.
Unresolved emotions and lingering energetic attachments can weigh heavily on your heart, making it difficult to embrace new opportunities and experiences.
A powerful way to release these lingering energy attachments is through a cord-cutting ritual. This practice helps cultivate self-love and emotional freedom, and opens the door to new beginnings. Unlike repressing feelings or rushing into distractions, cord cutting allows you to consciously acknowledge and release energetic attachments that no longer serve you.
Energetic cords are metaphysical connections that form between people, places, or situations. They are strengthened by intense emotions and shared experiences. While some cords nourish us with love, support, and positive energy, others can drain our vitality — especially when a relationship has ended or become unhealthy. These draining cords can lead to repetitive thoughts, emotional stagnation, or a feeling of being energetically “stuck.”
A cord cutting ritual does not erase cherished memories or sever positive emotions you may have shared with someone. Instead, it focuses on releasing unhealthy attachments that prevent emotional freedom and personal growth. By clearing these residual energies, you make room for peace, clarity, and new possibilities to flow into your life.
End Your Day With A Restorative Evening Ritual
How we end our days is just as important as how we begin them. Yet this time of the day is often overlooked as an opportunity to promote our personal and spiritual well-being.
Especially when navigating stressful situations or busy schedules, being intentional about how we transition into rest can significantly improve the quality and restorative nature of our downtime.
Creating a simple, personalized nighttime routine allows us to check in with ourselves and make sure we’re taking care of our mind, body, and spirit. It helps relieve the stress of the day and sets the tone for a restful night’s sleep.
There are countless ways to create an evening ritual or routine that resonates with your spirit. The important thing is that your practice feels authentic and meets your needs. It only takes a few simple steps to create a daily practice that helps us release the stress of the day.
Whatever practice you choose, make sure it works with your schedule and is relaxing, rather than feeling like it creates more daily tasks to complete.
Choose activities that help you relax and that you look forward to. Whether it’s journaling, listening to soothing music, or lighting a candle, choose activities that help you intentionally transition from the busyness of the day to the calm of the night.
Many people complain that they don’t have enough time in their day. For them, a daily spiritual routine is a frivolous luxury they cannot afford to waste time on, yet these same people often spend hours each night binge-watching television or endlessly scrolling through their phones. This modern paradox highlights how easily we prioritize mindless distractions over meaningful self-care. By consciously reclaiming even a fraction of this time, we can nurture our spiritual well-being every evening in a way that renews our body, mind, and spirit far more effectively.
How To Deal With Spirit Presence In Your Home
Spirit energies are around us all the time in all shapes and forms. Many people have experienced, or at least know someone who has, a spirit presence or paranormal activity in their home.
These encounters can range from subtle to intense, and the nature of the experience often varies greatly depending on the person’s beliefs, fears, and openness to the supernatural.
For some, the presence of a spirit is a source of terror, while for others it is a comfort, like being in the presence of an old friend. Then there are those who scoff and laugh at the very idea that a ghost could exist.
These varied responses highlight an important question: why do people have such different experiences with spirits?
In my experience, it depends on two main factors: a person’s beliefs and attitudes about spirituality and the supernatural, and the nature of the spirit presence itself, whether it is benevolent or malevolent.
My grandmother came to me within three days of her death to tell me she was okay. She gave me a sense of peace and I didn’t see her again. Years later, my mother also came to me to tell me that she was okay and that all was well where she was. It was also a one-time visit.
But with my stepson, who committed suicide, and my father, it was different. He started showing up at his former house (he had left a wife and two beautiful boys) on a regular basis. He would turn on the lights or the faucet. In the middle of the night she would hear our grandchildren talking and giggling in one of their rooms. They were only two and three years old when he died. She went to investigate, thinking they were up to no good, but only one of them was in the room. When she asked who he was talking to, her boy said, “Daddy was here.”
Invoking The Power And Beauty Of Freya
The goddess Freya has a special place in my spiritual self-care routine. I often turn to her when I need extra guidance and support.
Freya is the ancient Norse goddess of love, beauty, fertility, and war. She is one of the most important deities in Norse mythology, embodying the ultimate ancient archetype for ‘girl power’ and ‘boss lady’ energy.
She is traditionally revered for her deep wisdom, boundless compassion, and fierce protection. Invoking her divine feminine power has brought much transformative and empowering energy to many aspects of my life.
In Norse folklore, Freya rides a chariot drawn by two large, powerful cats and is often depicted wearing the Brísingamen necklace, a symbol of her power and beauty.
The Brísingamen was created by four dwarves known for their exceptional craftsmanship. The necklace symbolizes beauty, desire and the power of attraction. It also represents Freyja’s connection to the earth and its fertility.
Freya is the leader of the Valkyries, the warrior maidens who choose those who may die and those who may live in battle. Freyja is said to receive half of the slain warriors in her heavenly field, Fólkvangr, while the other half go to Odin’s hall, Valhalla.
This dual role highlights her authority and revered status among the gods, bridging the realms of life and death. The Valkyries, under her guidance, serve not only as fierce selectors of the fallen but also as protectors and guides for these chosen souls, ensuring their honored place in the afterlife.
How To Unlock Your Psychic Potential
Many people believe that only a lucky few possess psychic gifts. The truth is that everyone has the potential to develop one or more psychic abilities.
For example, everyone has moments of premonition – whether it’s predicting a phone call or foreseeing the outcome of an event. These intuitive flashes are not mere coincidences, but evidence of our innate psychic awareness.
While it is true that some people are naturally more gifted or talented due to a variety of factors, including genetic predisposition, environmental influences, and personal experiences, everyone can achieve some level of psychic attunement. Just as we all have different talents and potential in music, art or sports, we also have different levels of psychic sensitivity and strength.
Your natural psychic awareness can manifest in many subtle ways that indicates your latent psychic potential. Typical experiences you may have include:
Empathic Sensitivity: You easily pick up on the emotions of others, even when they aren’t explicitly expressed. This deep sense of empathy allows you to feel what others are feeling and to understand their emotions on a deep level.
Energetic Sensitivity: You are very sensitive to the energy of different places. Certain places can feel particularly comforting or unsettling to you, and you can often sense the history or emotional residue in a space.
Practices For Developing Your Psychic Awareness
Are you curious about increasing your intuitive awareness or developing your innate psychic abilities? Great! But how do you get started? It can seem like a daunting task, but it’s actually easier than you might think. But it does take some dedication.
Like any other talent, psychic ability can be practiced and improved with dedication and commitment. While some of us may have a stronger natural inclination toward psychic perception, everyone has the ability to improve their intuitive abilities through conscious effort, dedication, and practice.
Just as musicians hone their craft through consistent practice and athletes hone their skills through training, developing psychic talents requires a similarly disciplined approach. Regular practice will not only sharpen your existing skills, but can also unlock hidden potential you never knew you possessed.
By engaging in psychic development exercises, complemented by appropriate spiritual practices, anyone can sharpen their intuition and psychic awareness and become more attuned to subtle energies and impressions. However, it’s important to approach this journey with an open mind and a willingness to explore the depths of your consciousness.
Cultivating psychic abilities also requires patience and self-discovery. As you embark on this path, you may discover unique strengths and intuitive abilities that are waiting to be developed. With perseverance and a positive attitude, you can embark on a transformative journey to expand your psychic awareness and harness your innate potential.