Becoming A Medium
After my first encounter with spirit in 1987, at a mediumship evening at a spiritualist church, I started attending Sunday services regularly. This was not because I had suddenly become overtly religious. It was just to get more spirit messages during that particular part of each service! I was totally mesmerized by the whole concept of communication with the spirit world and enjoyed hearing the messages given to others almost as much as those that were given to me.
One evening, I received a phone call from my friend Betty, whom I had met at the church. She ran both the weekly meditation and healing evenings. She explained that there was a registration sheet for upcoming mediumship classes and that my name was on it. I informed her that there must be some mistake, because I hadn’t put my name on any list whatsoever. She laughed and said that she had put my name on the list, because after getting to know me during her evening programs, she had a feeling that I would enjoy the classes.
To me the communication between the two-worlds is natural and gives humanity a portal for knowledge in the furtherance of our eternal existence and our movement of life, through the psychical, out into the spiritual realms of light ~ Stephen Wakeling
I was totally taken aback, because I had been attending the meditation circles and healing evenings, whenever I had the chance, only to get more messages. After each group meditation or healing program, there was always a medium who gave messages until closing time.
I hadn’t realized that everyday people could learn how to become a medium. After all, I had never studied such things and had no experience whatsoever. Prior to attending my first mediumship night at the church, I didn’t even know that Spiritualist churches existed and I had never before received any messages.
Betty explained that I would receive a call from one of the pastors, who would interview me over the phone. Sure enough, Reverend Doreen called a few days later and made the decision on the spot. I was dumbstruck, but agreed to attend the beginner’s class the following week. Reverend Ken would be teaching this introductory class and I had heard him speak during the various Sunday services. That’s the only reason I felt comfortable enough to join.
Within a few weeks, Reverend Doreen moved me from Reverend Ken’s class into her own Intermediate class, because she felt that I was progressing very quickly. Soon, I started speaking at the Sunday services once per month and at one of Betty’s meditation circles and a healing service once per month. That meant that I was giving group messages at least three times per month, so I was getting lots of practice.
Shortly thereafter, other churches started inquiring about my availability. I was soon speaking at five different Spiritualist churches in several different cities.
Although it was never a requirement to give every single attendee a message, I followed Reverend Doreen’s example and covered the entire room, no matter how many people were in attendance. Even if there was time for just one message per person, depending on the type of service, I would make sure that everyone heard something from Spirit, because I knew how much it had meant to me.
Our work with mediumship has shown us, clearly, that communicating with spirit loved ones can be a tremendous source of resolve, closure, and, especially, healing ~ Rev. Simeon Stefanidakis
The most extreme test of mediumship was usually during one of the meditation circles, when I stood in the centre of the circle and spoke with 44 people in 45 minutes. Ever since then, I have been known for my ability to connect with Spirit quickly, and I thank my Spirit Guides for their support every day.
The following year, I was moved to the advanced class, where I took part in rescue sessions. This was a whole new realm for me because, again, I had had no experience in this type of mediumship.
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