spiritual awareness
Embrace Your Personal Power In Relationships
Our relationships have great power and influence in our lives. In particular, many of us spend countless hours pursuing love and romance. Then, once we are in a relationship, we spend even more time and energy thinking about it, confiding in friends about it…often trying to make the relationship different or better.
I deal with this almost daily as I have counseled hundreds of lovesick, frustrated, and heartbroken clients over the years.
“If only he would do what I want, things would be different,” some of my clients might say. “If only he would be more open and honest, maybe I could trust him more.” Truth be told, I have heard similar words come out of my own mouth about my own relationships more times than I care to admit!
Unfortunately, instead of successfully influencing our partner’s words or behavior, we are often left feeling disappointed, betrayed, frustrated, powerless, or out of control. It is draining, pointless, and definitely not the best use of one’s time and energy.
So how do we change it? How do we take emotional control of our life and our relationships? The answer is shockingly simple.
It is all about taking a different, broader perspective on relationships and what they are here to teach us. A quote from Unity Church’s Daily Word magazine perfectly captures this shift in perspective: “Through our relationships with one another, we express the power, presence and love of God.”
Empower Yourself With Mindfulness
Is your inner guidance system out of sync? Do you feel out of alignment with your higher self? Out of touch with the universal flow? Disconnected from Spirit? You are not alone.
In today’s fast-paced, hyper-connected world, where digital information is exchanged at an unprecedented rate, finding a moment of stillness and spiritual connection can feel like chasing a mirage in the desert.
Our modern lives are characterized by a relentless barrage of demands on our time and attention, both personally and professionally, and a constant stream of distractions from every conceivable angle.
The cacophony of app alerts, text messages, emails, social media updates, and the pressure to stay “in the loop” can be overwhelming. Yet we remain perpetually tethered to our screens, constantly on edge and spiritually disconnected.
Being constantly busy has become a toxic badge of honor in our society. Being on the go and constantly multitasking has become associated with success and prosperity. But this obsession with busyness is a poisoned chalice. Yes, we may get more done, but in the long run it comes at a great cost to our mental and physical health, as well as our spiritual well-being.
Transform Your Life With Mindfulness
In the midst of our fast-paced daily lives, marked by never-ending to-do lists and the constant barrage of modern distractions, it’s all too common to feel overwhelmed and stressed.
Finding moments of peace can be challenging, but there’s a ray of hope in the form of mindfulness. This ancient practice offers a haven of calm amidst the storm of our chaotic lives.
Mindfulness, the art of being fully present in the moment without judgment, is a profound spiritual practice for cultivating self-awareness. It encourages us to pay attention not only to our external environment, but also to our internal world of thoughts and emotions.
By incorporating mindfulness into our daily routine, we unlock a wealth of benefits that lead to greater fulfillment and happiness. And it doesn’t take much of a time commitment. It’s simply a matter of adopting a new perspective and appreciating the importance of each moment.
Mindfulness isn’t just a practice; it’s a habit and a way of life that leads to a calmer, more fulfilling existence. The following strategies are simple ways to incorporate mindfulness into your lifestyle and make it a permanent part of your daily routine. By embracing some or all of these practices, you can transform everyday activities into opportunities for self-discovery, self-improvement, and a deeper connection to the world around you.
Staying Connected To Spirit
If you are like me, I sometimes find it a struggle to disconnect from the ego in order to commune with spirit, Being spiritually aware and connected is a state of higher consciousness I prefer to spend as much time in as humanly possible.
Wouldn’t it be absolutely wonderful if we were always fully connected to spirit? Life is so much better and easier when my heart and mind are in the wonderful world of spirit.
Of course, it is not entirely practical or wise to always be in a higher state of consciousness, but one can certainly strive to spend more time living spiritually connected.
What I have learned to be extremely important is the practice of gratitude. Every day I try to consciously revel in all that is good and blessed in my life, instead of bringing myself down by focusing on what is wrong or lacking. We always have much more to be thankful for than we care to admit.
Another commitment I have made is to constantly remind myself that I am part of something greater than myself and connected to everyone and everything in the universe. This is not only a privilege, but also a responsibility. Regardless of how I feel on any given day, I am a spiritual being in human form who has the wonderful ability to choose the better side of myself and not let the ego take over.
I also know from experience that in order to stay spiritually connected, it is crucial for me to set aside some time each day for spiritual reflection, even if it is just a few minutes of meditation, to contemplate my purpose in this world, or ways I can be more compassionate, forgiving, or grateful.
The Golden Power Of Silence
I took my early morning walk today along a path surrounded by an olive grove on one side and almond trees on the other. In the background the beautiful hills seemed mystical in the early morning mist.
The only sounds that broke the silence at this early hour were the chirping of birds and the bleating of baby goats playing on the small farm opposite my house. Occasionally they were interrupted by their father, who seemed to keep them safe by nudging them into a particular corner of the property.
In these moments of peaceful silence I like to have a dialogue with spirit to receive some guidance or direction for the day, as well as answers to questions I may have about my life and work. But today I felt guided to simply contemplate the meaning of silence.
There are many forms of silence, some less peaceful than others. For example, there are the ‘elephant in the room’ or ‘cold shoulder’ moments of silence when there is awkwardness between people. There is also the ‘poker face’ silence, when someone pretends to listen, but in reality has mentally withdrawn from the conversation. We also fall silent when we are perplexed or confused. Sometimes we keep silent to avoid possible misunderstandings.
A very powerful form of silence occurs when we are deeply engaged in an activity, alone or with others. Everything else seems to fade away as we concentrate on the task at hand.
And of course the best kind of silence is when we are in communion with spirit and the cosmos. In these moments we feel completely at peace and connected to others and the universe. This silence nourishes the soul and gives rise to divine inspiration and spiritual insight.