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Connecting With Your Spirit Animal

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!The concept of animals serving as spiritual guides and symbols for personal growth has deep roots in human culture, stretching back to ancient indigenous societies and persisting through to modern spiritual practices.

This enduring belief stems from the profound connection humans have observed and felt with the animal kingdom throughout history.

In many indigenous cultures around the world, animals traditionally hold a sacred significance and are believed to possess spiritual wisdom and powers. Many cultures also have animal symbolism in their myths, folklore, rituals, and everyday life.

For example, Native American tribes traditionally attribute personal qualities and character traits, such as strength, courage, wisdom, and cunning, to various animals, viewing them as embodiments of these virtues.

Acoording to these indigenous teachings our animal totems or spirit animals offer us guidance, protection, and insight on our spiritual journey.

We can connect with our spirit animal through meditation, dream interpretation, or rituals. By aligning with the characteristics of our chosen animal, we can gain strength, wisdom, and a deeper understanding of ourselves and our path in life.

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Making Peace With An End-Of-Life Decision For Your Pet

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!A few weeks ago I was faced with a very difficult decision. Although I have had to make this type of decision many times in my years of caring for pets, it never gets any easier. Not even knowing that it is in the best interest of the animal makes it any easier.

This time it was a very beloved rescue dog who, despite the neglect and abuse he had suffered for several years prior to his rescue, became the most loving pet I have ever had. Sadly, the time had come for him to leave this world…and for me to let him go.

Clients sometimes ask me if they will see their pets again on the other side when it’s their own time to cross over. From the messages and signs I’ve received from my own pets over the years, I not only believe this to be true, I know for a fact that we are reunited with the souls of our animals when we leave this earthly plane.

The bonds of loyalty and love that I have experienced throughout my life with my own pets, as well as other people’s animals in my care, have been profound. The loss of such a deep bond is always devastating for animal lovers. I know from both personal and professional experience that physical death can never break the bonds of love we have with our loved ones.

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Spiritual Is Sometimes Just Coffee, Cats, And Crochet

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhen I’m not working, spirit still comes to me when I’m in a very relaxed, mindful state. This often happens when I’m having my early morning coffee. Usually it is my guides telling me what to focus on for the day.

Sometimes I also perceive the name of a client who will be contacting me that day, or some information about a person in my life, or even a warning about something I need to be aware of.

The communication is always very clear, direct and significant, so I have made it a habit to always have my journal with me, especially when I have my morning coffee. That way I don’t miss or forget anything, as I sometimes did in the early days.

I also often receive spirit messages when I spend time with my sweet cats. Cats are little Zen Reiki healers, their purrs have a hertz frequency that is very healing and conducive to a spiritual state of mind. For some reason I can also see people’s auras better when the cats are around.

Another time my psychic awareness is heightened is when I am crocheting and suddenly I just know things. I “zone out” a bit and then answers just come to me about things I have been wondering about for myself and those I love.

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Life Lesson From A Resilient Robin

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comA few days after I saw a robin attempting to build a nest on a neighbor’s balcony in my apartment building, I spotted another robin with a chest covered in mud. I was thrilled, as I knew this meant a little miracle of life was going to happen. And, it did. Three days later, she laid her clutch of tiny blue eggs in a nest built in a perennial shrub, next to the complex entry way where residents come and go all day.

Her strategy for building the nest in such a busy location became apparent two days after she had laid her eggs. A pack of savage crows descended on the nest, tragically cutting her clutch in half. Unlike the other robins, she had built her nest here so that she could potentially depend on human activity for added protection. Sadly, her plan failed.

Crows are one of the most intelligent bird species on the planet. They know and remember their potential enemies and prey. She may have cleverly built her nest here, hoping to avoid them because there are constantly humans around, but keeping crows away can be a real challenge, because of their intelligence and their adaptability. Things that scare them off at first, soon does not bother them anymore.

The crows were however the least of the strategic robin’s problems. After the crow rampage, the landscaping crew came through the property, using a weed whacker on the shrub where her nest was located. I later found her outside. Assuming she was traumatized and stress-foraging, I felt really sad for her. But she stared at me questioningly, then flew into a tree, while I feebly tried to console her. “All your efforts have been in vain,” I sadly thought while looking at her.

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Making Peace With Nature’s Plan

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comNature’s plan is perfect, whether we understand it, or not. I have been distraught by this much of my life. I have also over-thought it at times, especially when I see animals suffering in nature, or the damage sometimes done to fauna and flora by raging wildfires, floods, and other natural forces.

I often ask myself what the lesson is in all of this for me? Why am I sometimes so profoundly upset by the way nature take its natural course? Apart from humanity’s awful neglect, exploitation and abuse of animals and natural resources, I have often also questioned nature itself, and how animals can be so cruel in their treatment of one another – and not always just for the sake of survival.

I have looked into the subject for some kind of resolution or understanding as to why nature is designed this way. The teachings of Emmanuel, as channeled by Pat Rhodegast, insist that nature’s plan is perfect and that each creature chose the role of predator or victim for the experience it would bring them in their own evolution process.

The Amazing Afterlife of Animals by Karen Anderson suggests that an animal will never depart this world before its their time to go, and that when it is their time to leave, they often prefer to be alone. They wander off and find a secluded place to end their lifespan naturally. They may even be chased away by other members of the herd, or other family pets. This is nature’s way.

This was the case in my home very recently. Ten days prior to my youngest cat, Prince, becoming really ill, my smallest female cat, who never liked Prince, was marking her territory and trying to keep him away from her food. She was hissing at him and tried to chase him out of the house.

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The Energy Connection Between Humans And Their Pets

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAnimals have an aura or energy field, just like we do. When they become our pets, their energy merges with ours. Pets are therefore connected to their human loved ones with an energy cord, in the same way we form energy attachments with the people in our life.

For this reason, we are also able to energetically communicate with our pets. Animal communicators and pet psychics also make use of this energy connection when they work with animals.

I am often asked how I connect with lost pets. What is my process? I like to start with knowing the species or breed, coloring, and especially the name of the pet, because I tend to pick up on multiple animals when doing a reading. People tend to own and love many pets throughout their life, so I need to narrow down which energy they need me to focus on.

There is usually a spirit guide who acts as a ‘mediator’ from the other side to helps me interpret the psychic information I see, but I also get telepathic information directly from the animal.

If the animal passed a long time ago, I tend to find that it has already reincarnated. In many cases they have also rejoined the same human loved one. I find that animal souls tend to stay with the same humans, unless there is abuse or neglect. Our animals are members of our soul family.

My ‘Boo Kitty’ has come and gone many times. Not surprisingly, before I encountered Boo for the first time this lifetime, spirit showed me that my totem animal is the black panther. Not long after, I was reunited with Boo for the first time in this lifetime (she returns to me in every lifetime).

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Communicating With Your Pets In The Spirit Realm

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIt is known among my friends and clients that have had certain very challenging life experiences, including former struggles with addiction and sobriety. But I can honestly say, the most painful was a traumatic event just a few years ago, when on a walk along a familiar path two of my dogs chased a hare and were never seen again.

My husband and I did everything in our power to locate them and used every possible way to get the message out that they had gone missing. We even offered a substantial reward for whoever could help us find them. We put up posters in a 50-mile radius and walked day in and day out talking to everyone who cared to listen. My husband even purchased an electric mountain bike to get to areas we might not otherwise have been able to access.

The kindness we found in our community was overwhelming and there were endless phone calls and concerned friends and neighbors doing searches because they wanted to help. Nobody seemed to care much about the potential reward; everyone just wanted to help. Out of all of the leads we received, there were only two scam calls from individuals who were only after the reward, but I was quickly able to suss them out on the phone.

Our dogs’ names were Amber and Brutus. Two days after their disappearance, and still having hope of them coming home, I felt Amber communicate with me. “This was meant to happen,” she said. The telepathic message was vivid but didn’t help in terms of knowing if they were still alive.

Last week, I asked for a sign from the dogs. Looking at their pet booklets, there would be a good chance that, even if Amber had survived, she may have passed in the meantime due to old age.

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