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The Mysterious Mischief Of Poltergeist Phenomena

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!I have always been a sucker for scary ghost stories. In fact, the scarier, the better! Since my teenage years, I have sought out sensational tales of the supernatural for the sheer thrill of it.

One particular story, that of “Pete the Poltergeist,” still stands out in my mind.

Britain was going through a recession in the 1980s, but despite the economic downturn, two self-employed men in Cardiff managed to run a successful lawnmower repair business called Mower Services out of one of their homes.

One day, one of the men thought he heard someone throwing stones at the door of the workshop, but when he went outside, he was surprised to find that no one was there. The rocks seemed to come from nowhere!

Later, the men noticed that their keys were hidden, and there was a very strange smell in a certain part of the workshop that suddenly became extremely cold. Later, they began to even find money and witnessed objects being thrown across the workshop floor – but they did not know what or by whom!

As a result of this unexplained activity, they decided to close the shop one night and conduct their own séance-style experiment. They placed their hands on a table, fingers touching, and asked the presence to throw a stone at them – which it did! Then one of the men asked for a pen and the entity threw one at them as well!

Who or what did this? The two men simply concluded that they had a ghost in their workshop that had become “like a member of the family” and decided to nickname it “Pete the Poltergeist.”

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The Miracle Gift Of A Reincarnated Pet

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comDo animals reincarnate? As an animal lover and pet owner, I believe they do!

John Edward, the famous psychic medium, once told how his dog came to him in a dream after he died. Apparently, the dog told him that he would be the new dog “with the black spot.”

Soon after, he went to a friend’s house who had a litter of puppies. He really bonded with one of the puppies – it followed him everywhere. However, none of the puppies had a black spot? Edward’s wife took pictures of him with the puppy because she also felt the connection. They left without taking any of the puppies.

When the film was developed, there was a black spot on one of the photos! The black spot appeared in the picture over the puppy he had such a special connection with. Edward immediately went back and got his beloved “new” dog.

My friend’s dog, Inky, was all white with an unusual dark spot on his back. He also had a strong personality and would follow her on her daily walk to work until she turned and said, “Inky, go home.” When he passed away at a young age, my friend was devastated. I remember her saying that she lay on the floor for days, crying, curled up in a fetal position.

A few months later, she walked by a pet store. There was a bunny in the store that looked exactly like Inky. It was all white, with the same distinctive ink pattern on its back. My friend adopted the rabbit, who also turned out to have the same personality as Inky. He would follow her on her way to work until she said, “Bunny, go home.” Continue reading

Signs Of A Pleiadian Starseed Encounter

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!There is a unique group of highly evolved, spiritual beings present on planet Earth who come from the Pleiades, a cluster of stars also known as the Seven Sisters, located approximately 444 light-years from Earth in the constellation of Taurus.

They are known in esoteric circles as the Pleiadians or Starseeds, and I have had the privilege of meeting some of these special individuals in person over the years as a lightworker and channeler. What I have learned from them has been both enlightening and thought provoking.

The Pleiadian Starseeds are extraterrestrial souls who have incarnated on Earth to fulfill specific missions related to bringing about spiritual awakening, sharing knowledge and wisdom to aid in the evolution of humanity, and helping to raise the collective consciousness.

The Pleiadians come from a more technologically and spiritually advanced society and are motivated by a desire to assist humanity in our evolution and to offer guidance on our path to higher consciousness and global spiritual awakening. They are here to assist in the transition to a new era for Earth, one that embraces higher spiritual values, peace and harmony.

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The Magical Ways Spirits Contact Us

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI was recently heartened to learn that a good friend of mine has embarked on an exploratory journey to better understand his psychic abilities and the direction of his spiritual path.

He shared with me his amazement that since he began his developmental journey, more and more spirits have been reaching out to him and asking, “Why me? To which I replied, “Why not you?”

It’s common for spirits to try to communicate with those of us who are more sensitive and receptive. People who are more open to spirit contact tend to experience more paranormal activity and visitations from the deceased.

It is important to note that once you open this particular door to the other side, you may experience an onslaught of souls trying to get your attention.

You have the right to let spirit know that you are willing to listen and communicate only when they present themselves one at a time, and only when you are available and it is convenient for you to do so. It is important to set firm boundaries to ensure that your personal time and energy is respected and protected.

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The Miraculous Roll Of Film

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI have experienced many miracles and magical events in my life. As you read the following incredible story, you will see why I have chosen this particular one to best illustrate my experiences.

When I was 18 years old, I was working at a pre-school in my home town. One of the pupils was a three-year-old girl with whom I felt a real connection. She was an old soul; a bright and talented young artist.

But she usually came to school with unwashed, unbrushed hair and dirty clothes. She would never bring a packed lunch. When her parents came to collect her from school, they were often late and, unlike the other children, she did not run into their arms. There was clearly a disconnect between parent and child.

Eventually I moved several hours away and stopped working at the school. But I still thought of her often and prayed that she was well. A few years after I left, I made some enquiries, but no one knew what had happened to her. I hope she survived her difficult childhood and continued to create art, which I believed may have been her saving grace.

Two decades later, I was visiting the area around my hometown to go hiking with friends in a nearby national park. One day, one of my friends climbed a big rock and I followed him. Then he jumped down and I noticed what looked like something he had accidentally left behind.

“Hey, you dropped your roll of film up here,” I shouted, holding up the roll I’d found on the rock. But it turned out not to be his film and that someone else must have left it there. Maybe that person had the same idea of climbing the rock to take some pictures of the magnificent view.

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Investigating Paranormal Activity

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe existence of ghosts and the paranormal has been a topic of debate and controversy for centuries. With something so abstract it is nearly impossible to find fact in every ghost story. These tales are many times shrouded in myth, legend, and superstition.

However, there are those who make it their life’s work to prove the existence of ghosts and the paranormal. These people, known as paranormal investigators, use various tools and methods to detect any presence of energy that may be other worldly.

The modern field of paranormal investigation requires much more sophisticated tools than one may think. Professional investigators use an array of various technological gadgets and tools, each with its own unique purpose. For basic equipment, most investigators would go nowhere without some type of energy meter, a camera and a voice recorder.

For the more seasoned investigator, an electromagnetic field meter (EMF) and an infrared (IR) thermometer are crucial to a successful and thorough investigation. An EMF detects high levels of electromagnetism, but they are not ‘ghost detectors.’ An EMF only captures the information, but it is up to the investigator to decipher this data. High readings near telephone lines or wiring may be false positives, but a presence in an abandoned building or open field are likely to be more suspect.

An IR thermometer will simply detect changes in temperature, but as with EMF readings these readings must be analyzed and all other sources must be ruled out, before deeming it supernatural.

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Miracles Happen Every Day

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI’ve been very blessed in my work to hear so many people’s stories. Often in my yoga class, we take time for people to share their personal miracles and spiritual experiences. I’ve also had people tell me about miracles that have happened to them throughout their life, privately and in psychic readings.

One of my clients told me about the day she was sitting in her parked car with the window down. A young man suddenly came up to her and put a gun to her head. He demanded she give him her wallet. Then the gun accidentally went off, she believes, while it was pressed right up against her temple.

She instinctively closed her eyes when she heard the click of the trigger and the blast of gunfire. But then she opened her eyes and was still very much alive! The gun was still pressed up against her temple. She turned and looked at the young man, who had a terrified look of shock on his face.  He immediately ran away.

Something had prevented that bullet from hitting her. When she called the police, she actually started wondering whether she might have imagined the gun going off at all? When we have time to think about something we tend to rationalize, and we may begin to think that perhaps we are delusional or making something up. However, the police did find a bullet hole in the side of her passenger door!

A student once told me that she had lost the diamond in her wedding ring. She was devastated and looked all over the house, at work, and even in her car…everywhere she could think of. She spent over a month looking for it, intentionally not vacuuming her car or house.

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