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Using Essential Oils To Enhance Your Psychic Awareness

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Essential oils have many esoteric uses beyond traditional aromatherapy. In fact, many experienced spiritual seekers use essential oils in their daily practices. But what is less well known is that these magical oils can also be used to enhance intuition and promote psychic awareness.

Aromatic substances also help increase focus and clarity during meditation, divination, energy healing, and psychic reading. By engaging the sense of smell, you can more effectively anchor your awareness in the present moment, reduce distractions, and promote a state of mindfulness or psychic attunement to open your channels of intuition. I also feel more attuned to subtle energies and spirit presences when I use aromatherapy in my psychic work.

Essential oils are a wonderful spiritual tool that promote relaxation, mental clarity and emotional balance, which in turn creates a conducive environment for exploring your intuition and inner awareness.

Smell is closely linked to the limbic system in the brain, which is associated with emotions, memories, and instinctual responses. When we encounter a particular scent, it can evoke strong emotional or subconscious reactions. In spiritual practices, certain scents can trigger deep-seated feelings or associations, helping to create a particular mental or emotional state conducive to psychic experiences.

Overall, the power of scent and aroma in spiritual and esoteric practices is multifaceted, involving a combination of sensory, psychological, cultural, and symbolic factors. Aromas serve as powerful tools for creating sacred spaces, enhancing psychic experiences, and facilitating inner transformation through their profound influence on the mind, body, and spirit.

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Tarot Forecast May 2024: Judgement

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!The card for this month is Judgement, which encourages us to rid ourselves of what no longer serves us and to address karmic issues for personal and spiritual growth.

We may especially find ourselves facing the consequences of past actions or decisions this month.

Judgement emphasises the importance of accountability and responsibility, urging us to learn from our experiences and strive for karmic balance. By taking responsibility for our choices, we can break free from negative patterns and create a better future.

This will therefore be a month of reckoning and evaluation. Judgement invites us to reflect on our actions, choices and life path, and challenges us to take responsibility and face any unresolved issues with honesty and courage.

It will be a time of resolution and redemption, allowing us to find closure and make amends for past conflicts or mistakes.

By facing our challenges with integrity and compassion, we can experience inner peace and acceptance, paving the way for healing and growth. It also offers an opportunity for profound transformation and awakening, giving us a fresh start and the chance to embrace new beginnings with optimism and enthusiasm.

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The Wisdom Of Being Open To Psychic Guidance

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!I’ve seen firsthand the transformative power of being open to the truth and the willingness to receive guidance in a psychic reading. I have also seen the opposite, and its sometimes devastating consequences.

Every reading offers the potential for profound insight and growth, but sometimes people struggle to face the truth in the answers and guidance they receive.

One particular reading stands out in my memory as a poignant example.

Several years ago, a client came to me for a reading about a very challenging romantic relationship. With a troubled look and a sense of urgency, she asked her question:

“Will my relationship with my partner get better?”

As I tapped into the energies surrounding her situation, the answers that emerged were quite disturbing and definitely not what she had expected. The runes spoke of lies, deception, and deep-seated issues that did not bode well for her or the relationship. However, when I shared this message with her, she was not at all pleased. Instead she reacted with resentment and stubborn resistance.

“That’s not what I asked,” she insisted, her voice tinged with anxious frustration.

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The Mystical Tradition Of Reading Coffee Grounds

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Traditional Turkish coffee is unique in its preparation. Prepared without the addition of milk, cream, and other additives, it focuses on the pure, robust flavors of the coffee.

The art of brewing Turkish coffee is a meticulous process using a special coffee pot called a cezve or ibrik, which produces coffee with a strong flavor and thick, frothy texture. The grounds remain in the cup when it is served, contributing to the distinctive bitter taste that is a hallmark of this revered beverage.

In addition to its strong taste and aroma, Turkish coffee has a mystical appeal and a long history as a divination tool. The use of Turkish coffee grounds for divination, known as tasseography or kafemandeia, is a traditional practice in many cultures, including Turkish, Arabic and Greek.

In other cultures, tasseography is mostly practiced with tea leaves or wine sediments, but in Istanbul, coffee grounds became the preferred medium for this mystical art.

Steeped in history, the practice can be traced back to the Ottoman Empire, when coffee divination became popular in the 16th century in the harem of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent, located in the Topkapi Palace in Istanbul, Turkey. This divination ritual was originally a way for the women of the harem to share news, gossip, and insights. At the time, women were banned from public coffeehouses, so fortunetellers, commonly known as “falci,” were allowed into the harem to read for the sultan’s wives. The term “fal” means “omen” or “fortune.”

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Lenormand Cards Illuminate The Everyday

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!A few years ago, I met a fellow psychic online who recommended that I add Lenormand cards to my divination repertoire. It is a decision I will always cherish, as learning these cards has certainly benefited both my spiritual and professional journey.

Like Tarot, it is a card-based divination system rich in symbolism, but it is simpler than Tarot, with fewer cards in the deck, and easier to learn. Lenormand has only thirty-six cards instead of the bulkier 78-card Tarot deck.

This system of cartomancy is named after Marie Anne Lenormand (1772-1843), a famous French fortune teller of the Napoleonic era who was known for her work with influential figures of her time, although she did not create the cards herself. Lenormand cards became popular in the 19th century and have seen a resurgence of interest in recent years.

I use two types of Lenormand decks in my readings. One is the Petite deck and the other is the Dondorf Lenormand.

The design of the Petite Lenormand deck is simpler and more direct than that of the Dondorf Lenormand, focusing on clear, easily recognizable symbols without extensive ornamentation. This simplicity is intended to facilitate the interpretation of the cards, as the symbols and their combinations are the primary means of divination. The cards are also smaller than typical tarot cards and are modeled directly after the types of decks that Ms. Lenormand herself might have used or recognized.

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The Wonderful Ways We Receive Messages From Spirit

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!As spiritual beings on a human journey, we are constantly guided in our daily lives by the spirit realm and the divine to assist us with life decisions, karmic choices, spiritual growth, fulfillment of our purpose, and prophetic insights into the future.

Our deceased loved ones, ancestors, spirit guides, angels and the divine communicate with us constantly to provide comfort and reassurance during difficult times, to remind us that we are never alone, and that we are loved and watched over.

Spirit also imparts wisdom and knowledge to help us find closure, forgiveness, and healing. However, in order to clearly receive, interpret, and apply the wisdom of these messages, we must be mindful and cultivate a heightened spiritual awareness.

Messages from the other side also serve as a reminder of the continuity of existence beyond physical life. Our deceased loved ones want to assure us that we will be reunited with them in the afterlife and that there is an ongoing connection between that spirit realm and the physical world.

Sometimes spirit simply communicates with us to remind us that the spirit realm is all around us and easily accessible, and to encourage an open and spiritually aware life. Our ancestors and guides also aim to assist us in our spiritual journey and soul evolution. In some circumstances, spirit will also communicate with us as an act of divine intervention or intercession, to warn us of impending dangers or negative influences, and to help protect us from harm.

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Tarot Forecast April 2024: Queen Of Wands

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!This month the Queen of Wands, a figure of authority and natural leadership, brings confidence, determination, and the ability to charm and inspire those around us. She is the Queen of Fire, symbolizing creativity, vitality and passion.

In the coming month we should be attuned to our ambitions as they may be strengthened. We may feel inspired to set new goals and make firmer decisions. There will be new motivational energies in our careers or businesses that will make it easier to keep our work goals and projects on track. This same energy will push us to get things done and take us to the next step.

The energy of the Queen of Wands calls us to tap into our inner self with instinct and confidence. As we face challenges in our professional or personal lives, our greatest asset this month is our self-awareness and ability to lead with confidence. Her energy will allow us to take control of situations that require a bold approach.

The Queen advises us to maintain our ideas and visions, especially in environments where our charisma can help others toward a common goal. Remember, to share is to care, so don’t hold back your gifts.

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