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The Psychic Technique Of Remote Viewing

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Recently, Brazilian psychic Chaline Grazik made waves when she predicted a plane crash during an Instagram live broadcast on August 8, 2024. Grazik urged her followers to start praying after she had a vision of a falling plane with many people on board. Sadly, the very next day, a tragic plane crash near São Paulo claimed the lives of 62 people.

Psychic visionaries, or “seers,” have always piqued people’s curiosity. Known as clairvoyance, “psychic vision,” or “third eye seeing,” people with this psychic ability are able to see visual information about objects, people, places, or events in their mind’s eye without relying on the normal senses. It is a fascinating phenomenon that has woven its way through history and has had a significant influence on religion, metaphysics, spiritualism, and scientific research.

There are documented examples of psychic visions dating as far back as ancient times. One of the most famous is the Pythia or Oracle of Delphi in ancient Greece. She was known for her prophetic visions, including one given to King Croesus of Lydia in the 6th century BC. In a trance-induced vision, she foresaw him fatally cross a river. She then cryptically warned him, “If you cross the river, a great empire will be destroyed.” Croesus took this as a sign that he would triumph over Persia, but the prophetic vision ultimately meant the downfall of his own empire.

The Bible also has its share of references to psychic visions. For example, the prophet Isaiah described a vision of angelic beings surrounding God’s throne (Isaiah 6), while Peter had a vision of a sheet of animals descending from heaven (Acts 10), among many others.

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How To Increase Your Psychic Awareness

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!People often tell me that they wish they had psychic abilities. The truth is, we all do! Like any other talent, it just takes practice to develop your individual psychic potential.

You can develop your psychic awareness in the same way that you can practice playing a musical instrument or a sport. Of course, some people are more gifted musically or athletically, but that does not prevent anyone from acquiring a certain level of skill.

People with exceptional psychic potential tend to exhibit divergent thinking, or the ability to generate multiple solutions or perspectives to a problem. They tend to think outside the box, make unconventional connections and approach challenges with creativity, flexibility and originality.

People are also more likely to have exceptional psychic potential if they are emotionally sensitive, have high levels of empathy and transpersonal awareness.

But overall, giftedness or psychic talent is a multifaceted inner potential influenced by a combination of factors including genetic predisposition, natural aptitude, personality, environmental factors, motivation, developmental opportunities and one’s unique soul plan and purpose.

While some people demonstrate exceptional abilities from an early age, psychic awareness is a dynamic and evolving quality that can be cultivated, nurtured and expressed in different ways throughout life.

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The Psychic Insights Of Remote Viewing

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIn my own journey of intuitive development, I have been exploring the possibilities of Remote Viewing. It is a psychic skill that is not often talked about.

Remote viewing is a clairvoyance technique that allows you to gather information about a distant or unseen target, such as a specific location, object, or event, using extrasensory perception (ESP) or “anomalous cognition.”

Remote viewers have minimal or no prior information about the target and rely solely on their capacity for “nonlocal awareness” (distant psychic sensing) to explore and describe it.

Remote Viewing gained popularity in the 1970s and 1980s, primarily through the efforts of the U.S. government-sponsored Stargate Project.

It is essentially the practice of clairvoyance using a formalized technique or protocol developed by the U.S. military during the Cold War as a tool for intelligence gathering. Over time, however, it has transcended its military origins and become a subject of interest to those seeking to tap into their latent psychic abilities.

Although a number of remote viewing studies have been conducted by individual researchers, most of the activity in this field to date has been conducted by three major laboratories: The Stanford Research Institute (SRI) in Palo Alto, California, the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research Laboratory (PEAR) at Princeton University, and the Mobius Laboratory in Los Angeles, California.

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The Future Possibilities Of Business Telepathy

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIn the dynamic world of business, where the exchange of ideas and the capture of customer attention are paramount, a form of communication that goes beyond conventional channels is an intriguing prospect. Consider, for example, the possibilities of telepathy as a groundbreaking business communication strategy.

While the concept of telepathic communication in the business environment may seem strange, esoteric, and far-fetched, I foresee a future where this transpersonal phenomenon will change the way businesses operate and communicate.

I envision a future where parapsychological principles and transcendental phenomena will increasingly merge with emerging technologies, and this heightened form of communication will be used to foster mutual understanding, teamwork, increased innovation and creativity, and a common purpose in the business environment.

Telepathy transcends the physical or material and extends into the realm of consciousness, intuition and psychic perception. It is the vicarious transmission of thoughts, ideas and information from one mind to another without the use of known human sensory channels or physical interaction.

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The Ancient Art Of Scrying

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhen the evil queen in Walt Disney’s animated classic, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937),  says, “Magic mirror, on the wall, who is the fairest one of all?” she is not merely admiring the beauty of her own reflection. Instead, she is practicing an ancient divination technique known as scrying. In this case ‘mirror scrying,’ also known as catoptromancy.

Scrying is the metaphysical practice of gazing into a reflective surface, such as a crystal ball, mirror or water, in order to perceive spiritual insights, spirit messages or clairvoyant visions of the future.

In most societies, since time began, people used different tools in attempts to scry for answers about the present and future. It seems to be human nature to want to know what is in store for us in the future. Often scrying was done in the confines of royalty or religion – reserved only for the privileged few deemed worthy to do it.

Scrying was often a practice learned and applied within a family, as children often watched their elders scry. People did not write down how to do such things in the early days. The secrets of scrying was handed down from one family member to another. However, this metaphysical practice can be learned by almost all people with some dedication, concentration and patience.

Many objects can be used to scry. Apart from the traditional crystal ball or mirror, one can also make use of a candle, water, ink, smoke, tea leaves, or even a glass of dark wine. In ancient Egypt there were sacred lotus pools used by priests for scrying. Shallow scrying bowls, carved from dark stone, have been found in many parts of the world. When filled with water, ink or dark red wine they too became ‘mirrors’ for scrying. The crystal sphere that many modern practitioners use is a more recent innovation. The earliest examples, used primarily for divination date, from about 1500 AD.

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A Cheater Is Never ‘The One’

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI have been doing love and relationship readings for over 30 years now…and one thing I have learned is that staying in a toxic, soul-crushing relationship with a partner who is cheating never ends well.

I am clairvoyant and therefore able to remote view the lives of my clients. I can see, for example, if there are other women around someone’s husband or boyfriend.

Sadly, whenever this kind of information comes up in a reading, I find some clients refuse to accept the truth of their situation. They are often in denial and believe that their unfaithful partner or spouse will change his ways.

In readings, I also analyze the couple’s astrological compatibility and their romance and marriage aspects – which oftentimes further indicates their partner came into this incarnation with a predisposition for infidelity, polygamy, sex addiction, and so on.

As a seasoned love psychic, I can assure you the best thing most people in such a relationship can do for themselves is to get out of it! Never settle for less than you deserve in a relationship. If you are currently doing that, reflect on your self-worth. Self-respect is impossible without self-love.

Indeed, no relationship is perfect, and it always requires commitment, dedication, hard work, compromise and at times even some personal sacrifice. But this should never include being okay with infidelity and dishonesty. Cheating should be a dealbreaker, no matter what.

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Eye Gazing As A Spiritual Practice

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comEye gazing is a powerful, ancient practice in which two people engage in a shared meditation practice during which eye contact is maintained for an extended period of time. Eye gazing is usually done for about ten minutes at a time, although it can certainly be any duration preferred.

Eye gazing can be used to access past life information, promote healing, connect to your higher self, guides, or angels, and almost anything else you can imagine. The eyes are the windows to our soul, and our soul is the singularity that connects us to everything else: the Universe, Source, God, the Divine. Eye gazing is also a profound manifesting tool we can use to further develop our ‘spiritual muscles,’ so to speak.

Before you include eye gazing in your spiritual practice, I recommend you read my previous blog on the essentials of eye gazing. Once you are more familiar with the basics, you can also apply the following guidelines to your eye gazing practice.

To use eye gazing for a specific purpose, you must set a clear intention beforehand, and then hold that intention throughout the gaze. You hold an intention by simply keeping a gentle awareness in the back of your mind that what you are seeing during the gaze is relevant to your intention, and trusting that whatever comes forward is always relevant.

It’s important not to simultaneously hold any expectations about what you’re going to see, or to resist anything that comes up spontaneously, just because you don’t immediately see its relevance or connection to your intention. Keep an open mind and be flexible and accepting in the flow of your gazing experience.

If you’re gazing alone, sit comfortably in front of a mirror, take a few centering breaths, and then state your intention out loud. I prefer to speak aloud in my spiritual practice whenever possible, as words are energy forms and therefore add a ‘weight’ to our prayer requests, intentions, and affirmations. State your intention out loud and ask Spirit to provide insight around this intention. Use language that feels right for you.

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