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Invoking The Power And Beauty Of Freya

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!The goddess Freya has a special place in my spiritual self-care routine. I often turn to her when I need extra guidance and support.

Freya is the ancient Norse goddess of love, beauty, fertility, and war. She is one of the most important deities in Norse mythology, embodying the ultimate ancient archetype for ‘girl power’ and ‘boss lady’ energy.

She is traditionally revered for her deep wisdom, boundless compassion, and fierce protection. Invoking her divine feminine power has brought much transformative and empowering energy to many aspects of my life.

In Norse folklore, Freya rides a chariot drawn by two large, powerful cats and is often depicted wearing the Brísingamen necklace, a symbol of her power and beauty.

The Brísingamen was created by four dwarves known for their exceptional craftsmanship. The necklace symbolizes beauty, desire and the power of attraction. It also represents Freyja’s connection to the earth and its fertility.

Freya is the leader of the Valkyries, the warrior maidens who choose those who may die and those who may live in battle. Freyja is said to receive half of the slain warriors in her heavenly field, Fólkvangr, while the other half go to Odin’s hall, Valhalla.

This dual role highlights her authority and revered status among the gods, bridging the realms of life and death. The Valkyries, under her guidance, serve not only as fierce selectors of the fallen but also as protectors and guides for these chosen souls, ensuring their honored place in the afterlife.

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The True Spiritual Meaning Of The Pentagram

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Perhaps no other spiritual or religious icon is as misunderstood as the pentagram, or pentacle. The true symbolism of the pentagram, a five-pointed star often surrounded by a circle, is commonly misrepresented.

Contrary to popular misconceptions that associate it with darkness, evil, or Satanism, the pentagram has multiple meanings within various spiritual and religious traditions, most notably within Paganism and modern Wicca.

The pentagram has been a spiritual symbol of significance for millennia, long before its association with modern religious movements.

Historically, it has been used by cultures around the world, often to represent celestial bodies, principles of harmony, or mystical concepts. Its use first appeared in ancient Greece and Mesopotamia around the 1st millennium BC.

It is not widely known that there are significant historical connections between the pentagram and Christianity. Prior to the widespread use of the cross, the pentagram was a popular symbol to adorn the jewelry and amulets of early Christians, often alongside an “X” or a phoenix. This symbol was associated with the five wounds of Christ and also represented the concept of Alpha and Omega united, as the star could be drawn in one continuous movement of the pen.

In contemporary contexts, particularly within Wicca and related neo-pagan belief systems, the pentacle has positive connotations. It’s seen as a symbol of protection, spirituality, and the interconnectedness of the elements. Each point of the star represents an aspect of balance, holistic existence, conscious living, and the cyclical nature of life.

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The Angels, Spirits And Mystical Beings That Walk Among Us

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!When I was very young, I had a strange dream. I was in the living room of our house, and it was very late at night. I dreamed that I went to the window. The curtains were closed, but I pushed them aside to look out. There I saw a vision that I will never forget.

In our front yard stood an old woman with white hair. She was holding what looked like a glowing rock or quartz crystal.

I remember thinking to myself that this was all very strange, that it might not be good for her to be standing there in the cold so late at night. But I also remember not feeling surprised or scared. Instead, I felt comforted and curious at the same time.

Then the old lady turned around, as if she had noticed me. But instead of looking at me, she bent down, gently dropped the glowing crystal on the grass, and walked away.

Twenty years later, I was at the checkout counter in a supermarket and noticed an unusual old lady nearby. Something about her told me she was a very special soul. We are all unique, of course, but this lady was definitely not from around here! She was wearing vintage fashion that was clearly from the 1920s. Before I could figure out why she drew my attention, she started walking toward me.

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Is It Safe To Use A Ouija Board?

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI have been asked over the years if it is safe to use the Ouija Board as a spiritual or divinatory tool. This is a simple question with a complex answer, as it depends very much on who will be using the Ouija, as well as the intended purpose or goal.

To simply say yes or no would be the same as saying someone should or should not use tarot cards, runes, crystal balls, or scrying mirrors, as they all involve communication with the spirit realm.

While I personally do not use Ouija as a mediumship or divination tool, it certainly should not be used as a toy, especially by people who are simply curious and unfamiliar with working with the spirit realm.

I do not know of anyone who has been physically harmed by contacting spirit via Ouija, but I have worked in the past with a client whose mental health and emotional well-being were severely affected by it.

I’ve also heard from a fellow psychic involved in paranormal investigations that she was called in to deal with disturbing paranormal activity in someone’s home that was triggered by a botched amateur séance.

Contrary to popular belief, the Ouija board was originally created as a fun family board game that seemed to have nothing to do with spiritualism or the occult. The truth is that the concept actually has spiritual origins. There is evidence, for example, of a planchette-like device used for divination in ancient China around 1100 A.D., and it is a historical fact that the commercial Ouija Board “game” actually has its roots in spiritualism.

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The Mythical Legacy Of Dogs

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe cat isn’t the only pet with a long history of myth and legend. Dogs have played an important role in human culture and spirituality for centuries.

The dog, or “man’s best friend,” is the subject of many magical tales, wisdom traditions, and folklore throughout the world. Like the cat, dogs were companions of the ancients and are still considered symbols of loyalty, courage and protection.

In Greek mythology, dogs are associated with the goddess Hecate, who is also known as the “dog goddess.” She is the goddess of witchcraft, magic, and the crossroads, and is typically depicted in ancient Greek art with a pack of dogs at her side.

Today, the brightest star in the night sky, Sirius, is also known as the Dog Star, because it is traditionally seen as the protector of the night sky. In many cultures, Sirius has been associated with dogs because of its brightness and prominence.

Perhaps the most famous dog in Greek mythology is Cerberus, the three-headed guardian of the underworld. Cerberus not only prevented the dead from leaving the underworld, but also the living from entering it. He was finally captured by the hero Heracles in one of his twelve labors. Another famous Greek dog is Laelaps, a swift dog given by the god Zeus to the hunter Actaeon. Laelaps was so fast that he could catch any prey, but he was also cursed to always catch his prey.

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A Message From Grandmother Moon

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe Moon is traditionally revered as a beloved relative by the Anishinaabe peoples, a large group of culturally-related indigenous people in the United States and Canada. She is known as Nookomis, or ‘My Grandmother.’ Throughout the ages the elders of Ojibwe, one of the largest tribes of the Anishinaabe, shared with younger generations the creation story of their people.

The legend begins with Manitou, the Great Spirit, who created the Universe by dreaming it into existence. Manitou then decided he wanted to create a special creature like himself who could also dream, imagine and create. But he could not accomplish this on his own. He needed the help of the divine feminine energy of Geezhigo-Quae, the Sky Woman.

So, he ascended to her in the sky and asked her to be the mother of his children. She agreed and came down to earth to give birth to twins on the back of a Great Turtle. She named the boy and the girl ‘Anishinaabe,’ meaning ‘human’ or ‘person’ born from the mind of the Creator.

Before she returned to her home in the sky, Manitou gave her a new name: Nookomis, the Great Mother of the Anishinaabe. Grandmother Moon now lives in the sky world as a nurturing, protective energy watching over her many grandchildren by providing light and reassurance in the darkest of nights.

During my meditation today, I received a message from Grandmother Moon, which I am to carry forward myself this year and share with others who also wish to embrace her guidance. The message I am to share is simply this:

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Remembering The Lost Wisdom Of Lemuria

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIn 2013, the scientific journal Nature pusblished a report that a long-lost continent had been discovered hidden under the Indian Ocean island of Mauritius. This was furher confirmed by another study pusblished in 2017. What makes this unprecedented announcement especially interesting for the modern estoteric community is that it confirms the long-held belief that a lost continent called Lemuria, or the Land of Mu, did in fact exist, exactly as some scholars had speculated as far back as the mid-1800s.

Although not yet confirmed by modern science, it is also believed that this lost continent was once inhabited by an extinct race of prehistoric humans known as Lemurians. It is believed the Lemurians coexisted with the dinosaurs. They are even said to have had four arms and very tall, large, adrogynous bodies.

The legend of Lemuria and its inhabitants gained increased interest in the esoteric community when Helena Blavatsky, the Russian mystic and co-founder of the Theosophical Society, published her famous book The Secret Doctine in 1888. In the second part of the book, she describes how humanity originated and evolved from seven “root races” dating back millions of years. According to Madame Blavatsky the third root race was the first to be truly human and they existed on the lost continent of Lemuria, while the fourth root race is said to have developed in Atlantis.

“Occultism rejects the idea that Nature developed man from the ape, or even from an ancestor common to both, but traces, on the contrary, some of the most anthropoid species to the Third Race man,” writes Blavatsky.

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