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Tarot Forecast July 2024: The Tower

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!This month’s card is the Tower, which predicts the energies of disruption, revelation, transformation and the breaking down of old structures.

The Tower card is a powerful symbol of sudden upheaval and change. It’s traditionally depicted as a tall tower struck by lightning, representing chaos and upheaval. It represents life throwing us a curveball.

As lightning strikes and flames dismantle the old structure, it forces us to confront our foundations and belief systems. While painful, this destruction can lead to necessary revelations and a chance to rebuild on a stronger foundation. By letting go of what no longer serves you, you open yourself up to new possibilities.

The Tower showing up in a reading, though scary and troubling at first glance, always precedes a period of significant growth. Destruction creates opportunity. Most situations we face are opportunities, even the bad ones. It’s all about the opportunity and how you see it.

Embracing chaos will be the key to clarity and growth this month. This is a time to rebuild and redesign your life in a way that is more in line with your true self.

Approach the month with an open heart and a willingness to let go of what no longer serves you. Whether it’s health, finances, career, relationships or personal growth, the Tower’s influence will lead you to a more liberated and empowered version of yourself. Trust the transformative power of the Tower. Embrace the changes and you will emerge from this month stronger, wiser and more in alignment with your true self.

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Free Yourself From Karmic Debt

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!One of the most important things we must do before we leave this life and embrace the next is to ensure that our karmic debts are completely resolved. By doing so, we leave this world unburdened and ready to embrace our next existence with complete bliss.

Now, if the consequences you may suffer in the afterlife are not of much concern to you, and you feel that karma is not really your problem, you may want to reconsider.

Carrying the heavy burden of karmic debt can also cause considerable misery and struggle in our present daily lives, manifesting as recurring negative patterns and obstacles that hinder our progress and well-being.

Our unresolved karma often leads to dysfunctional relationships, financial difficulties, health problems, and emotional turmoil as past harmful actions generate corresponding negative consequences. An ongoing state of karmic debt fosters feelings of frustration, helplessness, and despair, making it difficult to achieve happiness, joy, fulfillment, and peace.

By carrying the weight of unresolved karmic debt, you may find yourself trapped in a cycle of suffering, unable to break free and achieve the positive, fulfilling life you desire.

Karmic debt is a concept rooted in the spiritual principle of karma, which is a fundamental belief in many Eastern philosophies and religions, especially Hinduism and Buddhism. Karma refers to the universal law of cause and effect, whereby every action has a corresponding reaction. Our poor choices and negative actions create a spiritual debt. By acknowledging this debt and resolving our past mistakes, we achieve a state of inner peace, higher consciousness, spiritual growth and enlightenment.

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The Transformative Power Of Vulnerability

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI find that spirit wants to remind us that vulnerability offers us a special kind of magic in our lives. It is a theme that comes up regularly in psychic readings I do for my clients.

Vulnerability can transform lives, careers, relationships and families in profound ways. But for many of us, life has taught us that being vulnerable is a ‘weakness’ that puts us at risk.

Many of us have built walls around ourselves to protect ourselves because we feel we risk rejection, judgment, or failure if we allow ourselves to be vulnerable. The ego tells us it’s best not to take those risks at all!

Instead, we harden our hearts and keep our distance, choosing to figure out what others might think, feel or do before we are willing to put ourselves out there in any way.

But by shying away from being open, authentic, and transparent with our thoughts, feelings, hopes, fears, and desires, we actually block the very outcomes in life that we hope for.

So, how do you get more comfortable opening up and allowing yourself to be authentic and vulnerable? And how does that open you up to the very results you want to manifest in your life?

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Being Patient With The Man You Love

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhen we meet someone we’re attracted to, we don’t always listen to our inner voice and tend to go with our heart instead of our head. And when we don’t listen to our inner guidance and get ahead of ourselves, we tend to get hurt.

I think it is fair to say that modern women prefer men who say what they mean and mean what they say. Women today are independent and we want someone who can stand his ground and bring out the best in us.

Today’s empowered woman wants a gentleman, a best friend, a soulmate and a superhero all in one. We want romance and respect, adventure and security, strength and tenderness.

But most of all, we want loyalty, honesty and trust. Because without that, we have nothing. Unfortunately, some men never speak their minds, and some never tell the truth.

There are also men who come on too strong, always calling, always texting, making you feel like he can’t live without you and everything seems almost too good to be true. Then suddenly one day he is gone, missing in action, retreated to his cave.

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The Dealbreakers And Dealmakers Of Dating

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comDating has changed a lot in recent years, especially with the advent of social media and dating apps. But one thing that has not changed is that most people still want to meet someone special to share their lives with.

I had to venture back into the dating scene myself after my husband passed away several years ago. At first, I had absolutely no interest in meeting someone new, but after a long period of grieving, healing, and self-reflection, I finally realized that I did not want or need to be alone for the rest of my life.

I remember so many people giving me dating and relationship advice after I became a widow. They particularly advised me not to remarry, especially at my age. “Trust me, you don’t need the headaches and drama,” they all said. “You’ll never find someone as good as him,” one predicted. “It’s a toxic war zone out there,” lamented another. Relatives, friends, and even neighbors all had something negative or skeptical to say.

While I appreciated everyone’s concern and well-meant intentions at the time, I decided to stay true to myself and trust my inner guidance. You see, I already knew something they did not.
Spirit revealed to me toward the end of my grieving period that I would eventually meet someone new, but that I would have to take the necessary steps to make it happen. My future partner was not going to miraculously show up at my door. I had to put myself out there to meet him.

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A Spiritual Life Must Be An Authentic Life

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhile attending a spiritual retreat, my friend, who is also a psychic medium, suddenly said, “You see the woman over there?”

“Yes,” I said. “Who is she? Do you know her?”

“I do,” she replied. “She’s a poser.”

Well, I was not familiar with the term ‘poser,’ so I responded, “What are you talking about? What is a poser?”

She then explained that the woman in question claims to have been a working as a psychic medium for 30 years, with lots of credentials and certifications from different organizations. However, my friend was at another convention just the previous year, where she had met this lady. And at the time, she told my friend that she had only recently discovered that she was psychic!

“That, my friend,” she concluded, “is what I call a ‘poser.”

Well, this was a stark reminder for me. In this ‘post-truth era’ we now live in, it seems anyone can claim to be an expert in anything, as long they can talk a good game. Watching the nightly news just last week, there was a report of a ‘doctor’ who finally got caught after he had been practicing medicine for years without the necessary credentials.

The notions of people being ‘posers’ reminds me of what some of my clients have been saying about online dating apps they have tried. There are many posers on all the social media platforms. People lie about their age, profession, relationship status, and so on. Some also use fake profile photos.

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When A Psychic Tells You The Unwelcome Truth

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comA psychic who works with integrity conveys to her clients the truth of what she receives from spirit. These messages do not always meet the expectations of what a client may want to hear, but it will always be what they need to hear.

For example, if you have been clinging to a toxic relationship or remain stuck in a dead-end job, your psychic most likely will receive information from spirit to advise you to move on. God, Source, Spirit, the Divine knows what is best for our highest good, even when we choose to believe the opposite and remain in denial.

One of the most important lessons I have learned over the years as a professional psychic, is to always trust whatever information or guidance I am given, even if it makes no sense to me personally and it is also not what the client is hoping to hear.

Ethical psychics and mediums never tell someone what they want to hear simply to appease them. Sugar-coating the truth does not serve the client’s highest good in the long run. Instead, it just prolongs their unhappiness and misery.

Several years ago, I did a series of readings for someone who was madly in love with someone that she had moved across the country to be near. She had placed her entire life on hold, gave up many good things in her life, and relocated…even though he was married. He had told her how much he loved her, made many promises, and confirmed repeatedly that he wanted to be with her. He even encouraged her to give up everything and move closer to him, for them to be together.

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