Seeing Spirit Signs In Ordinary Things
Seeing see spirit signs and meaningful symbols in ordinary things is a common phenomenon among the spiritually aware. One way that many of us see such signs is by observing meaningful shapes or patterns in ordinary things.
As a child, while having breakfast, I would often see faces or animals in my eggs or oatmeal. I never gave it a second thought that other kids might not see what I did. It even became a game for me to count how many things I could see. And to this day, my morning cup of coffee or tea with cream often produces all sorts of wonderful shapes for my amusement.
In the fourth grade, while eating lunch at school one day, I asked the kids around me if anyone else also saw faces in their food. Two kids said yes, but most said they did not. The three of us who did see faces agreed to see how many more things we could see in this way, and report back our discoveries to each other. It created a special bond between us that lasted throughout our school years. To this day we still sometimes compare notes.
My sister and I also created a game of face counting while taking long car rides with our parents. We were only allowed to count the faces and animals we spotted on our side of the car. Once we reached our destination, the one with the highest count received a prize, which was usually a small trinket from the local department store.
Even my older sister, who does not believe in much that cannot be scientifically verified, sees chariots in the sky. To this day, at age 78, she will say, “Look! Do you see the chariots and horses in the clouds?’ Much to my chagrin, I have never been able to see it myself.
Combining Cartomancy With Pendulum Dowsing
Every psychic is different on how they do readings using divination tools. I like to challenge myself and push the envelope. I have developed my own divination method by combining the use of a regular deck of playing cards and a pendulum to do psychic readings.
A pendulum is a weighted object at the end of a string or chain and it can be used for both dowsing and divination. The ‘bob’ of the pendulum is usually a crystal, piece of metal or some other gemstone. Pendulums have different sizes and shapes and they come in many colors. I use a quartz crystal pendulum with a 12 inch chain. Divination with a pendulum can be done in many different ways, including using charts. You can even use a simple chart you draw on a normal sheet of paper.
The idea to use a pendulum and deck of cards at the same time came to me many years back, when I felt the need for a new psychic challenge. When I do psychic readings with playing cards, I find it helps to open up my psychic abilities even more.
You may wonder how anyone can use an ordinary deck of playing cards, instead of the Tarot or oracle cards, to do readings. Well, I can feel the energy or ‘vibes’ better by using ordinary playing cards when I do a reading.
When I was younger I used to give readings to friends, and I discovered the cards give off a very strong energy for me. I am guided by spirit when I read, and when my psychic abilities kick in I feel a ‘heat’ or I feel my hand drawn to certain cards. I get an even more accurate result when I use a pendulum, instead of my hands.