energy awareness
Spiritual Self-Care For The Sensitive Soul
For those of us who are highly sensitive, including psychics, mediums, healers, and empaths, practicing consistent spiritual self-care is essential to maintaining our overall well-being.
If you identify with this group and neglect the daily maintenance of your energetic health and spiritual hygiene, you leave yourself vulnerable. This can manifest as emotional, mental, and even physical health problems. The good news? You can safeguard your well-being with a dedicated spiritual self-care routine.
Spiritual self-care is about nurturing your inner being and maintaining healthy energy flow and balance. It includes practices that support your spiritual well-being and ensure that you stay grounded, centered, and connected to your higher self and the universe.
Regular spiritual self-care is also a matter of health. Research strongly supports the positive effects of spirituality on our overall health. Studies show that spiritually active people tend to live longer and enjoy better mental and physical health. For example, spirituality has been shown to correlate with a reduced risk of Alzheimer’s disease and cognitive decline.
Spirituality is associated with better mental health, including lower levels of depression and anxiety. Studies show that spiritual activities promote positive emotions such as hope, forgiveness, and gratitude, which contribute to resilience to stress and emotional challenges. It also promotes healthier lifestyles, including reduced substance use and better stress management.
Not Everyone Chooses The Path Of Healing
You’ve probably heard the phrase “what they don’t know can’t hurt them.” Sometimes this is true, but there are also times when what people choose to ignore or disregard can cause real harm – not only to themselves, but also to those around them.
For those of us with psychic or spiritual gifts, there’s an added complexity: the ability to sense the struggles of others, which leads to the question of when and how to help.
Intuitives, channelers and healers are very aware of the energy of others, even when we’re just going about our daily routines. Whether it’s a stranger in the grocery store or a friend across the room, we tend to sense when someone is struggling with grief, trauma or stress.
We may choose to quietly send them comforting or healing energy, hoping it will ease their pain, even if only for a moment, yet the urge to help can be very strong in these situations. And while reaching out and offering help can be very uplifting or rewarding for everyone involved, there are times when our attempts to help are met with resistance, or worse, denial.
It’s especially challenging to see someone we care about turn a blind eye to their own needs or pain, and even more so when our support is disregarded or unappreciated.
One of the hardest lessons I have had to learn in both my personal and professional life is that I can only help those who are willing to help themselves. The sad truth is that sometimes people choose not to act on information that could improve their lives or change their destiny. Instead, their negativity, anger, or fear allows the problem to fester or the behavior to grow, affecting not only themselves but also their loved ones. Over time, this denial creates a cycle of suffering that affects physical, mental and karmic health and well-being, sometimes for generations.
Our Pets Are Telepathically Connected To Us
I’m in the midst of a major move with my two dogs – a process that has made me even more aware of how much our pets are telepathically connected to us. It also reminded me of the importance of always being aware of the energy I project.
The move took months of planning, involving the sale of my house and more complex logistics for my pets’ travel arrangements than I’ve ever encountered before. I’m now especially aware of my need to consciously project positive, happy thoughts to make it less traumatic and stressful for them.
My six-year-old Labrador mix, Jake, has already shown clear signs of picking up on the new atmosphere around the house. For example, before visitors arrive, he is now more aware of their approach. Yesterday, for example, when a realtor and photographer were scheduled to visit, Jake sat at the glass door, watching intently and whimpering for more than ten minutes before their arrival.
I have made a similar observation with my neighbor in the past. I always know when he’s coming over because Jake sits at the door and waits for several minutes before he arrives. As a former dog groomer, my neighbor is never surprised by this because he also believes in mental communication with animals.
Rupert Sheldrake, a prominent biologist and consciousness researcher, has devoted considerable attention to animal telepathy, focusing in particular on the psychic ability of dogs to anticipate their owners’ return home. His groundbreaking research, documented in his book Dogs That Know When Their Owners Are Coming Home, includes numerous reports of dogs waiting at doors or windows before their human companions even begin their journey home.
Energy Protection 101
Energy protection is something I practice daily and has been a cornerstone of my health and self-care routine for decades.
Over time, it has become more than just a personal practice, as it is an integral part of my daily professional life as a psychic. It is also a spiritual necessity that I often emphasize with my clients.
In a world where we’re constantly interacting with different energies, maintaining our auric boundaries is essential.
Many of my clients, like me, find themselves drained by encounters with certain people, and I love sharing my tools and techniques to help them stay energetically protected. This is especially important when they are forced to share space or interact with those they would prefer to avoid.
We all experience times when we can’t avoid being around people who don’t have our best interests at heart. From personal experience and the stories my clients tell me, I’ve found that these challenging relationships most often occur in close-knit groups, such as family or neighbors – people with whom we must coexist despite underlying tensions.
But why does this happen? Based on my observations, it often comes down to control issues or unresolved emotional issues.
For example, family dynamics can bring out hidden tensions. Siblings may become resentful if they feel one isn’t doing enough to help an aging parent. It’s easy to assume someone isn’t pulling their weight without looking at the bigger picture.
Being Present In Your Power
In my field of work, one becomes acutely aware of the importance of being present in one’s power on a daily basis. Our personal vibration acts as a “passport” to profound spiritual experiences, helping us to access different levels of awareness, psychic perception and self-empowerment.
Our personal vibration is essentially the energy we radiate and attract in return. It shapes our experiences and interactions with the world around us.
A higher vibration is associated with positive feelings, clarity, and a sense of connection to something greater, as well as manifesting abundance, well-being and prosperity. Conversely, a lower vibration can manifest as negativity, confusion, and a sense of disconnection, dysfunction, lack and scarcity.
Raising our vibration involves practices that promote emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. These practices can include meditation, prayer, visualization, affirmation and other forms of energy work and spiritual self-care.
Over the years, I have explored various techniques to help me be more present in my power. While the specific method is a personal choice, any meditation or mindfulness technique can benefit our well-being and help us find peace in the midst of chaos.
After experimenting with different methods, I have settled on one particular practice that has been working very well for me lately. It is an effortless meditative approach that helps me connect with both my inner world and the realm of spirit.