soul journey
Serendipity, Synchronicity And The Symphony of Life
Something magical happened yesterday that reminded me of the many serendipities and synchronicities that miraculously unfold in our lives every day without us even noticing. We are in the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing more often than we realize – and it is no accident or coincidence.
There are many moments in our daily lives that seem to happen by luck or chance, yet they are perfectly timed events that have been orchestrated just for us.
These experiences, which many call “fate” or “coincidence,” are certainly not random occurrences. They are part of the intricate symphony of universal flow and divine order that weaves together the everyday magic of serendipity and the miracle of synchronicity for our highest good.
Yesterday I had a long list of errands to run downtown, two of which were on the same street. My intention was to first pick up something from a courier service and then drop off some household items I wanted to donate at a nearby animal charity shop.
However, on the way to the courier, I took a turn that I do not normally take, which took me directly to the charity shop instead. I was relieved to find a parking spot right outside the door as I had some heavy boxes and crates to unload. How ‘lucky’ that there was a perfect parking space waiting just for me, I thought.
But my ‘wrong’ turn turned out to be not only a blessing in disguise, but also a little miracle that kept on giving. Because I arrived at the store earlier than I had originally planned, I “accidentally” ran into a customer in the shop who was in the process of purchasing the kitchen blender I had donated to the charity over a month ago.
Extraordinary Evidence Of Reincarnation And Past Lives
Have you ever felt an irresistible desire to visit a certain foreign country? Are you obsessed with a certain culture or have you always been fascinated by a certain period of history? Do you collect certain objects or paraphernalia that represent some kind of ancient spiritual tradition or esoteric practice?
Our inexplicable interests and unusual hobbies often reveal much about our past lives.
Reincarnation is a topic that has captured the imagination of people since ancient times as a thought-provoking perspective on life, death, and the soul’s journey through many incarnations. Physical life is not a singular experience, but a cycle of rebirth, learning, and evolution.
The concept of reincarnation is the belief that our soul, or non-physical essence, is reborn into a new life after we die.
Central to Indian religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism, this spiritual concept is also found in certain streams of Judaism, among indigenous peoples of the Americas and Australian Aborigines, and in neo-pagan religions such as Wicca.
Various esoteric and mystical religious traditions, such as the Druze, Rosicrucians, Theosophy, and Anthroposophy, also incorporate ideas of reincarnation and the evolution of the soul.
In Kabbalah, the mystical branch of Judaism, reincarnation is also an important belief, referred to as gilgul neshamot, or the “cycle of souls.” Kabbalists teach that souls reincarnate to achieve spiritual redemption or tikkun, allowing individuals to correct mistakes from previous lives and fulfill their unique spiritual missions.
When You Ask You Shall Receive
Spiritually aware people know that if we ask, we shall receive. So, why don’t we ask more often?
Is it because we don’t want to take personal responsibility? Or do we feel that we are not worthy or deserving? Or is it because some of us just don’t know the best way to go about it? Maybe we have asked before and it did not work out the way we expected?
The first thing I often have to teach my clients is that it is our spiritual birthright to ask for things. Asking and receiving is at the heart of our soul’s journey in this life. It doesn’t have to be something big or special. We can ask for whatever we feel we need to live our best life.
The more we ask, the more we get; the more we trust, the faster it comes. There is no complicated magic involved. This is the way the universe works, so go ahead and ask. Bring all the goodness you want into your reality.
In our daily lives we often overlook the simple act of asking. We are taught to be self-reliant and to solve our problems on our own. While self-reliance is a valuable trait, it shouldn’t prevent us from reaching out when we need help or want something. There is an unspoken power in asking – an acknowledgement that we’re not alone and that there is a benevolent force and higher power willing to support us.
Think of the concept of asking as a dialogue with the universe. When you express your desires, you set an intention. This intention becomes a powerful signal that attracts what you need. It’s a practice rooted in trust and openness. The more you practice it, the more natural it becomes, and the more you’ll see positive results.
The Mystery Of Soul Groups And Soul Contracts
In my work as a spiritual counselor to many people around the world, I have learned that we all belong to soul groups or families, and that each of us chooses to participate in our current lifetime in a certain way based on a pre-birth soul agreement or contract that we commit to before we come into this world.
I like to think of it as “auditioning for a play.’ Before we incarnate, we can choose to be in a comedy, a drama, an action, a horror, an epic adventure, or even a combination of all of these. We can also choose to take a central leading role, or just be a supporting cast member, or perhaps even a cameo or extra taking a background position.
What position are we willing and ready to take? This in itself can be a great karmic challenge as well as a profound learning experience. For example, if we have chosen a role that has caused grief or harm in a previous life, we will return in this life to try to resolve these latent karmic issues. If we are successful, it is wonderful because we can then pursue a completely different role or existence, or move on to something completely different in a future role.
Soul groups consist of a circle of souls with whom we have shared previous lives and are likely to meet in future lives. These groups are our spiritual families, and the members play different roles in each other’s lives through the process of soul evolution. We continually change roles in different lifetimes with other members of our soul group to facilitate learning and growth.
By interacting with these familiar souls from lifetime to lifetime, we create ongoing scenarios that karmically challenge us, assist us in our soul growth and evolution, and ultimately lead us to a state of spiritual fulfillment and enlightenment where our soul has transcended material limitations and reached its highest potential.