Why Your Spirit Helpers Choose To Work With You
I have learned through spirit communication that everyone on earth is guided by someone in the spirit world, even though they may not be aware of it. In fact, most people go through life receiving spirit’s protection and support every day without ever being aware of it.
These spirit helpers, ranging from our ancestors and loved ones on the other side, to shamanic totems and nature spirits, spirit guides and guardians, ascended masters and angels, all serve as beacons of light, love and wisdom and provide vital support for our personal and spiritual growth.
But their involvement in our lives is far from random or accidental. These beings are connected or drawn to us for reasons beyond our earthly existence, to help us fulfill our soul’s mission and contribute to the greater good of universal spiritual evolution.
Our spirit helpers connect with us here on the earth plane to guide, teach, protect and support us. Their roles transcend the individual, as they also serve a higher purpose — to assist with the collective evolution of all souls, the expansion of the universe, and to be in service to the divine.
Understanding why these spirit beings choose to work with us offers profound insights into the nature of our spiritual journey, the interconnectedness of souls, and how our actions, thoughts and intentions ripple out to affect the whole.
They provide not only practical guidance, but also spiritual insights that further our personal and spiritual growth. Their role is not limited to assisting us in the material world, but they also guide us to fulfill the higher spiritual purpose of which we may not yet be fully aware.
We all have a veritable army of spirit beings who are working all the time to help us achieve our goals and become successful ~ Richard Webster
These beings come from many different realms, including those of ancestral wisdom, nature, celestial guidance, and spiritual mastery. They exist in various forms and capacities, but the common thread is their desire to assist us on our journey and to serve the greater good.
Throughout our lives, the following types of spirit helpers will assist and support us for various reasons:
Soul Purpose Alignment
One of the primary reasons spirit helpers work with us is because they are aligned with our soul purpose or life calling. Just as our soul has a unique purpose or mission in this lifetime, so do the souls of our guides.
However, some are already highly evolved, having experienced multiple human lifetimes, and now serve as guides and mentors to help us realize and fulfill our soul purpose. For example, I recall channeling a reading years ago that brought in an ancient soul who had once lived as a tribal medicine woman, then as a child who died of a rare disease, and later as a medical researcher. These experiences, among many others, shaped her into a wise spirit “guru” who was able to help my client develop her calling to heal others in this lifetime.
Whether you are a scientist, artist, technologist, educator, or social activist, spiritual guides who resonate with your mission often provide the insight, wisdom, and protection you need to succeed and help make the world a better place.
Soul Family Ties
In my experience, at least one of our spirit guides is usually a member of our soul family — a group of souls with whom we share deep, lasting connections that transcend the boundaries of individual lifetimes. The relationship between us and these guides is often much older than our current incarnation. In fact, these relationships can span many lifetimes.
A soul family spirit guide could be a recently deceased loved one or an ancestor who is now working with us to support and protect us in this lifetime. Their help is not only beneficial to our growth, but also contributes to their own spiritual evolution. Through their assistance, they experience growth and expansion as they help us resolve karma, fulfill contracts, or reach milestones in our spiritual development.
Connections with our soul family run deep and can manifest in many ways. For example, an ancestor who once lived a life of hardship may return as a spiritual helper to guide us through the challenges we face today, contributing not only to our growth but also to the collective progress of our soul family.
Whether we are conscious of them or not, we all have spirit helpers that assist and guide us. This is especially true for those who are on a spiritual path. Guidance occurs through thought impressions, impulses, “inner voice”, and inspiration, as well as events and circumstances ~ Eva Peck
Karmic Connections
Some spirit helpers come to us through karmic connections from past lives. They seek to resolve unfinished business, repay karmic debts, or fulfill soul contracts. Just as we seek to grow and evolve through our actions, so do our spirit helpers. They work with us to ensure that past life issues with themselves and others are resolved so that both we and they can move forward spiritually.
Karmic connections bring profound lessons of wisdom and growth. A spirit helper who is bound to us by karmic responsibility may offer guidance on how to forgive ourselves or them, how to make amends, or how to heal wounds that have persisted through multiple lifetimes. These beings understand that helping us not only heals us, but also helps them complete their own spiritual work.
Vibrational Resonance
Some spiritual helpers come into our lives for a specific purpose at a specific time because they resonate with our current vibrational frequency. Just as we attract experiences, people, and opportunities based on our energy, we also attract spiritual helpers whose energies are aligned with our own. As we experience certain life challenges, set new goals, or develop certain desires, our vibrational frequency changes and this may match that of a spiritual helper who has an interest in our journey.
This resonance, governed by the Universal Law of Attraction, is a profound force that draws beings from other realms to us at exactly the right time and for the right reason. For example, when we are trying to heal from a trauma or learn a new skill, a spiritual helper may appear who has mastered similar experiences in their own lives. Their wisdom resonates with us, and their guidance becomes an essential part of our path and success.
While these four categories of soul purpose alignment, soul family ties, karmic connections, and vibrational resonance help us to clarify and better understand why spirit helpers choose to work with us, it is important to note that the boundaries between these categories are fluid. A spirit helper may fit into more than one of these roles. For example, they may be from your soul family, have a karmic duty to fulfill with you, resonate with your current energy, and also align with your life purpose, all at the same time. The connection between you and your spirit guides is not rigid, but flexible and varied, based on the dynamic nature of human life and our spiritual journey.
Guides really want to re-connect as much as we do, as they can then continue the work and play their role by helping us with further growth, as they agreed to do before we came here ~ Carrie Chapman-Don
Divine Messengers And Guardians
There is also a fifth category of spirit helpers who sometimes intercede in our lives, often without our conscious knowledge and usually in a collective, indirect way.
We know from various spiritual and religious traditions that certain spirit helpers act as divine messengers, guardians, or protectors. These archetypal beings serve as intermediaries between the divine and humanity, ensuring that the greater plan for universal evolution unfolds according to divine design. They typically provide warnings, messages, and guidance when humanity needs help to stay on track, or offer protection in times of need.
For example, the role of the archangel Gabriel as a divine messenger is integral to the Christian, Jewish, and Islamic faith traditions. Gabriel is known for delivering important messages from the divine, such as announcing the birth of Jesus to Mary and foretelling the birth of John the Baptist to Zechariah in Christianity (Luke 1). Similarly, in Judaism, Gabriel appears to Daniel to interpret visions and prophecies (Daniel 8 & 9). And in Islam, he is known as Jibreel the chief messenger angel who delivered the Qur’an to the Prophet Muhammad.
In Hinduism, Devas and Rishis, such as Narada Muni and Garuda, serve as messengers and protectors, maintaining cosmic balance and providing guidance. In Buddhism, Bodhisattvas and Dakinis, such as Avalokiteshvara (Chenrezig), offer guidance and warnings to help practitioners on the path to enlightenment. And in Zoroastrianism, the Amesha Spentas are divine beings representing aspects of Ahura Mazda, the supreme god in Zoroastrianism, who guide, protect, and impart wisdom.
In Greek and Roman mythology, Hermes (Mercury) is the messenger of the gods who brings divine messages and warnings to mortals, while the Furies (Erinyes) are divine avengers who warn against breaking divine or moral laws. In Norse mythology, the Valkyries serve Odin by delivering messages and deciding who lives and dies in battle. They also guide the souls of the worthy to Valhalla.
These types of divine messengers and guardians, whether angels, ascended masters, or other celestial beings, help guide humanity and remind us of our divine destiny. They also warn us of the potential consequences of our choices and actions to ensure flow, balance and harmony in the universe. Their role is similar to that of the “public service announcers” or “law enforcement agents” of the universe, ensuring that we follow our divine path, evolve spiritually, expand the universe, and serve the greater good.
When you get stuck in a fear-based thought or pattern, you can turn to your guides to help lead you back to love. When you want to receive their guidance, all you have to do is be willing to surrender your fear and see with spiritual sight ~ Gabrielle Bernstein
Connecting With Your Spirit Helpers
Recognizing and connecting with your spirit helpers is crucial to spiritual growth and fulfillment. Our spirit helpers are here to guide us, not only to fulfill our individual purpose, but also to contribute to the greater good of all beings. As we grow spiritually, we assist in the evolution of the entire universe, helping to expand consciousness, heal collective wounds, and promote harmony and balance.
Because the spirit realm respects and honors our free will, our spirit allies are often waiting in anticipation for us to request their assistance. By actively seeking their support, protection, or guidance, we give them our free will consent to intervene in our lives and assist us on our path. They can then offer profound insights and direction, protect us from negative influences, and guide us toward our highest good.
Connecting with your spirit guides increases your spiritual awareness, empowers you to make informed decisions, and provides a sense of direction and confidence. When we consciously connect with our spirit guides, we establish a sacred partnership that allows us to navigate life’s challenges with greater clarity, knowing that we are supported by divine forces.
For those of us who have a spiritual calling in this life — whether as psychics, mediums, healers, shamans, or teachers — the connection with our spiritual helpers becomes even more essential. Our spiritual progress is deeply intertwined with our mental, emotional and energetic development. As we evolve, we become more attuned to higher levels of consciousness, which allows us to connect with higher beings and energies.
This evolution requires mindfulness, awareness, and active spiritual practice. Those of us who are called to serve humanity through spiritual work must maintain a high level of spiritual awareness and connection. By prioritizing our own spiritual growth and higher consciousness, we align ourselves with our purpose and become more effective instruments in the broader mission of raising collective consciousness and serving the greater good.
Our spirit helpers — whether they are our loved ones in spirit, ancestral spirits, guardian angels, guides, or divine messengers — choose to work with us because they share our journey. Their assistance is not only for our benefit, but for the higher purpose of universal balance and divine expansion. By working with them, we create a sacred partnership that enriches our lives, supports our spiritual growth, and helps us fulfill our soul’s purpose. When we invite them into our lives through conscious connection, we open ourselves to divine guidance, protection, and the collective evolution of all souls.
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