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Unleash The Power Of Your Intention

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When I first started working professionally in the spiritual field, I used to get pretty uptight about whether or not I was spending enough time preparing myself properly before consulting with clients, both for psychic readings and energy healing sessions. That was until I visited a well-known elderly spiritualist who lived in the countryside outside of Johannesburg, South Africa, for a reading.

“You work with spirit, just like I do,” I remember him saying. “But I sense that you worry that your preparation is weak and not good enough.”

He was right, I was often stressed about having enough time to prepare with my guides before the sessions began. I always want to give my best to my clients and feared that I would disappoint them if I was not properly prepared and perfectly “tuned in.” Was I doing it right? Did I spend enough time on it? Was I leaving out an important step? Should I just do it once a day before I start or before every single session?

Ironically, while my sincere intention with all this worrying was to give my clients the best readings and healings possible, I was actually not always giving my best, because I was so stressed and worried about being well-prepared!

“All you have to do is set your intention clearly every day before you start,” the wise old gentleman said. It was like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. Of course! Keeping it simple is often the best approach to most things in life, so why should it not work in spiritual endeavors also?

This was how I learned that the most important ingredient for successful preparation in any spiritual practice or metaphysical activity is intention.  Today, I like to think of intention as the vital spark that lights the flame. It is a powerful tool in all metaphysical practices. Oddly enough, intention is often the key aspect of our spiritual practices that is most often overlooked.

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The Mystical Healing Properties Of Amethyst

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Amethyst, an enchanting purple variety of quartz crystal, is celebrated not only for its stunning beauty but also for its powerful metaphysical properties.

Traditionally held in high regard as a spiritual and esoteric tool, this semi-precious gemstone is revered for its potent energy and versatile healing properties.

The captivating purple crystal is associated with the third eye and crown chakras, making it a powerful aid in enhancing spiritual awareness and deepening meditative states. Its calming presence also helps to quiet the mind, promoting a sense of inner peace and emotional balance, which is essential for spiritual growth and clarity.

Amethyst is also known for its protective qualities, shielding the user from negative energies and psychic attacks while fostering a connection to higher consciousness and universal wisdom. Whether used in meditation, healing rituals, or simply carried as a talisman, the amethyst serves as a trusted companion on the journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening.

As a psychic practitioner, I’ve always felt a deep, almost magnetic affinity for amethyst in both my personal spiritual practice and my professional psychic work. This beautiful violet crystal has a calming energy that enhances my psychic awareness and helps me achieve a sense of inner serenity for connecting with the spiritual realm.

When I hold Amethyst, I feel a heightened sense of clarity and insight, as if the veil between the physical and spiritual worlds is gently lifted. Its calming energy helps me stay centered during readings, allowing me to channel messages with greater precision and compassion.

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The Subtle Psychic Power Of Flower Essences

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Flower essences are one of my favorite spiritual resources. These vibrational imprints of flowers in water, preserved with alcohol, are a powerful tool for personal and spiritual development. They have been used for centuries to promote emotional well-being, balance and healing.

I come from a long line of female herbalists on my mother’s side of the family. They were seers, healers and mystics who combined their psychic gifts with natural healing practices.

That’s why I’ve always been interested in the metaphysical properties of plants, especially herbs and flowers. I love to alchemize them into tinctures, potions and remedies!

The main reason I love flower essences and remedies in particular is that, unlike essential oils and herbal remedies, flower essences are easier and safer to work with on a subtle energy level over the long term, making them particularly effective for enhancing psychic development and spiritual growth.

Flower essences were popularized in the early 20th century by Dr. Edward Bach. He was a British homeopath and bacteriologist who believed that the dew collected from flowers contained the healing properties of the plant. His research led to the creation of the Bach Flower Remedies, a set of 38 essences, each targeting a specific emotional state.

Bach’s remedies were based on the idea that certain flowers have healing properties that can help balance emotional states and promote overall well-being. Dr. Bach believed that emotional and mental states significantly influence physical health, and by addressing negative emotions, one can facilitate healing and prevent illness.

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The True Spiritual Meaning Of The Pentagram

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Perhaps no other spiritual or religious icon is as misunderstood as the pentagram, or pentacle. The true symbolism of the pentagram, a five-pointed star often surrounded by a circle, is commonly misrepresented.

Contrary to popular misconceptions that associate it with darkness, evil, or Satanism, the pentagram has multiple meanings within various spiritual and religious traditions, most notably within Paganism and modern Wicca.

The pentagram has been a spiritual symbol of significance for millennia, long before its association with modern religious movements.

Historically, it has been used by cultures around the world, often to represent celestial bodies, principles of harmony, or mystical concepts. Its use first appeared in ancient Greece and Mesopotamia around the 1st millennium BC.

It is not widely known that there are significant historical connections between the pentagram and Christianity. Prior to the widespread use of the cross, the pentagram was a popular symbol to adorn the jewelry and amulets of early Christians, often alongside an “X” or a phoenix. This symbol was associated with the five wounds of Christ and also represented the concept of Alpha and Omega united, as the star could be drawn in one continuous movement of the pen.

In contemporary contexts, particularly within Wicca and related neo-pagan belief systems, the pentacle has positive connotations. It’s seen as a symbol of protection, spirituality, and the interconnectedness of the elements. Each point of the star represents an aspect of balance, holistic existence, conscious living, and the cyclical nature of life.

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Practices For Developing Your Psychic Awareness

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Are you curious about increasing your intuitive awareness or developing your innate psychic abilities? Great! But how do you get started? It can seem like a daunting task, but it’s actually easier than you might think. But it does take some dedication.

Like any other talent, psychic ability can be practiced and improved with dedication and commitment. While some of us may have a stronger natural inclination toward psychic perception, everyone has the ability to improve their intuitive abilities through conscious effort, dedication, and practice.

Just as musicians hone their craft through consistent practice and athletes hone their skills through training, developing psychic talents requires a similarly disciplined approach. Regular practice will not only sharpen your existing skills, but can also unlock hidden potential you never knew you possessed.

By engaging in psychic development exercises, complemented by appropriate spiritual practices, anyone can sharpen their intuition and psychic awareness and become more attuned to subtle energies and impressions. However, it’s important to approach this journey with an open mind and a willingness to explore the depths of your consciousness.

Cultivating psychic abilities also requires patience and self-discovery. As you embark on this path, you may discover unique strengths and intuitive abilities that are waiting to be developed. With perseverance and a positive attitude, you can embark on a transformative journey to expand your psychic awareness and harness your innate potential.

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Our Priorities Are The Moral Of The Story

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!I have always loved thought-provoking stories. One of my favorites I heard when I was only seven years old. It’s profound wisdom has stayed with me all my life. It goes like this:

An old lady of about 85 years of age lived alone in an old, dilapidated log cabin in the woods. Due to her advanced age, daily life was a struggle, but this feisty woman knew she had to keep going to survive.

One day, while out gathering wood for a fire, she was approached by a mysterious wizard.

“Good morning,” said the wizard. “I have great news for you. Today is your lucky day! ” He then explained that he was the Wizard of the Forest, and that he would grant her any wish her heart desired.

The old lady paused to consider this generous offer. But before she could make up her mind, the wizard interrupted her thoughts. “I could turn all the wood you have into solid gold. Imagine how rich you would be!” he suggested.

“Oh, what good would that do?” replied the old woman. “I could hardly carry it back to my hut, for the gold would be much heavier than the wood!

“Well, then perhaps I could turn all the water in your house into wine,” said the wizard with great enthusiasm.

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Synchronistic Intuitions Are Tiny Moments Of Magic

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!For the intuitively aware person, there are no “coincidences” in life. We know from experience that events and circumstances that may appear to be random are, in fact, always meaningful occurrences. Every seemingly random encounter, twist of fate, or unexpected turn of events always carries a deeper meaning, a guiding message, or divine inspiration.

For those who walk the path of spiritual awareness, there is no such thing as “chance.” There are only moments of serendipity or synchronicity when we receive guidance or healing messages from Spirit, find ourselves protected by divine interventions, or experience the manifestation of our desired outcomes.

Where others see only randomness or chance, we witness the universe whispering its secrets in the language of signs, symbols and miracles.

One of the simplest examples of this is when we suddenly think of someone with whom we have not had contact for a long time, and soon afterward they call or text us, or we run into them in a public place. If we have a strong connection with someone, it is even more likely that we will run into them all the time. When we have a meaningful energy connection with someone, for whatever reason, it will always draw us to the same time and place as that person. It could be a restaurant, the movies, or even coming to the same intersection in our vehicles. Somehow you always end up in the same place at the same time.

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