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Reincarnation & Past Lives

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Do You Have A Past Life Connection?

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Have you ever met someone and felt an instant connection that you couldn’t quite explain? Like you’ve known them forever, even though you just met? It’s that uncanny feeling of familiarity that makes you wonder if there’s more to your connection.

Sometimes, you might even experience déjà vu, feeling like you’ve been with this person before in another time or place. Maybe you even have some mental flashes of moments together in a different time and place, making you realize there’s a deeper reason for your bond.

These intense feelings and responses often come from cellular energy imprints and soul memories from our past lives. When you encounter someone you feel this way about, it’s usually because there’s some unfinished karmic business or soul growth that needs to happen, which is why you’ve crossed paths with them again in this lifetime.

Certain souls meet repeatedly across different lifetimes to resolve unresolved issues or karmic debts. There’s work to be done, lessons to be learned, and sometimes it takes more than one lifetime to get it all sorted out.

But not all these encounters are rosy. They can come with relationship challenges, tension, and conflict. For instance, a betrayal in a past life might manifest as trust issues in the present. It’s a journey that can be tough, but also deeply meaningful and very healing.

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Free Yourself From Karmic Debt

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!One of the most important things we must do before we leave this life and embrace the next is to ensure that our karmic debts are completely resolved. By doing so, we leave this world unburdened and ready to embrace our next existence with complete bliss.

Now, if the consequences you may suffer in the afterlife are not of much concern to you, and you feel that karma is not really your problem, you may want to reconsider.

Carrying the heavy burden of karmic debt can also cause considerable misery and struggle in our present daily lives, manifesting as recurring negative patterns and obstacles that hinder our progress and well-being.

Our unresolved karma often leads to dysfunctional relationships, financial difficulties, health problems, and emotional turmoil as past harmful actions generate corresponding negative consequences. An ongoing state of karmic debt fosters feelings of frustration, helplessness, and despair, making it difficult to achieve happiness, joy, fulfillment, and peace.

By carrying the weight of unresolved karmic debt, you may find yourself trapped in a cycle of suffering, unable to break free and achieve the positive, fulfilling life you desire.

Karmic debt is a concept rooted in the spiritual principle of karma, which is a fundamental belief in many Eastern philosophies and religions, especially Hinduism and Buddhism. Karma refers to the universal law of cause and effect, whereby every action has a corresponding reaction. Our poor choices and negative actions create a spiritual debt. By acknowledging this debt and resolving our past mistakes, we achieve a state of inner peace, higher consciousness, spiritual growth and enlightenment.

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The Mystical Properties Of Ancient Amber

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Crystals, gemstones, and incense have been widely used in spiritual, esoteric, and healing practices throughout the ages and continue to be popular today.

But there is another type of natural material that does not enjoy the same level of widespread recognition and popularity, despite its unique metaphysical properties and significance in various cultures and mystical traditions.

Resins are less well known and used by modern practitioners. I find that many people are unfamiliar with the various types of resins available and their metaphysical properties.

Compared to crystals, gemstones, and incense, which have gained widespread popularity in recent years, especially through social media and the Internet, resins have received less attention and exposure.

As a result, people may be less likely to encounter resins in their exploration of metaphysical tools and practices.

I also find that people who are at least somewhat familiar with resins tend to associate them with their use as incense. Resins such as frankincense, myrrh, copal, and others are often burned as incense to purify spaces, objects, and individuals. The smoke cleanses negative energies, purifies the aura, and creates a sacred atmosphere for rituals and ceremonies. Continue reading

Exploring Your Past Life Memories

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Have you ever had such a strong sense of déjà vu that you just couldn’t shake it? Or have you had a strange yet familiar dream about a particular place or time in history? Chances are you were experiencing a past-life memory.

Both our physical body and our soul essence carry deep echoes of the past. We inherit cellular memories from our ancestors that are embedded in the genetic code of our bodies, while our souls carry energetic imprints and karmic wisdom from our previous incarnations.

Our soul is eternal and transcends individual lifetimes, accumulating wisdom, experiences and lessons across multiple incarnations.

Intense traumas, transformative events, and extreme hardships experienced by both our ancestors and ourselves in past lives are etched into our physical and spiritual DNA.

The legacy of these cellular and soul memories sometimes resurfaces in our present lives in a variety of ways. For example, it may manifest as an inexplicable behavior, an irrational phobia, an unusual talent, or a strange preference that can be traced back to past life experiences.

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Decoding Love Cord Connections

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!As a Virgo, love and relationships are my favorite areas to focus on when doing readings. I am comfortable helping my clients in all areas of their lives, but I especially enjoy helping them in the romance department.

When I do relationship readings, I can tell when two people are connected with an energetic ‘love cord connection’. I can tell if it’s just lust, desire, or a crush, or if it’s the real thing: full-blown love; the kind of love that never dies.

A love cord connection is an energetic connection between two people who share a deep emotional bond, especially in romantic relationships. It’s a non-physical connection that exists on a spiritual level; an energetic connection of love, intimacy and understanding between two souls.

This connection is a subtle yet powerful exchange of energy that transcends time and place and can be felt or intuitively perceived by those attuned to such energies. Seeing such a cord between two people indicates a strong resonance and compatibility between them. It confirms a deep emotional and spiritual connection.

Perceiving such an energetic love cord connection between two individuals gives me insight into the dynamics of the relationship and the depth of the connection between them, so that I can provide guidance on how to nurture and strengthen their bond.

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The Old Souls Of The New Children

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Since the 1960s, the “New Children” have been arriving on the Earth plane in increasing numbers, bringing with them wisdom, insights, perspectives and innovations that are sorely needed in our rapidly evolving, and currently very troubled world.

The New Children are old souls reincarnated to return to the earthly realm on a special mission — to guide, heal, teach and enlighten; to awaken humanity to a higher level of consciousness.

As more and more of these ancient souls grace our planet with their presence, it is becoming increasingly apparent that they possess a profound understanding of the interconnectedness of all life and the inherent unity that binds us together.

Through their innate wisdom and pure-heartedness, the New Children are converging to transform the collective consciousness of humanity. They are introducing us to a future society where prejudice, discrimination and injustice are relics of the past, replaced by a deep reverence for the inherent dignity and worth of every soul.

The wisdom that this new generation of humans carry is not bound by the limitations of social constructs and dogmatic religion. They challenge us to look beyond the superficial labels of body, gender, race, creed, and nationality, reminding us that these are merely temporary identities that obscure the true essence of who we are. They have a deep understanding that we are all equal and deserving of love, regardless of outward differences.

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Signs Of A Spiritual Love Connection

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comHave you ever felt an inexplicable love bond with someone that goes beyond the realm of ordinary connection? The signs of a spiritual love connection are unique and often transcend the conventional understanding of relationships.

A spiritual love connection is a life-changing experience because it goes beyond the superficial aspects of an ordinary romantic relationship and delves into the deeper spiritual connection between people.

A spiritual love connection is a deep, unexplainable bond between two souls that transcends the usual aspects of a romantic relationship. It involves an innate understanding of each other’s innermost thoughts, feelings and desires, creating a sense of harmony and spiritual alignment. This connection is often felt on a profound level that resonates with the core essence of both individuals.

Recognizing and acknowledging a spiritual love connection is important if you are seeking an authentic, meaningful, and lasting relationship that also supports your spiritual values and soul purpose. It allows you to prioritize genuine connections based on soul resonance, mutual understanding, and shared values over superficial attractions. It is crucial not only for the success and longevity of the relationship, but also for your own growth and fulfillment.

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