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edgar cayce

Psychic Forecasting Of The Financial Markets

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIn the fast-paced world of financial markets, where data flows like a raging river and algorithms crunch numbers at lightning speed, there are two mostly overlooked and underappreciated metaphysical resources available to traders and investors: intuition and psychic prediction.

While traditional financial analysis relies heavily on quantitative data and statistical models, the art of using intuition and psychic channeling to predict market movements has become recognized as a valuable business asset for those in the know.

Financial Intuition

Intuition, often referred to as a ‘gut feeling’ or ‘sixth sense,’ is a subconscious, metaphysical process that draws information from the collective consciousness or universal field to make more powerful choices and decisions.

In the realm of finance, where uncertainty is constant and market sentiment plays a pivotal role, intuition can provide traders with a unique winning edge.

Intuition in the financial markets is not about relying on whims or hunches. Rather, it is about tapping into one’s own psychic awareness or spiritual inner guidance system.

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Spirit Channeling In The Trance State

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe term ‘trance’ is sometimes misunderstood in psychic mediumship. The trance state is an altered state of consciousness that enables a medium to communicate with spirit. This shouldn’t be confused with spirit possession, as depicted in some Hollywood films and television shows. There is nothing evil or demonic about mediumship and trance channeling!

In a trance state, the psychic medium’s consciousness serves as a conduit for spirit. It is a two-way communication, and the purest and most trusting form of partnership between the physical and spiritual worlds.

There are essentially two levels or types of spirit channeling, namely mental mediumship and physical mediumship.

Mental mediumship, sometimes also called ‘telepathic mediumship,’ is what most people are familiar with namely to communicate with spirit while fully conscious. Mental mediums use various levels of trance to channel spirit messages.

One of the most famous mental mediums was as the American psychic Edgar Cayce, also known as the ‘sleeping prophet,’ who channeled his higher self while in the trance state. Cayce was a devout Christian who in in a trance state with his eyes closed would answer questions on a variety of subjects, such as healing, dreams, the afterlife, past lives and reincarnation.

While mental mediumship is communication experienced only by the medium or channeler, physical mediumship is also evident to everyone who is with the medium. Mental mediumship involves only the mind of the medium, while in physical mediumship the body of the medium is used to channel information from spirit.

Physical mediumship can involve various physical manifestations of spirit energies, such as the moving of objects, table rapping, and spirit materializations. These phenomena usually occur during séances. There are not many physical mediums these days because this form of channeling requires extensive training and is a psychic practice that can take many years to develop.

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Can A Christian Be Psychic?

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI am often asked if I personally have a problem being a professional psychic, as well as a Christian. Some people seem to feel that working as a psychic is against the teachings of the Bible.

Growing up in a Christian, church-going family I was never taught that being a psychic was something considered as being wrong in the Bible.

Not only were we brought up in the Christian faith, but I also come from a long line of psychics in my family. Being both psychic and Christian is something that was never considered strange in my family; to us it was normal.

The Bible has accounts of many great prophets that did amazing things. Not only did some of them contribute to the actual writing of the Bible, but they were also a part of many miracles and wonders. They made a difference in the outcome of important Biblical events. They were the messengers of God.

The calling of a psychic is very similar to the work of a prophet. I guess it is just on a smaller scale? When a psychic does a reading they see many things from the past, the present and the future, the same way the prophets did in the Bible.  The prophets were there to help, guide, advise and warn of coming danger, the same way modern psychics read for their clients.

Being born a psychic or medium is a God-given talent and calling. Did you know that one of the world’s most well-known psychics, Edgar Cayce, was also a devout Christian who read through the whole Bible once every year. Why should a psychic, who received his gifts from God, be persecuted as someone who is doing evil?

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Soulmates Are A Divine Grace

Click Here Now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comSoulmate connections are a very real and powerful phenomenon, but many people find it difficult to determine whether someone truly is a soulmate, or not.

In my experience a soulmate is someone to whom we feel deeply connected, as though the communicating and communing that take place between you were not the product of intentional efforts, but rather a divine grace.  This kind of relationship is so important to the soul that many have said there is nothing more precious in life.

We may find a soulmate in many different forms of relationships and in all areas of our lives, including friendship, marriage, work, family and recreation. We even find it with a delightful ‘critter’ – the pets we feel that special connection with.

Many times, when a soulmate first comes into our life, we have that feeling of familiarity as if we have known them before. Often, indeed, we have known them in a past life or many previous lives.

The famous American psychic Edgar Cayce stated that a soulmate is an individual who we have an ongoing connection with. The soul picks up on this longstanding connection with that person again and again in various times and places and over many lifetimes.

Most importantly, Cayce further stated that we tend to be attracted to another person at a soul level, because by being with that individual, we are somehow provided with “an impetus to become whole ourselves”. This is also known as ‘soul recognition’. We are therefore not drawn to our soulmate simply because that person is our unique complement.

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Can You Rely On Psychic Prediction?

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comProphecy is the act of predicting the future outcome of an event. Many sacred texts have references of a prophetic nature. Historic figures like Nostradamus and Edgar Cayce are infamous for their prophecies. In ancient times leaders would consult prophets. Many times it was before an important battle, to see if the gods were on their side. Let us fast forward to the 21st century and consider prophecy in modern day readings.

Predictions for relationships, career changes and such like, as well as the timeframes for such events to happen, are common requests during psychic readings. They are all valid requests and meaningful to the client. There is usually a desire and passion for direction and knowledge within the request.

What is important with these predictions is to bear in mind that the mechanics of Natural Law prevail in the future outcome. Quantum Physics, at a simplistic overview, is about probabilities. Sort of like winning the lottery and the probability of picking all the lucky numbers. It is deterministic and every so often there is a winner. Energy communication, however, is not as deterministic. Continue reading

Life Contentment

Click picture for a free reading right now at PsychicAccess.comEdgar Cayce (1877-1945) is recognized as the most documented psychic medium of 20th Century. Also known as “The Sleeping Prophet” he would enter a trance state of altered consciousness, to answer questions about diverse subjects, ranging from medical issues and holistic health, to past lives and philosophy. The majority of his channeled readings were recorded, numbered and archived.

Cayce’s life’s work is preserved and continued through the Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E) founded circa 1931. My last visit there was 20 years ago and I recall being told by a curator, “Spirit is the life, mind is the builder, and the physical is the result.”

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Psychic DNA: Nature or Nurture?

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comIt is my belief that psychic ability is an innate talent or gift aimed at a specific Life Calling, while intuition is a highly personal aspect of our inner spiritual guidance system. We all possess our own, natural intuition, whether we are conscious or unconscious of it – but not everyone is psychic.

Natural intuition is highly personal and mostly about taking care of our own personal needs. Psychic ability on the other hand shifts extra sensory perception from the personal sphere into the realm of the impersonal. Intuition is our direct inner guidance from our Divine Self towards achieving our unique Soul Purpose and Life Calling. Psychic ability on the other hand dwells in the realm of the selfless, prophetic and archetypal. Psychics, mediums and healers are channels, messengers, conduits or surrogates, which means that they do not only receive personal inner guidance from their own Divine Self, but they also have the capacity to receive and translate guidance on behalf of their fellow man. These perceptions or messages may come from the other person’s Higher Self, or courtesy of non-physical entities, or from the Divine Source, God, or Collective Unconscious. Psychics, mediums and healers therefore have the natural ability to allow energy to flow through them to others, and on behalf of others. Continue reading

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