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Invoking The Power And Beauty Of Freya

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!The goddess Freya has a special place in my spiritual self-care routine. I often turn to her when I need extra guidance and support.

Freya is the ancient Norse goddess of love, beauty, fertility, and war. She is one of the most important deities in Norse mythology, embodying the ultimate ancient archetype for ‘girl power’ and ‘boss lady’ energy.

She is traditionally revered for her deep wisdom, boundless compassion, and fierce protection. Invoking her divine feminine power has brought much transformative and empowering energy to many aspects of my life.

In Norse folklore, Freya rides a chariot drawn by two large, powerful cats and is often depicted wearing the Brísingamen necklace, a symbol of her power and beauty.

The Brísingamen was created by four dwarves known for their exceptional craftsmanship. The necklace symbolizes beauty, desire and the power of attraction. It also represents Freyja’s connection to the earth and its fertility.

Freya is the leader of the Valkyries, the warrior maidens who choose those who may die and those who may live in battle. Freyja is said to receive half of the slain warriors in her heavenly field, Fólkvangr, while the other half go to Odin’s hall, Valhalla.

This dual role highlights her authority and revered status among the gods, bridging the realms of life and death. The Valkyries, under her guidance, serve not only as fierce selectors of the fallen but also as protectors and guides for these chosen souls, ensuring their honored place in the afterlife.

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Revitalize Your Life With A Spiritual Spring Clean

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!The spring season is upon us and with it comes a fresh energy of renewal and rebirth.

Very often at this time of year people do a “spring cleaning” of their homes and workspaces, and for good reason. On a spiritual level, we have been moved by the powerful influence of this vibrant seasonal energy since the beginning of time.

As the light of the sun returns and the air begins to warm, we feel on a deep level the cycle of rebirth and the return of fertility to the earth that sustains us, just as our ancestors did through the ages. It inspires us to make room in our lives for this invigorating energy of renewal.

The ancients held the spring in high regard, attributing significant spiritual and symbolic meanings to the season. Although beliefs varied across different cultures, they mostly centered around themes of renewal, fertility, rebirth, and celebration.

In Ancient Egypt, for example, spring was closely associated with the annual flooding of the Nile, which brought fertile silt to the fields. The Egyptians celebrated the festival of Sham el-Nessim, marking the beginning of spring, which was believed to bring rejuvenation and health.

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The Mystical Symbolism Of The Hamsa

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!The well-known Hamsa symbol has a rich tapestry of esoteric meaning that spans several cultures and religious traditions, including Islam, Judaism, and Christianity. It is commonly used as a protective amulet, offering protection from the evil eye, as well as a talisman or good luck charm, bringing its wearer blessings in the form of happiness, health, and fortune.

The Hamsa is also known as the Khamsa, Hamesh, the Hand of Fatima, the Hand of Miriam, or the Hand of Mary. The names “Hamsa” and “Khamsa” both refer to the number five in Arabic while “Hamesh” means five in Hewbrew, all symbolizing the five fingers of the hand.

In Islamic tradition, this famous esoteric hand is named after Fatima al-Zahra, the youngest daughter of the Prophet Muhammad and his first wife Khadija. Fatima is known by many titles in Islamic tradition, of which al-Zahra (meaning “the Radiant One”) is one of the most prominent. Her life, devotion to family and faith, and moral integrity are admired and serve as an inspiration to Muslims around the world.

In Jewish culture, the hand symbol is named after Miriam, the sister of Moses and Aaron, who was a prophetess and is an important figure in Judaism. In some Christian contexts, it is also known as the Hand of Mary, although it is less commonly referred to by this name. In this instance it is associated with Mary, the mother of Jesus, who is revered for her purity, grace, and maternal protection.

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The Spiritual Practice Of Flower Power

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comEvery now and again, I purchase a bouquet of flowers as a gift to myself. Placing a vase of flowers on your home altar or sacred space adds nature-inspired ambiance, brightness, and sensuality to one’s spiritual self-care.

I also love to diffuse the essential oils of flowers, especially when I meditate, but they don’t have the tangibility and energetic beauty of a stunning array of fresh blooms. Analogous to eating whole food versus taking a supplement, fresh flowers represent the wholeness, divine design, and awe-inspiring beauty of Gaia, Mother Nature, our Earth Mother, the Divine Feminine.

Unadulterated, the ‘flower power’ of a beautiful bouquet commands marvelous healing energies, blesses the giver, and inspires bountiful gratitude in the recipient.

The most powerful spiritual practice involving flowers is to plant your own flower garden with perennial varieties, such as tulips, black-eyed susans, and chrysanthemums. With careful planning around the seasonal calendar one can also have different species in bloom at different times throughout the entire year.

Cultivating a thriving garden of flowers is a magnificent form of energy work. It attracts and manifests emotional healing, abundance, and the fulfillment of wishes, especially in aspects of romance, marriage, fertility, and parenthood. By lovingly nurturing and caring for the delicate beauty of living flowers, we invite much love, beauty and abundance into our lives.

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Soul Circle Family Ties

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comChildren choose their parents and families before they arrive in this world. In spiritual terms there is therefore no difference between a biological child and an adopted child. All souls belong to a soul group or soul circle, no matter what their chosen physical incarnation and human family structure may be.

The soul of an adopted child is just as much part of her family’s original soul circle as that of her sister, who chose instead to be physically born into the same family. They have both been part of their soul circle for eternity, and always will be.

Parents of adopted children, who also have biological children, will tell you that they feel the same spiritual and emotional bond with all their kids. They experience the same levels of attachment, connection, and love with each child. Spiritually aware parents often also report that they feel they have known the souls of both their adopted and biological children in previous lifetimes, or that there was an instant soul recognition the moment they first saw each child.

We choose our earth families, parents, and physical bodies before we are born. Our soul knows before birth the physical traits, capacities, and disabilities our body will have in this lifetime, as well as the talents, gifts, shortcomings, and limitations we will have in our chosen incarnation.

We also decide how we wish to join our chosen human families, including by birth, surrogacy, adoption, and even the blending of families. These choices our souls make are determined by our chosen soul purpose and life path. There are many karmic reasons why soul circle members may prefer adoption, instead of biological birth.

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The Pagan Origins Of Valentine’s Day

Click Here FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comDid you know that the Valentine’s Day that many people all over the world will be celebrating today, has its origins in pagan rituals of the past? This is in fact true of many of our modern holidays. But how did we get our modern day cards, cupids, and hearts?

In ancient Rome, the Festival of Lupercalia was annually celebrated on February 15th. As with similar Roman holidays, such as Ostara (Easter), this was a time to celebrate fertility and love. The deities honored were Lupercus, Patron of Shepherds; Juno, Goddess of Marriage; as well as Pan, a pastoral god who came to be regarded in Roman times as the representative of paganism and the personification of all nature.

In a festival custom that survives to this day in the form of valentine’s cards, young men would randomly draw the names of eligible women from a jar or urn.  In the Middle Ages, Emperor Claudius II believed single men made better soldiers so he declared marriage illegal. As a concession, he encouraged temporary romances.

Drawing the name of a lady during the festival determined who a soldier’s partner would be for that coming year. He would then wear her name on his sleeve for the rest of the festival. This gave rise to the saying “wearing your heart on your sleeve.” Whether or not they also exchanged flowers, candy or gifts is uncertain.

It is also interesting to note that Cupid, the son of the love goddess Venus, was not originally linked specifically with this festival, even though he is associated with it today.Venus, it turns out, was particularly fond of red roses and this custom still survives after 2,000 years. As for the symbolism of the heart, this is also an ancient image found across many cultures, including Greco-Roman, Indian, and Meso-American. Instead of romantic love, it was often used to represent rebirth, purity, and spiritual love.

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Empower Yourself With A Tarot Meditation

Click Here right now FOR a FREE  psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe Tarot is so much more than just a method of fortunetelling. Tarot can be used as a tool for meditation just as much as it is an aid for divination.

For example, you can meditate on one of the cards in the Major Arcana, to connect with that specific card’s archetypal energy. Connecting with the card’s energy can not only help you find the answers you need, but more profoundly it can also invite that energy into our life.

Every archetype can awaken within us certain a type of personal power. The Magician can inspire us to become more quick on our feet, as he is mercurial in nature. The High Priestess connects us more deeply with our intuition and higher self. The Tower can bring an immediate closure to a negative situation we cannot stand anymore, and so on.

Let’s focus on The Empress card with a more detailed analysis, to demonstrate how we can utilize her in meditation.

Symbolism Of The Empress

The Empress is the number 3 card in the Major Arcana of the Tarot. She is the archetypal queen and symbolizes all the riches of femininity. She is related to the planet Venus and the zodiac sign of Taurus, representing affectivity in all its fullness.

As an earthly partner of the Emperor, her archetype represents the earthly plane achievements and pleasures of the physical body, including motherhood. There is also a connection between the Divine Feminine or Divine Mother archetype, represented by this card, and the Earth as Gaia, our nurturing mother.

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