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The Empowered Empath

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comPeople are naturally drawn to empaths. They tend to open up and pour their souls out to the empath, instinctively knowing that their secrets are safe and that there will be no judgment or condemnation. This is great, unless you are the empath who is constantly feeling burned out and exhausted from the burden of keeping everyone around you happy, with no one to talk to yourself.

I’ve been doing readings on for more than a decade now, and in that time I’ve had the privilege of reading for many people who are born empaths but were unaware of their innate gifts and abilities. They have since grown exponentially in their awareness and have learned to trust what is at the core of their being.

Not only have they become aware of what makes them so different, they realize that they are not ‘crazy’ or ‘too sensitive’ or ‘imagining it.’ They have been told such things all their lives, but now they can trust their very keen intuition and know that they are usually right on the money.

The moment empaths embrace their true, gifted nature, the gut-wrenching anxiety, tension headaches, and other health problems begin to subside. Their confidence soars. It is wonderful to observe this newfound self-empowerment.

But the openness and courage required to do this kind of soul searching is not easy. It takes determination, and it’s not for the faint of heart. Not to mention the difficulty of cultivating the patience required to learn where and when to say what you feel and know. Sensing the outcome of events or relationships, or more importantly, knowing that something is going on with someone before they know it, can be very challenging.

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Remember, You Are Never Alone

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe night is creeping up so quickly. You had so many plans for the day that has passed. You were sure that today was the day that miracles would come, that they would begin to flow. Yes, you have made some progress, you have removed some of the obstacles in your path, but here you are in the darkest part of the night, still in that place where doubt,  anger, worry reign supreme.

In such moments we begin to feel alone. like a ship without a life raft, no one to call, no one to care.

Remember, we are never alone. The energies around us, the old ones, the ancients, the universe itself is here to hear our cry, our call. There are answers not only within ourselves, but there are messengers sent to Earth to listen, to hear, to care. These divine messengers come because the Great Spirit sends each one to us at just the right time.

An animal or bird we don’t normally see may appear on our path to instinctively give us the strength we may need on that path. An old beggar on the street asking for a few coins may speak words that stun us because they are exactly the words we needed to hear.

We reach out to chat groups for online support and hear craziness, advice that we can barely realistically believe. We have become cynical, forgetting that the universe puts what we need in our path when we need it.

There is no such thing as ‘being alone.’ We have the whole universe around us. So, sing out to the universe your pain, your despair. Your heart will receive the messages you need, the answers you want.

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The Keys To Manifesting Success

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIn the book The Law of Attraction, authors Esther and Jerry Hicks write, “The more you come to understand the power of the Law of Attraction, the more interest you will have in deliberately directing your thoughts — for you get what you think about, whether you want it or not.”

Many people practice various manifestation techniques in an attempt to get the Law of Attraction to work for them, including visualization, journaling, prayer, vision boards, focus wheels, affirmations, dreamwork, and so on. Some succeed spectacularly, while others, sadly, fail miserably at manifesting their desires.

If this has been your experience, know that there is always a solution! Since the universal Law of Attraction definitely works for some people, it surely must work for everyone. All that is usually required are a few adjustments to one’s approach to the manifesting process.

Consider the following practical strategies as potential keys to your manifesting success:

Be Relaxed

Try to be as relaxed as possible when doing any kind of manifestation exercise. Stress and tension make us negative, but to manifest we need to be relaxed and positive. We can only attract what we resonate with, because like attracts like. You cannot attract positive things into your life if you are in a negative state of mind. Do your manifesting work in a grateful, joyful mood in a comfortable, quiet environment. Continue reading

Transform Your Life One Step At A Time

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comKnowing when to make that much needed change in your life can be daunting and very confusing. We often feel this need for change when we already have a lot going on. We tend to also overthink things and then feel overwhelmed, or even paralyzed with anxiety or fear.

Once you get into this kind of ‘stuck’ pattern, nothing seems to get done or resolved. No choices or decisions are made. In turn, this causes even more unhappiness, distress, and turmoil in your life. We all have a tendency to get in our own way.

Over the years of working with many clients in this situation, spirit has always made one thing very clear: it always starts with a firm choice or decision. You don’t have to act on it immediately, but it instantly begins to shift your energy in a new direction, or towards a long-term solution.

Indecision, fear, or lack of commitment to a clear vision for the future is first and foremost what keeps many people stuck indefinitely in the stagnant energy loop of an unhappy, unfulfilled life.

Once you have made up your mind about what you intend to achieve or which direction you wish to go, you gain more clarity and become calmer and more grounded to start taking baby steps forward. Then you can begin to resolve the situation one step at a time with spirit’s support.

To get started consider a simple, step-by-step approach to make break the process down into smaller steps that will be less overwhelming and more attainable.

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It Is Never ‘Just A Dream’

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comPeople often say, “It was just a dream, it does not mean anything.” But in my experience our dreams always mean something, and sometimes it is profound.

Dreams serve important mental, emotional, and spiritual functions in our life journey. Our dreams help us to process and learn from our daily experiences, store memories and important information, master new skills, and manage our emotions. Dreams are also key to our inner guidance, spiritual expansion, karmic evolution, and soul growth. And some dreams are the key to healing trauma.

The first nine years of my life my family lived in a small town, until we moved to a much bigger and more bustling city. Soon after we settled in our new location, I began having the same dream repeatedly.

The content of the dream never wavered. I was back in our hometown, and I was standing frighteningly close to the edge of a large, deep lake. Then suddenly I was running away from a threatening bear chasing me. The intensity of this nightmare never changed, and I consistently woke up terrified.

Around the time I turned 14, it suddenly stopped, and I never experienced the dream again.

Years later, I researched the dream’s possible meaning. I then learned that water often represents emotion, while frequently dreaming about being chased is a sign of feeling stressed, anxious, worried, or fearful. In my dream, I was running away from the negative emotion, or trying to avoid it.

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Your Divine Talent Is A Gift To The World

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comTalent competitions on television are spiritually intriguing. Although I do not watch much reality TV, I do see video clips of talented performers on my social media newsfeeds from time to time. And I am often in awe of the deeper spiritual implications of their remarkable talent.

I have noticed in recent years, for example, a prevalence of very gifted young artists who sing, dance and play instruments, some with no formal training, as if they have many years of experience. There are youngsters who look like the kid next door, but when they perform, they have the star quality of professional artists who have had years of training.

I believe these gifted youngsters were born with gifts they brought with them from past life incarnations. I further believe they are spiritual conduits who are instrumental in helping to raise the vibration on this planet.

One of my recent favorite clips is of 13-year-old Malakai Bayoh singing Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Pie Jesu on Britain’s Got Talent. He truly has the voice of an angel, and you can palpably feel the energy of the audience in absolute awe as they watch him perform. It is said he sings at the 963 Hz Solfeggio frequency, also known as the ‘frequency of divine harmony’ or the ‘sound of the crown chakra.’

According to meditation teacher Griff Williams, the Solfeggio Frequency Scale is an ancient musical scale comprising nine original sound healing frequencies ranging from 174 Hz to 963 Hz that are energetically powerful and spiritually uplifting.

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We Choose Our Way Of Being In The World

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comOur material belongings reveal much about how we tend to operate in this world. For example, I can look at the make of a person’s vehicle, as well as the model, size, and color, and instantly get a sense of how they navigate through life. I further believe we also choose our way of being in this world, based on our spiritual mindset.

A good friend and I own the same make of car, but different models. Mine happens to be a smart car and hers is a jeep. This makes perfect sense to me in terms of our personalities and lifestyle.

I am small in stature, so it is only logical that my preferred vehicle would also be small, snug and space efficient. She, on the other hand, frequently has to transport passengers, as well as plants, clothes and a variety of household items that belong to the members of her family.

More interestingly, however, is that both of us have experienced the exact same technical problem with our cars. There was a time when both our cars suddenly indicated that the brake lights were no longer functioning.

When that little warning light came on in my car, I immeditately sensed the worst, but I secretly hoped that only the bulbs might need to be changed. To my shock and horror, the entire panel eventually had to be replaced. The day I took the car in to be fixed, I miraculously escaped a major traffic accident on my usual route at my usual travel time, because my car happened to be in the shop. Yes, sometimes a malfunctioning brake light can in fact save your life!

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