News and Views From The Psychic Access Community

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Protect Yourself From Psychic Scams

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Over the past two decades of doing psychic readings, I have heard of many scams and frauds in my field.

It always saddens me when I hear about it, especially when I see firsthand the pain and devastation it causes the victims when some of them come to me for help. I have had to do a lot of clean up and damage control with clients who have unknowingly fallen victim to these types of scams.

Psychic scammers also make my work so much harder and ruin the reputation of authentic psychics everywhere. Psychic-related fraud leaves a bad taste in people’s mouths and makes the public doubt those of us who are genuine and well-intentioned.

To add insult to injury the criminal activity of these so-called “psychics” is something the media loves to report because of its sensational nature. Rarely do you see news reports of legitimate psychics helping to change, heal and even save lives.

With the rise of the internet, smart phones, social media and more recently artificial intelligence (AI), it has become much easier for scammers to defraud their victims in many new ways. Sometimes I feel that there are more fraudsters these days than at any time in my career. Or maybe they are just more visible now?

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New Audio Features On

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!We are thrilled to announce the launch of our innovative new audio features that will elevate and enrich your experience with our live psychic advisors at

In response to a fast-evolving digital landscape, we are now offering audio profiles for our expert team of psychics, mediums, and diviners, along with audio versions of our most popular articles on spirituality, metaphysics, energy healing, and psychic ability.

In an age where smartphones and portable devices dominate online interactions, taking the time to read in-depth articles and other content can sometimes be challenging. Recognizing the importance of accessibility and user-friendly experiences, Psychic Access is now offering you a more convenient option by incorporating audio elements into our platform.

When you visit our website for a psychic reading, you can seamlessly listen to the bios of our team of psychics and gain a deeper understanding of their unique skills, specialties, and professional background.

You can also access cutting-edge psychic insights and spiritual guidance without compromising your on-the-go lifestyle because we are introducing audio transcripts of our featured articles that you can easily stream or download while commuting, exercising, or multitasking.

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Integrity And Trust In Psychic Reading

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWe all are born with gifts and talents that are our responsibility to nurture and grow. Those gifts are given by the Divine to be shared with others, and to do our part in making this world we live in a better place.

Before I decided to join an online psychic network, I did a lot of research and then decided to apply to Psychic Access, because it was the most reputable. The negative feedback on some of the other sites, and the scams of spell work and other dubious practices, shocked me. Some sites actually encourage what I refer to as ‘baiting,’ which is sending emails telling people that ‘dark energy’ or an impending problem was coming and they should contact the reader immediately.

Some sites I explored also could have cared less if I had any mediumship or psychic ability; if I had a pulse and was breathing, I would have been hired to do psychic readings there. I was horrified and disgusted.

Wounded hearts can have many dark and tender places and my desire with the work I do is to be of service, to clarify, empower, encourage and inspire all who reach out to me and open their hearts and lives. My great grandmother taught me that with my psychic ability came tremendous responsibility. This is no game to me, no hobby, and I was not going to be associated with any website or company that encouraged such values or behavior.

Integrity is vital to me. I like to think of integrity as armor. We face many challenges, or battles if you will, in our day to day lives and the right armor in any battle is crucial. Chinks in our armor weaken us and can lead to ‘spiritual rust’. Chinks may appear in the form of dishonesty, revenge, resentment, lack of  forgiveness, bitterness, judgment. The list goes on.

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When My Guides Would No Longer Guide Me

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comLike most people, I have faced my own share of difficulties and life challenges. In fact, there was a very challenging period in my life that lasted about 15 years.

I remember in those days asking my guides for support and guidance. I was in desperate need of finding a path out of the chaos caused by a strange series of events in my life. I was praying, humbly requesting divine intervention.

Nothing. Silence.

In the past I had always received feedback from my guides. I have even had magical messages and miraculous signs proving without a shadow of doubt that God and my spirit guides exist.

One time, I was dealing with a very toxic employee, who was spreading nasty rumors about me and my business. I was at my wits end with stress and frustration. On my way back home from my office, a negligent driver unintentionally pulled their car right in front of me on the freeway, almost forcing me off the road! Fortunately, I swerved just in time. After I recovered from my initial shock, I noticed the license plate frame said: Happiness Is Loving Satya.

That same day, my electronic garage door was not working for some reason, so I had to enter the house through the front door, which I never did. I found a tree service business card left on the porch. The tree service owner was once again my namesake. An unusual name for man.

I’ve had hundreds such magical, confirming moments. I have even been told I would receive tangible gifts from my guide, and I did receive those gifts.

But now, during the most difficult, confusing, terrifying time in my life, there was nothing. Nothing. Silence. Why aren’t you responding, I asked. Are you still here with me? Have you abandoned me? Why is this happening?

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The Old-Fashioned Ways Of The Good Ol’ Days

Click Here now for a FREE Psychic Reading at PsychicAccess.comI grew up the old-fashioned way. I remember my grandparents would talk around the family table about the time when they were young. Listening to them was more interesting than reading a history book. It made me wonder how they managed to survive in those days, living a simple life off the land, growing their crops and later owning their very first black and white television set.

My grandmother was also a psychic and she was a firm believer that gifts from the souls from the past can be handed down to generations, to help others and give them a sense of what life truly has to offer. She taught me that we can learn from the past and the wisdom of the lessons learned by those who came before us.

Thinking of my grandparents makes me nostalgic for the good old days of the old-fashioned psychics. Back then they did not use the radio or TV, and much less the Internet and social media, to promote their psychic services. People usually came to psychics through word-of-mouth and personal recommendations, not YouTube and Instagram.

Fortunately, referrals remains one good practice from the past that continues to this day, and it has not changed all that much, despite all the new technology. Like the old days, if you give someone a good reading and ‘rock their world,’ next thing you know their friends are also calling to get a psychic reading from you.

I guess not all that much has changed from the old days? The only difference that new technology brought is the great opportunity psychics now have to reach so many more people all over the world. It enables us to touch the lives of many that would not have been possible in the old days.

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Getting More From Your Psychic Reading

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comSo, there you are, about to spend some well-earned money on a psychic reading. You have decided to get a reading about your life at this time, which is always a good idea.

But before you go ahead make sure you know how to get the best from your reading and how to wrap your mind around what you are going to hear and see. You may be a first timer, or a seasoned veteran of all things occult. It doesn’t matter.

The important thing, the first thing, is to be very sure why you are getting a reading. This must always be your starting point. It enables you to help yourself. It allows your mind to be open and ready to receive. The next thing you must do is to release your attachment to the outcome of the reading. Release all your expectations of what you would like to hear. Easier said than done? Hardly. That is merely an excuse. It only serves to paralyze you, and stems the very flow that you crave.

People often have many questions about what they should do when it comes to getting a reading. Should I carry a crystal? How will I know whom to choose to read for me? Do I just go with a random reader?

The answer to these questions is… do what you feel works best for you. You can carry a crystal if you want to. They have earth-driven qualities and they do help to remind us of beauty, which is always important. Choosing a reader online can be as easy or as complicated as you choose to make it. Choosing a reader in any situation means going with your heart, your instinct and, most of all, an open mind.

Keeping an open mind in a psychic reading is essential. By releasing attachment to the outcome, you allow Spirit to speak through the medium or the psychic, giving you the message that is meant for you alone. That is why you get a reading after all, isn’t it? I would hope so!

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Keep Your Money Karma Clean

Click this picture for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI have been receiving many calls from clients who are struggling with finances and employment. They get something then lose it, or they have others sabotaging their jobs or reputation. If this is a re-occurring problem in your life, it is a good idea to look at your money karma.

Not all people who go through this have ‘bad’ money karma, but some do. We are on this planet with others and our world and karma gets entangled with others. Many people have issues with money, and their abuse and view of money easily bleeds over into our lives. Continue reading

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