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Practical Techniques For Psychic Protection

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Psychic protection, also known as spiritual or energetic protection, is a practice I hold dear because it helps shield me from negative energies, psychic attacks, and unwanted influences.

The concept is not new. Mystical protection practices can be traced back to various ancient civilizations, indigenous traditions, Eastern philosophies, and Western esoteric practices.

In ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome, amulets and talismans were worn and protective deities invoked to ward off negative energies and evil spirits. Indigenous cultures in the Americas and Africa used smudging and rituals to summon ancestral spirits for protection.

Eastern religious traditions such as Hinduism and Buddhism use mantras, yantras, and meditation for spiritual protection. Kabbalistic traditions emphasize the use of specific prayers and rituals to create spiritual shields. These practices reflect a deep-rooted belief in the power of divine intervention and sacred symbols to provide protection.

In Catholicism, believers recite prayers such as the Lord’s Prayer or the prayer to St. Michael for protection from evil. They may also use holy water, crucifixes, or medals of saints as protective symbols. In Judaism, the recitation of Psalms and the use of amulets inscribed with Hebrew verses are common practices for protection against negative influences.

Contemporary spiritual communities have adapted these ancient practices to include the use of crystals, energy healing, and visualization techniques. Workshops, books, and teachings offer a wealth of methods for psychic protection, all aimed at maintaining a balanced, protected, and positive state of being. These diverse traditions and modern adaptations underscore the universal spiritual need to protect ourselves from unseen negative energies and dark influences.

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The Mystical Healing Properties Of Amethyst

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Amethyst, an enchanting purple variety of quartz crystal, is celebrated not only for its stunning beauty but also for its powerful metaphysical properties.

Traditionally held in high regard as a spiritual and esoteric tool, this semi-precious gemstone is revered for its potent energy and versatile healing properties.

The captivating purple crystal is associated with the third eye and crown chakras, making it a powerful aid in enhancing spiritual awareness and deepening meditative states. Its calming presence also helps to quiet the mind, promoting a sense of inner peace and emotional balance, which is essential for spiritual growth and clarity.

Amethyst is also known for its protective qualities, shielding the user from negative energies and psychic attacks while fostering a connection to higher consciousness and universal wisdom. Whether used in meditation, healing rituals, or simply carried as a talisman, the amethyst serves as a trusted companion on the journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening.

As a psychic practitioner, I’ve always felt a deep, almost magnetic affinity for amethyst in both my personal spiritual practice and my professional psychic work. This beautiful violet crystal has a calming energy that enhances my psychic awareness and helps me achieve a sense of inner serenity for connecting with the spiritual realm.

When I hold Amethyst, I feel a heightened sense of clarity and insight, as if the veil between the physical and spiritual worlds is gently lifted. Its calming energy helps me stay centered during readings, allowing me to channel messages with greater precision and compassion.

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The True Spiritual Meaning Of The Pentagram

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Perhaps no other spiritual or religious icon is as misunderstood as the pentagram, or pentacle. The true symbolism of the pentagram, a five-pointed star often surrounded by a circle, is commonly misrepresented.

Contrary to popular misconceptions that associate it with darkness, evil, or Satanism, the pentagram has multiple meanings within various spiritual and religious traditions, most notably within Paganism and modern Wicca.

The pentagram has been a spiritual symbol of significance for millennia, long before its association with modern religious movements.

Historically, it has been used by cultures around the world, often to represent celestial bodies, principles of harmony, or mystical concepts. Its use first appeared in ancient Greece and Mesopotamia around the 1st millennium BC.

It is not widely known that there are significant historical connections between the pentagram and Christianity. Prior to the widespread use of the cross, the pentagram was a popular symbol to adorn the jewelry and amulets of early Christians, often alongside an “X” or a phoenix. This symbol was associated with the five wounds of Christ and also represented the concept of Alpha and Omega united, as the star could be drawn in one continuous movement of the pen.

In contemporary contexts, particularly within Wicca and related neo-pagan belief systems, the pentacle has positive connotations. It’s seen as a symbol of protection, spirituality, and the interconnectedness of the elements. Each point of the star represents an aspect of balance, holistic existence, conscious living, and the cyclical nature of life.

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The Mystical Properties Of Ancient Amber

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Crystals, gemstones, and incense have been widely used in spiritual, esoteric, and healing practices throughout the ages and continue to be popular today.

But there is another type of natural material that does not enjoy the same level of widespread recognition and popularity, despite its unique metaphysical properties and significance in various cultures and mystical traditions.

Resins are less well known and used by modern practitioners. I find that many people are unfamiliar with the various types of resins available and their metaphysical properties.

Compared to crystals, gemstones, and incense, which have gained widespread popularity in recent years, especially through social media and the Internet, resins have received less attention and exposure.

As a result, people may be less likely to encounter resins in their exploration of metaphysical tools and practices.

I also find that people who are at least somewhat familiar with resins tend to associate them with their use as incense. Resins such as frankincense, myrrh, copal, and others are often burned as incense to purify spaces, objects, and individuals. The smoke cleanses negative energies, purifies the aura, and creates a sacred atmosphere for rituals and ceremonies. Continue reading

The Mystical Symbolism Of The Hamsa

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!The well-known Hamsa symbol has a rich tapestry of esoteric meaning that spans several cultures and religious traditions, including Islam, Judaism, and Christianity. It is commonly used as a protective amulet, offering protection from the evil eye, as well as a talisman or good luck charm, bringing its wearer blessings in the form of happiness, health, and fortune.

The Hamsa is also known as the Khamsa, Hamesh, the Hand of Fatima, the Hand of Miriam, or the Hand of Mary. The names “Hamsa” and “Khamsa” both refer to the number five in Arabic while “Hamesh” means five in Hewbrew, all symbolizing the five fingers of the hand.

In Islamic tradition, this famous esoteric hand is named after Fatima al-Zahra, the youngest daughter of the Prophet Muhammad and his first wife Khadija. Fatima is known by many titles in Islamic tradition, of which al-Zahra (meaning “the Radiant One”) is one of the most prominent. Her life, devotion to family and faith, and moral integrity are admired and serve as an inspiration to Muslims around the world.

In Jewish culture, the hand symbol is named after Miriam, the sister of Moses and Aaron, who was a prophetess and is an important figure in Judaism. In some Christian contexts, it is also known as the Hand of Mary, although it is less commonly referred to by this name. In this instance it is associated with Mary, the mother of Jesus, who is revered for her purity, grace, and maternal protection.

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The Psychic Power Of Crystals

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI’ve been surrounded by crystals, both in my personal healing and psychic work, since I can remember. I wouldn’t call myself an expert on the subject, but I do know that these beautiful stones are aesthetically pleasing, and powerful to have around.

Many crystals have been given to me as gifts, and it’s as if the giver always knows exactly what I need in terms of what the gemstones or crystals can help me with.

When choosing crystals and stones for psychic work or energy healing, I simply allow them to ‘speak’ to me. The vibration of the ideal ones for every purpose always resonates with me.  I simply allow them to ‘speak’ to me, trusting that their vibrations will call me. The actual color of the crystal or stone can have quite a profound effect on the mind. For example, medical patients are known to respond to the color blue, when it is used decoratively in a recuperative environment, and criminals are known to be calmer in a cell painted in very pale pink.

I also own a small collection of crystal balls, and it’s as if an image materializes in my mind when gazing into my crystal ball, as opposed to what I see in the actual crystal itself. You might say it is a third eye opener!

I surround myself with amethyst for the calm it brings, rose quartz to bring in loving energy, pyrite for psychic protection and various quartz crystals to assist me energetically, and just because I find them beautiful to behold.

My bone-throwing divination kit consists of a large collection of stones, each representing a token or a symbol. Each stone has its own story and can represent a significant meaning, person, animal or place to me.

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The Self-Fulfilling Fear Of A ‘Bad Luck Curse’

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comSome folks who consult with reputable psychics for the first time sometimes believe that the many unfortunate things that have been happening to them is due to some ‘family curse’ or ‘bad luck hex.’ While it may indeed seem like certain people and their families do have more than their fair share of ill-fated things happen to them, sometimes through several generations, this kind of superstition is usually just an overreaction to challenging life events, and too often merely an excuse to avoid personal responsibility for one’s own choices.

An famous example of a so-called family curse is the Kennedy family, who suffered a series of bizarre accidents, premature deaths, assassinations, and various other setbacks and calamities, including several ill-fated romantic relationships that all started out great, but then took a turn for the worse and ended in tragedy and disaster.

Whenever I read for a client who believes they are somehow ‘cursed,’ I always advise them that blaming a so-called ‘curse’ for the challenges and adversities in their life will never solve their problems, nor help them create a better life in the future.

Sometimes people are not ready and open to take an honest look at their own part in creating certain life events through their free will choices and decisions. When a relationship ends badly, for example, it is so much easier and convenient to simply imagine, “Oh, well I am probably cursed in the love department.” Meanwhile, the red flags for this relationship were waving high and bright since the very beginning, but they so desperately wanted a relationship that they ignored the early warning signs.

If we would only listen to our gut, and to the people who truly care about us, we will more often experience the blessing of good fortune, instead of ‘bad luck.’ Spirit always warns us early on when we are making bad life choices and heading for disaster. Some of these messages come courtesy of our intuition and inner guidance, some are revealed to us in dreams, signs, synchronicities and psychic readings, and some warnings reach us through our friends and relatives. Sadly, some people blame everything instead on ‘bad luck’ or ‘curses,’ as they would rather believe they have been cursed than take any personal responsibility by accepting they made a poor choices or decisions.

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