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What Comes First: Friendship Or Romance?

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Is it really necessary to build a solid foundation of friendship when you already have a gut feeling that the person you just met might be “the one”?

This is a question I sometimes get from clients seeking a love or relationship reading. They want to know whether they should focus on building a friendship first if they feel that their relationship has the potential to lead to a long-term commitment or marriage.

The answer can vary depending on the people involved and the unique dynamics of their relationship.

While there’s no one-size-fits-all answer, building a friendship can provide a stable foundation for the deeper layers of a romantic relationship. Friendship helps create a space where mutual respect, understanding, and shared values can flourish – qualities that are crucial to a lasting partnership.

I find many folks jump into a relationship with both feet, convinced they’ve found their true soulmate, only to be disappointed later.

Developing a strong friendship with your partner can be incredibly beneficial. It allows you to get to know each other on a deeper level without the pressure or distractions that often come with romantic and physical intimacy. In a friendship, you’re more likely to feel comfortable being your authentic self. This authenticity can lead to a stronger emotional connection, which can then become the foundation for a more serious romantic connection.

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Tarot Forecast September 2024: Two Of Cups

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!The card that came up for this month is the Two of Cups, which carries the symbolism of connection, balance, harmony, mutual affection, and partnership.

In the Rider-Waite Tarot deck, this card depicts a couple standing face to face, each holding a golden cup in one hand. They extend their cups toward each other as if in a toast or exchange, symbolizing a mutual offering of affection, love, support, or a celebration of their shared success. Their gaze is locked, indicating a deep connection and understanding between them.

Above their heads is a caduceus, the ancient symbol of healing, two serpents intertwined, representing their powerful union and the personal and spiritual healing they find with each other. At the top is a winged lion’s head, symbolizing spiritual strength and divine protection in the sacred union of their souls.

The core meaning of this card is the coming together of two individuals. This can be romantic, platonic, or business-related. The emphasis is on mutual respect, harmony, understanding, and a balanced give and take.

The cups also represent emotion. It’s a card of deep emotional intimacy, connection, and a harmonious union based on mutual respect and love. This card often signifies the beginning of a new chapter in a partnership or committed relationship, full of potential and growth.

As we enter this new month, the energy of the Two of Cups will take center stage, guiding us through various aspects of life with themes of harmony, emotional connection and mutual understanding.

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Do You Know If Your Partner Is Cheating?

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI often have married people call me for insight into whether their spouse is cheating on them. In some cases, I also consult with clients who are having an extramarital affair themselves.

It has become increasingly common for clients to confide in me about their infidelity, revealing that while they are married, they are also dating or having sexual relationships with others outside of their marriage.

One trend I have noticed in recent years is that more women seem to be engaging in infidelity, at least among those who come to me for counseling.

What I often find particularly intriguing is that in many cases people believe, for the wrong reasons, that the person they are having an affair with is more compatible with them than their current spouse.

Despite the morally complex situations in which my clients find themselves, I make it a point not to judge them. My job is to provide the best possible insights and information to help people navigate their circumstances for their highest good; not to question their life choices.

My clients often express their appreciation for my nonjudgmental approach, noting that I don’t lecture or impose my personal opinions. This is a given for me, as it is considered essential and non-negotiable among reputable, ethical psychic advisors. Also, I haven’t walked in their shoes. Life is complex, and none of us are without flaws.

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Is Your Texting Pushing Him Away?

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!A new client recently contacted me about a promising romantic relationship. The first thing that became clear as I began to read for her was that she had a long history of dating men who seemed like potential long-term partners, but then suddenly disappeared or broke up with her after only a few months.

It quickly also became clear to me that texting was a significant factor in her dating problems. Misunderstandings due to texting have damaged the romantic, family, and friendship relationships of many people I have worked with as a psychic professional. This client was no exception.

As I read the energy around her situation, I sensed that she had a tendency to push men away by unnecessarily panicking when she did not feel completely in control. Guys can sense panic and controlling tendencies and for most men this is usually a big turnoff.

This kind of negative energy is also stressful and doesn’t improve the outcome of an uncertain situation. Excessive obsession, panic, and worry will not bring someone closer to you; in fact, it can push a potential long-term relationship away forever.

I then had to tell her that while I did see the potential for a long-term relationship in their connection, I didn’t currently see a long-term future for them if she continued with all the texting she was doing. I told her to take a step back, breathe, stop worrying so much, and definitely not try to resolve things through texting any more.

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The Karmic Magnetism Of A Soul Love Connection

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!When we meet someone that we feel a deep, inexplicable love connection with – that magical spark that goes way beyond the surface – it’s never just chance or luck. It happens when two souls resonate on a deeper level, be it emotional, spiritual, or psychological.

Spiritually, we are like magnets. Sometimes we are irresistibly drawn to people who have qualities or energies that match our own. Other times we’re fascinated by those who seem to embody qualities that are different or even opposite to our own.

Like opposite poles of magnets, soul mates or spiritually compatible partners feel a natural pull toward each other. This attraction can be inexplicable, a deep sense of recognition, or a familiar feeling of “coming home.

This kind of attraction is never random; it’s part of the divine plan that guides our journey of personal growth and soul evolution. The people we’re attracted to, whether similar or different, offer us unique opportunities for spiritual growth.

This kind of special mutual attraction is part of our spiritual journey – a dance orchestrated by the universe. Whether we call them soulmates, twin flame connections, or soul contracts, they are spiritually significant partnerships designed to catalyze mutual growth.

For this reason, these connections often involve profound synchronicities and deeply transformative experiences. In fact, these types of relationships are one of the most important pathways for karmic learning, healing, growth and evolution in this lifetime.

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Recognizing When A Relationship Is Over

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Every relationship serves a purpose and has its own timeline. When a relationship has served its purpose and is no longer contributing positively to our personal growth, happiness and soul evolution, acknowledging that it’s over opens a door to new possibilities and opportunities for healing, growth and expansion.

But while recognizing that a relationship is over is crucial for our personal well-being and spiritual growth, it is also very difficult for many people to face the truth when they see the writing on the wall. I find this to be a common problem that comes up in many psychic readings.

Staying in a relationship that has run its course is often detrimental to one’s health and well-being. It leads to stress, anxiety, loss of self-confidence, and a sense of being stuck or unfulfilled. Recognizing when it’s time to let go allows us to prioritize our own joy, happiness, and well-being.

Recognizing the end of a relationship is a lesson in acceptance and surrender. It encourages us to trust the universal flow, embrace change, and set new and better intentions to manifest our highest good. It is also an opportunity for deeper self-reflection and karmic growth.

When it comes to recognizing that a relationship is over, it’s important to listen to your intuition and inner guidance. The universe and our higher selves always give us subtle hints or nudges to show us when it’s time to let go and move forward on our personal and spiritual path.

Recognizing the signs that a relationship is over takes courage, self-awareness, and a willingness to prioritize personal well-being and growth. It’s a transformative process that ultimately fosters greater self-love, resilience, and spiritual evolution.

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Decoding Love Cord Connections

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!As a Virgo, love and relationships are my favorite areas to focus on when doing readings. I am comfortable helping my clients in all areas of their lives, but I especially enjoy helping them in the romance department.

When I do relationship readings, I can tell when two people are connected with an energetic ‘love cord connection’. I can tell if it’s just lust, desire, or a crush, or if it’s the real thing: full-blown love; the kind of love that never dies.

A love cord connection is an energetic connection between two people who share a deep emotional bond, especially in romantic relationships. It’s a non-physical connection that exists on a spiritual level; an energetic connection of love, intimacy and understanding between two souls.

This connection is a subtle yet powerful exchange of energy that transcends time and place and can be felt or intuitively perceived by those attuned to such energies. Seeing such a cord between two people indicates a strong resonance and compatibility between them. It confirms a deep emotional and spiritual connection.

Perceiving such an energetic love cord connection between two individuals gives me insight into the dynamics of the relationship and the depth of the connection between them, so that I can provide guidance on how to nurture and strengthen their bond.

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