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The Forgotten Art Of Self-Healing

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comSelf-healing is a holistic approach to wellness that too often takes a back seat in our modern existence.

The mind-body has an incredible restorative and self-healing capacity that is often overlooked. Harnessing these inner forces can lead to a profound transformation of one’s life.

Self-healing is not just about recovering from physical ailments; it encompasses mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

It is the process of harnessing our body’s innate ability to recover from physical ailments and mental health challenges without relying solely on external intervention.

It’s about nurturing your body’s natural ability to rejuvenate, repair and thrive.

To achieve self-healing, it’s critical to recognize the mind-body connection. Our thoughts and emotions have a profound effect on our physical well-being. Negative thoughts and feelings such as stress, worry, anxiety, fear and resentment can all manifest as physical symptoms. Self-healing addresses these underlying emotional and mental issues to begin the healing process.

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The Basics Of Reiki

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comReiki is popular concept in modern spirituality, metaphysics and energy healing. It is therefore good for anyone interested in these fields to have a basic understanding of this technique to engage in discussions with likeminded people in a meaningful way.

The term reiki is a combination of two Japanese words. Rei means ‘divine wisdom’ or ‘divine power,’ and ki means ‘life force energy’ or ‘vital human energy.’ Reiki is therefore a ‘divinely empowered life force.’

Reiki, or rather the system of Reiki, was developed in Japan a century ago by a Buddhist monk known as Mikao Usui. He was a renowned spiritual man who dedicated his life to being of service to others. While seeking spiritual awakening on Mount Kurama, north of the Japanese city of Kyoto, he was divinely inspired with the gift of Reiki. It was introduced to the United States in the late 1930s by Hawayo Hiromi Takata, a  Japanese-American woman who received training in Reiki in Tokyo and became a master practitioner.

Although it is more commonly known only as a form of energy healing, true Reiki is in fact a comprehensive spiritual practice and a conscious lifestyle. Yes, it involves the healing of the mind and body, but it also proposes living in total peace with oneself, and being aware of your own unique purpose and spiritual light within. The system of Reiki seeks to remove the layers of fear, worry and attachments that conceal our innate brightness of being.

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Spiritual Awareness Requires A Soul-Body Connection

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comA practical way to understand our own spiritual identity within the co-created reality of this world is to think of our soul as the metaphysical software, and our body as the physical hardware. Both software and hardware are needed to have a fully functioning computer that is able to solve problems and complete tasks.

In spirituality, we tend to focus mostly on the mind or consciousness aspects of our existence, such as intuitions, dreams, psychic experiences, paranormal events, our belief system, and altered states of consciousness achieved through various spiritual modalities, including meditation, chanting, trance-inducing rituals, hypnosis, yoga, music, mandala, and so on.

Yet, we seldom consider the importance of the physical experience we are having. This is a vital component in our spiritual evolution that is often overlooked! As metaphysical, energetic beings, we incarnated in human form with a physical body to have a physical learning experience. There is therefore much spiritual value in making the most of our physical embodiment in this lifetime.

The physical body we are born with unique resonates with our soul consciousness and is designed to support us through our journey on this physical plane. But too often we take for granted this amazing vessel that carries us through life. Soon after our birth we become so used to being in our body that we seldom consider its true value.

Sadly, many of us tend to abuse our body in all sorts of ways, for all sorts of reasons, and yet, our body just keeps on doing everything in its power to keep us healthy and strong, for it to continue carrying us through our spiritual journey in this lifetime.

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Healing With Herbs

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe past two years I have turned increasingly to herbs for natural healing. A good friend told me about herbs and how they help her family and I begin to do research. Soon I started taking herbs and have had excellent results.

Herbal medicine has gone from alternative to mainstream. The proper use of many common herbs (some of which can be easily grown at home) can help keep you healthy. Try herbal infusions in teas, lotions and soaps to see what works best for you.

You may not know the many uses for these common herbs and plant extracts, so I have compiled a list of those I often use in my personal life:

Ginger – known as the ‘universal medicine’ in Ayurvedic tradition for its many uses, including anti-nausea and motion sickness, digestive aid, and circulatory aid. It can be consumed in powder or fresh form.

Basil – has a spicy scent which can be used to revive faintness. It is also useful for an overactive thyroid, improving one’s concentration, and as an antioxidant packed with Vitamins A and C.

Curry – like ginger it is a popular herb in Ayurvedic medicine. Some of its uses include pain relief, ‘brain power’ to help ward off Alzheimer’s disease, and antioxidant. It also has been shown to improve skin tone.

Peppermint – thought to be the world’s oldest herbal remedy. It is used to combat nausea and vomiting, increase mental stimulation, and boost energy levels. It can also be used as a mild analgesic.

Parsley – in addition to being a popular food garnish it helps prevent gall bladder infections and kidney stones. It’s also loaded with antioxidant and deodorizing properties.

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My Symptoms Of Spiritual Awakening

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI often get questions about spiritual awakening. Is it real, and how do you know if you are experiencing it? There are many different lists of ascension symptoms available online, but it is no easy task to know which is more accurate or reliable.

In my opinion Karen Bishop’s list is the best. She wrote that “we all experience our spiritual development in our own unique way. For some of us the changes occur slowly; for others a series of events can trigger sudden growth. We do not all share the same symptoms or changes”. I therefore can’t account for all of the symptoms, but I am going to share some of the experiences I’ve personally had as a psychic. I am not listing these things in any particular order, as I can’t remember what I noticed happening first.

Feeling Disoriented

I had no sense of direction. I found my way around the city, not by knowing which the north end is and which is the south, but because I have gotten lost so many times! Every time I left my house I got lost. I live right off the main street that divides the city. Everything is either North or South. If you are one block north, then the addresses will all be in a certain range, and vice versa. Simple enough. But, by the time I would realize I was going the wrong way, I would turn off, turn around and proceed in the opposite direction. Only to find out that I have continued on in still the wrong direction. I think my record was four times in a row!

Unusual Aches And Pains

I experienced physical discomforts that for us women are often simply chalked up as ‘menstrual’. The pains were usually in the lower back and neck area. For me, it felt as though someone is pushing on my head so hard they are compressing my neck.

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Achieving Mind, Body And Soul Health

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As spiritual beings we must take care of the sacred body temples that house us. Optimal health is part of a collective cycle that merges the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of who we are into one continuously moving energetic field. When any one of these three elements is out of balance, we miss out on the opportunity to show up for our lives with optimal focus, energy, desire, stamina, strength, and purpose.

Science has long recognized that stress has a negative impact on our entire being. I have consulted over the years with clients who complain of the physical manifestation of stress, often appearing as low energy, headaches, poor digestion, insomnia, muscle tension, and chronic pain.

However, as a spiritual practitioner and energy worker, I often also witness how stress can upset our energy fields and create blockages at the mental, physical, and spiritual level.

By getting in touch with how stressful events make us feel, we can more closely examine our personal triggers. Once we learn which events or situations are less ideal for us, we can implement methods for coping, as well as choose alternative options that are less stressful. Despite how seemingly difficult any situation is, we always have a choice to impact a different outcome or choose how we respond to the event.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, health and wellness has become a center stage issue for many of us. I find many of my clients are increasingly interested in finding ways to boost their immunity and building the body’s natural defenses.

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Realign Your Spirit This New Year

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWith the difficult year 2020 finally in our rear-view mirror, it is time to stop for a moment, clear our minds, hearts and spirit, and embrace the hope, happiness, well-being and prosperity that awaits us in the new year. We do not have to carry the pain and chaos of 2020 forward with us.

The first step to achieve this would be to check our alignment body, mind and spirit. Alignment is defined as the “arrangement in a straight line, or in correct or appropriate relative positions,” as well as a “position of agreement or alliance.” Happiness, well-being and abundance becomes blocked for us when we are not in agreement and alliance with our spirit.

Many of us have been in survival mode the past year, instead of in thrive mode. Dramatic changes in our health and wellness, career, business, finances, relationships, family and social life, and our lifestyles in general, can cause our soul energy to go sideways and out of alignment, just like being sideswiped by a car.

If you step off a curb suddenly, fall, twist an ankle, or pull a muscle, it will often put unusual stress on our spine and central nervous system. When the spine is misaligned a myriad of symptoms such as headaches, lower back pain, neck pain and numbness can manifest. Symptoms like these are the body’s way of letting us know something needs to be urgently attended to.

The same holds true for our spiritual well-being. When our energy, mental processes, and emotions begin to run amuck, our spiritual alignment needs to be corrected to regain our balance. Our body, mind and spirit must all be facing the same direction for us to move forward.

Staying in alignment with Spirit enables us to bounce back quickly, stay on course and manifest happiness and prosperity in our lives. Alignment with Spirit is our natural and preferred state, and while we may find ourselves temporarily off for various reasons, we are never too far to come back.

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