How Venus Debilitation Impacts Your Love Life
As we find ourselves in the midst of the annual Venus debilitation transit until September 18, it’s important to understand how this cosmic event tends to affect our love lives and relationships.
In astrology, debilitation refers to a planet being in a weaker or less favorable position in the zodiac, which affects its ability to express its natural qualities. When a planet is debilitated, it is limited in the expression of its positive qualities and may instead exhibit more challenging qualities. This concept is a key element in Vedic astrology (Jyotish), which emphasizes the dignity of the planets based on their positions in the zodiac.
Venus is considered weak in the sign of Virgo. Virgo, an earth sign ruled by Mercury, is associated with practicality, analysis and critical thinking. These qualities conflict with Venus’ natural inclinations toward love, harmony, pleasure, and artistic expression. This period can bring emotional instability, communication breakdowns and a need for introspection in your relationships.
But while a Venusian weakening is usually seen as a challenging or negative time for love and relationships, it can actually be a blessing in disguise. This cosmic event forces us to look deeper into the dynamics of our relationships and helps us identify areas that need attention or improvement.
When Venus is weakened, it strips away illusions and forces us to confront the realities of our romantic lives. By facing these truths, we have the opportunity to address unresolved issues, break unhealthy patterns, and communicate more honestly with our partners. This introspection can lead to a greater understanding of what we truly need and value in our relationships, paving the way for more authentic and meaningful connections.
Astrology Forecast September 9 – 15, 2024
As Mercury enters Virgo, you may find yourself craving order and clarity more than usual. This shift is likely to inspire a detail-oriented mindset, making it an excellent time to tackle tasks that require precision and careful analysis.
You may feel a strong urge to reorganize your environment, eliminate clutter and streamline your routine. Communication could become more pragmatic and concise as Mercury in Virgo emphasizes logic over emotion. Use this energy to express your ideas clearly and thoughtfully so that every word counts.
However, this transit can also bring a heightened sense of perfectionism. While it’s beneficial to strive for excellence, be careful not to become overly critical of yourself or others. There’s a danger of getting bogged down in the details, which can lead to stress or anxiety. Balance is key.
Use the energy of Virgo to increase productivity and improve your skills, but remember to make room for flexibility and compassion. It’s a great time to pay attention to detail, but don’t let the pursuit of perfection hinder your progress.
Today’s astrological aspects of the Moon in Scorpio opposing Uranus in Taurus, followed by a trine to Neptune in Pisces, and finally a sextile to Pluto in Capricorn will add layers of emotional intensity and depth to the influence of Mercury entering Virgo.
The opposition between the Moon and Uranus can create unexpected disruptions and emotional turbulence, potentially upsetting the desire for order and routine brought about by Mercury in Virgo. You may experience sudden mood swings or a sense of restlessness, making it difficult to stick to your plans. This aspect encourages you to embrace change and find new ways to approach your tasks, even if they seem disruptive at first.
The Mystical Practice Of Psychic Surgery
The phenomenon of psychic surgery has always fascinated me. Although I have never personally witnessed such a procedure first hand, I did see footage of a psychic surgeon in action many years ago.
Despite the poor quality of the movie, it seemed to me to be very real and certainly not a parlor trick, as many skeptics might suggest. The footage left a lasting impression and piqued my curiosity about a practice that operates on the edge of the mystical and the medical.
The film I saw was recorded by a friend who is very enthusiastic about psychic surgery. He had filmed the footage during a trip to the Philippines, where he observed the procedure firsthand.
He explained that psychic surgery is essentially the manipulation of energy and vibration. The practitioner is able to penetrate the patient’s skin with his bare hands using “polarity,” which is the balancing or manipulation of opposing energy forces.
In many spiritual and alternative healing practices, polarity is a term used to describe the dynamic interaction between different types of energy, often referred to as positive and negative energy, or yin and yang.
The idea is that everything in the universe, including the human body, operates on a balance of these opposing energies. When this balance is disturbed, disease or physical ailments can result.
In psychic surgery, practitioners use polarity to perform seemingly miraculous procedures with their bare hands. The idea is that by tapping into and manipulating these energies, they can create a state in which the physical body becomes malleable, allowing them to penetrate the skin without causing pain or bleeding. The procedure is performed without invasive surgery or the use of anesthesia.
The Karmic Lessons Of Our Past Lives
Each lifetime offers us karmic lessons inherited from our past lives, often presenting what we perceive as hardship or misfortune, but are actually opportunities for soul growth.
These soul lessons are “karmic” because they were created or caused by our free will choices, decisions and actions in previous lives. They resurface in our current lifetime to be resolved, redeemed, released, and healed.
In ancient Sanskrit, karma (कर्म) literally means “action” or “deed.” It is derived from the root word kri, which means “to do” or “to act.”
According to many spiritual and philosophical tradition the essence of karma is that every action (physical, verbal, mental, spiritual) has consequences that reverberate through time and space and affect our present and future circumstances. Our actions in every lifetime create karmic ripples that influence the fabric of our existence, shaping our future life experiences and soul growth journey.
Karmic imprints are the energetic residues of our past actions, thoughts, and emotions that carry over from previous lives into our present existence. These imprints often manifest as recurring patterns, challenges, or opportunities in our current lifetime. The core principle is that our actions, thoughts, and emotions create a cause-and-effect relationship that extends beyond a single lifetime. Positive actions result in positive consequences, while negative actions result in negative consequences.
Karmic imprints are stored in the etheric energy field known as the Akashic Records, or Universal Consciousness, that records all human experience. When a soul reincarnates, it brings these imprints with it, influencing its experiences and choices in the current life.
A Step-By-Step Guide To Shielding Your Energy
It is important to be aware of the invisible metaphysical forces that surround us, for not all of them are for our highest good. The energy deficiencies and dysfunctions of others, while often subtle, can have a profoundly harmful effect on our personal and spiritual well-being.
We all have to deal with people in our lives who can be particularly draining and unsettling – commonly known as ‘energy thieves’ or ‘psychic vampires’. Like psychic parasites, these people knowingly or unknowingly drain the energetic vitality of others, leaving their victims feeling drained, anxious, depressed, or even physically ill.
For those of us who are particularly sensitive to the energies of others, this can directly affect our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health in profound ways.
Energy shielding is therefore an essential spiritual practice for maintaining balance and protecting oneself from such negative influences. This type of energy work is essential for creating a protective auric barrier that ensures that the negative energies of others do not infiltrate your mind, body, or spirit. With the right attitude and some spiritual support, we are never defenseless against the negativity of others.
Energy theft, or vampirism, is not just a matter of superstition; it is something I have observed consistently throughout my life, both personally and professionally. In my own psychic practice, I rely on a robust energetic self-defense routine to ensure that any negative energy directed at me is deflected and rendered harmless.
Astrology Forecast September 2 – 8, 2024
Today’s Virgo New Moon brings a powerful blend of new beginnings and practical energy.
Virgo, an earth sign, is known for its attention to detail, organization, and focus on health and routine. When the new moon occurs in Virgo, it’s an ideal time to set intentions related to self-improvement, work habits, and wellness routines.
Today and tomorrow’s lunar energy is therfore perfect for cleaning up your life, both physically and mentally, and making plans to achieve your goals with precision and discipline.
You may feel an increased urge to get organized, refine your daily routines, and focus on improving areas of your life that need more structure and efficiency. Be careful not to be overly critical of yourself or others, however, as Virgo’s energy can sometimes tend toward perfectionism.
When Mars enters Cancer on Wednesday, its fiery, assertive energy meets Cancer’s nurturing and emotional realm, creating a complex dynamic.
Mars, the planet of action and drive, becomes more sensitive and protective in Cancer, often leading to an increased focus on home, family, and personal safety. This transit can make us more motivated to defend our loved ones and emotional boundaries, but it can also cause mood swings or passive-aggressive behavior, as Cancer’s influence can temper Mars’ direct approach.
The Unresolved Karmic Bonds Between Souls
Have you ever found yourself thinking about an old friend or flame that you haven’t spoken to in years, and they suddenly show up in your life in the most unexpected place? This often happens when we are still energetically connected to someone.
There are invisible energy cords that connect us to many different souls across dimensions and incarnations. These karmic connections are deep soul bonds that transcend time and space and span multiple lifetimes.
Those we love (or hate) – whether a partner or spouse, family members, friends – are all karmically connected to us.
Karmic connections aren’t easily severed. They also don’t simply disappear when we physically part ways in this world. These invisible cords keep us tied to those we’ve loved, lost, or even hurt—until we consciously choose to break free.
Karmic connections continue across lifetimes unless they are consciously severed and dissolved. But these energetic cords of attachment can be difficult to break. We may believe that a relationship is over on a logical level, but energetically the connection remains.
When betrayal or heartache occurs, an energy cord remains between the heart chakras of both individuals, often leading to a recurring cycle of pain and energy depletion due to these lingering connections.
Traumatic events, emotional or sexual attachments, promises, contracts and vows all create strong connections between souls. We often feel a sense of unfinished business when a promise or vow is broken or left unfulfilled.