Accomplish More With A Vision Board
As I began to approach my teen years, I became more eager to develop my intuitive abilities. It was important for me to start finding my purpose. I had become a part of this adolescent spiritual group, where kids from different cultures and religious backgrounds came together to find common ground.
On the last night of a camping retreat, we gathered around a large table with magazines and art materials surrounding us. Our teacher instructed us to put our vision on paper, so we could have a visual tool to motivate and inspire us for the future.
There was much laughter in the beginning, but then the room became more serious and quiet. Everyone began filling their paper with colorful images and commenting on how awesome the project was. In the final hour, we all went around the room and shared our vision boards with humor and emotion. Overall we learned that each one of us is unique and driven to make our imprint in this world.
Whatever the mind is set upon, or whatever it keeps most in view, that it is bringing to it, and the continual thought or imagining must at last take form and shape in the world of seen and tangible things ~ Prentice Mulford
I still make those vision boards once a year, to represent what I want to accomplish in all aspects of my life. I put it up in my office as a reminder of what I need to focus on. A vision boards is also a wonderful tool to use when you are feeling stuck or frustrated with life, and need some direction!
Creating a vision board is easy, and lots of fun. It simply requires some magazines, unless you’re really artistic, as well as some tape or glue, and a large piece of paper or a poster. Cut out or draw the images that reflect your goals and represent what you want to manifest in the next six months to year of your life. There are also websites and apps that enable you to create digital vision boards.
You will be amazed at the results, once your daily life begins to reflect the imagery posted on your vision board. Go ahead and try it!
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