soul encounter
Your Future Child May Be Closer Than You Think
One of the most meaningful connections I have been able to make as a psychic since I was very young is that between a mother and the soul of her future child.
For example, I remember seeing a three year old child (for some reason I almost always envision them around that age) playing next to a sixteen year old classmate when I was still in high school.
Six months later, that classmate left school because she was pregnant. I remember chalking it up to mere coincidence. At that time, I was still coming to terms with my psychic abilities and often doubted them.
Over the years, however, it has happened so often that I no longer question it. I now know that I see unborn souls connecting and acclimating to the energy of their future mothers.
Interestingly, I have never seen this connection with fathers. Perhaps it is because the soul needs to align with the body and energy of the mother as the two will soon merge?
One experience that stands out is with one of my friends. Her husband had been married before and had a son from his first marriage, as well as a son with her. She desperately wanted another child, but he was adamant that they couldn’t afford it. He also believed he could only have boys and wasn’t interested in trying for another.
One night we went to a local play together. My friend is blonde, fair-skinned, and blue-eyed, while her husband has black hair, brown eyes, and dark skin. During the play, I suddenly saw a little girl playing on the carpet next to her. As soon as we had a chance to talk, I told her what I had seen.
The Past Life Memories Embedded In Your Cells
Have you ever met someone and had the feeling that you had met them before, or that they were somehow a kindred spirit?
Have you ever tried unfamiliar foods that suddenly seemed very familiar or evoked feelings of nostalgia? Places that seemed very familiar even though you had never been there before?
Have you ever smelled a vaguely familiar scent that made you feel a certain way, or took you back to a distant time or place, not in this lifetime, but somewhere, sometime, long, long ago?
These experiences are more than coincidences. They are manifestations of your cellular memories.
The human body is made up of billions of cells that communicate with each other. Each of these cells is a living, breathing, feeling organism and carries energy imprints of all our memories and experiences in our current life as well as our past lives.
Every memory and experience from every life we have ever lived is recorded and stored in the Akashic Records – the cosmic library where the history of every soul’s journey is archived. It is a complete history of everything you have ever said, thought, felt and done throughout your soul’s entire growth journey.
This cosmic collection of past life memories and experiences is embedded in the cellular memory of your new physical body when you are reborn. The cells of your current body therefore carry many energy imprints, not only of your ancestral genetics, but also of your past life memories and experiences, and they affect your life, health and well-being on a daily basis, including your relationships.