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Always Pay Attention To The Signs

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comPaying attention to divine spiritual signs is essential to aligning with one’s highest good and purpose.

These signs, often subtle and easily overlooked, guide us along the paths that resonate most harmoniously with our true selves. By attuning ourselves to these spiritual signals, we can navigate life more effectively, avoiding pitfalls and embracing opportunities for growth and love.

But the journey is not always straightforward. Sometimes our desires and obsessions can cloud our judgment and lead us astray from the divine guidance that is trying to guide us.

One of the most common distractions is becoming obsessed with a person of interest. This obsession can create a narrow focus that blinds us to the signs and messages that point us toward true love and fulfillment.

It is easy to mistake intense attraction or infatuation for destiny and ‘meant to be,’ but these feelings are often the result of unmet emotional needs or unresolved past experiences rather than a genuine connection orchestrated by divine forces.

I have experienced this firsthand. There was a time when I was hopelessly in love with a man who, in retrospect, was not aligned with my highest good. My obsession with him was all consuming. I interpreted every little gesture, every word he spoke, as a sign that we were meant to be together. I convinced myself that our connection was fated, despite numerous red flags and gut feelings that suggested otherwise.

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Is Your Texting Pushing Him Away?

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!A new client recently contacted me about a promising romantic relationship. The first thing that became clear as I began to read for her was that she had a long history of dating men who seemed like potential long-term partners, but then suddenly disappeared or broke up with her after only a few months.

It quickly also became clear to me that texting was a significant factor in her dating problems. Misunderstandings due to texting have damaged the romantic, family, and friendship relationships of many people I have worked with as a psychic professional. This client was no exception.

As I read the energy around her situation, I sensed that she had a tendency to push men away by unnecessarily panicking when she did not feel completely in control. Guys can sense panic and controlling tendencies and for most men this is usually a big turnoff.

This kind of negative energy is also stressful and doesn’t improve the outcome of an uncertain situation. Excessive obsession, panic, and worry will not bring someone closer to you; in fact, it can push a potential long-term relationship away forever.

I then had to tell her that while I did see the potential for a long-term relationship in their connection, I didn’t currently see a long-term future for them if she continued with all the texting she was doing. I told her to take a step back, breathe, stop worrying so much, and definitely not try to resolve things through texting any more.

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Tarot Forecast July 2024: The Tower

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!This month’s card is the Tower, which predicts the energies of disruption, revelation, transformation and the breaking down of old structures.

The Tower card is a powerful symbol of sudden upheaval and change. It’s traditionally depicted as a tall tower struck by lightning, representing chaos and upheaval. It represents life throwing us a curveball.

As lightning strikes and flames dismantle the old structure, it forces us to confront our foundations and belief systems. While painful, this destruction can lead to necessary revelations and a chance to rebuild on a stronger foundation. By letting go of what no longer serves you, you open yourself up to new possibilities.

The Tower showing up in a reading, though scary and troubling at first glance, always precedes a period of significant growth. Destruction creates opportunity. Most situations we face are opportunities, even the bad ones. It’s all about the opportunity and how you see it.

Embracing chaos will be the key to clarity and growth this month. This is a time to rebuild and redesign your life in a way that is more in line with your true self.

Approach the month with an open heart and a willingness to let go of what no longer serves you. Whether it’s health, finances, career, relationships or personal growth, the Tower’s influence will lead you to a more liberated and empowered version of yourself. Trust the transformative power of the Tower. Embrace the changes and you will emerge from this month stronger, wiser and more in alignment with your true self.

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Perfect Love Is For Better Or Worse

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!For those of us who are spiritually aware and seeking to live consciously, the experience of a mystical romance can be both healing and enlightening. But the journey of soulmate love is not always a matter of moonlight and roses.

What is perfect love? Does it even exist? How can two people make their love last? Do we belong together? How can we be soulmates if we argue all the time? How is this a sacred union if he is being such a jerk?

These are some of the questions I sometimes get asked in relationship readings.

The guidance from spirit is always the same. The best marriages and committed relationships all have their ups and downs. Perfect love is loving your partner when things aren’t perfect. It’s about owning your differences and working through them as a team.

Perfect love isn’t about a flawless journey but about embracing the imperfections with grace. Meaningful relationships are an intricate dance, an alchemical symphony of highs and lows, joy and challenges. Perfect love that lasts will always have its ups and downs, like an exciting roller coaster ride.

In my experience, people who stay married for a very long time make their relationships last by being flexible and going with the ebb and flow. Successful partnerships ride this cosmic wave we call life. And when those big waves roll in during more challenging times, they just ride it out because there is always smoother sailing ahead. Hard times never last.

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Finding Your Strength And Peace In Difficult Times

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!I’ve noticed many of my clients feeling as though the world is crumbling around them lately, unsure of how to navigate the chaos that surrounds them.

If this is true for you, then it is essential to remind yourself that the actions and choices of others do not define your path – it’s theirs to walk, not yours. Your focus should remain on your journey and how you can positively impact the world around you. Spirit has been very clear in its guidance in this regard.

Everyone has something in their soul that they need to release, move past and grow from or it will just karmically repeat itself in every lifetime. Let go of trying to fix other people or solve their problems and just move forward with your own life. Do not give your power away to anyone, for Source is with you and always wants you to keep your power.

If you find yourself constantly watching the news, engaging with negative content on social media, or dealing with recent grief from the loss of loved ones to suicide, terminal illness, or strained relationships, it’s time to take a step back and ground yourself.

Grief, stress, and anxiety can take a toll on your mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. During these times, reconnecting with your spirituality and grounding yourself can provide comfort, strength, and a sense of peace. It is important that you do not let go of your inner power or allow the outside world to suck the life out of you.

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Do You Have A Past Life Connection?

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Have you ever met someone and felt an instant connection that you couldn’t quite explain? Like you’ve known them forever, even though you just met? It’s that uncanny feeling of familiarity that makes you wonder if there’s more to your connection.

Sometimes, you might even experience déjà vu, feeling like you’ve been with this person before in another time or place. Maybe you even have some mental flashes of moments together in a different time and place, making you realize there’s a deeper reason for your bond.

These intense feelings and responses often come from cellular energy imprints and soul memories from our past lives. When you encounter someone you feel this way about, it’s usually because there’s some unfinished karmic business or soul growth that needs to happen, which is why you’ve crossed paths with them again in this lifetime.

Certain souls meet repeatedly across different lifetimes to resolve unresolved issues or karmic debts. There’s work to be done, lessons to be learned, and sometimes it takes more than one lifetime to get it all sorted out.

But not all these encounters are rosy. They can come with relationship challenges, tension, and conflict. For instance, a betrayal in a past life might manifest as trust issues in the present. It’s a journey that can be tough, but also deeply meaningful and very healing.

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Overcoming Your Inner Saboteur

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Have you ever wondered why people sometimes try to ruin an ideal opportunity in their life, or deliberately sabotage a promising relationship?

Even though I have done thousands of readings over the years, I cannot help but still be surprised when I work with people who are in the process of sabotaging a wonderful relationship or alienating a loving, caring partner. Reading for people of all ages and walks of life around the world has shown me that this behavior is relatively common.

Not all psychic readings are about difficult relationships, difficult or cheating partners, or boring marriages. Sometimes they are about perfectly wonderful relationships that one of the partners is doing their best to destroy!

In these relationships, the saboteur consciously or unconsciously creates a toxic scenario or behaves in a dysfunctional way that will ultimately lead to a breakup. For example, the saboteur will begin to find fault with their partner, subtly push them away, or find reasons to walk away from the commitment.

Relationship readings for self-saboteurs often begin with them saying something like: “Well, things are rosy now, but they always start out that way,” or “Knowing my luck, she’ll soon get bored with me,” or “To be honest, things are so good with him, I’m just waiting for the other shoe to drop!”

It reminds me of my grandmother, who was abandoned by my grandfather when my mother and her sister were very young. She used to say, “All men are gorillas!” I later realized that my mother had adopted the same mindset.

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