Hold On To Your Inner Peace
One must never allow anyone or anything to steal your peace. However, while it may be easy to agree to this motto in principle, it is not always so simple to implement it. What does it really mean to deeply feel one’s peace and fully exercise your freedom to shield and protect it?
There are so many ways that our peace can be ‘stolen.’ Some causes are external, or appear to be, when outward events and behaviors of others disrupt our peace. But the real steal always happens within. And it only happens when you surrender it to the situation or allow others to take to from you.
It does not matter what the external situation is, or what the words and actions of others may be, giving away or handing over your peace rests solely in your own heart, mind, and personal choices. So, does protecting your peace.
The soul is by nature peaceful. Identifying yourself as the eternal soul or spirit, not the temporary body or mind, anchors you in that peace. When something unsettling in this world arises, reminding yourself who you truly are spiritually will help you reconnect with your inherent state of inner peace.
Our spiritual sense of self-identity can further be strengthened by our daily spiritual practice and by studying the characteristics of the eternal soul. In the Hindu scripture Bhagavad Gita, for example, Krishna describes the soul as indestructible, imperishable, and immeasurable. It is unborn, ever-existing, immutable, unchanging, and everlasting.
Furthermore, the Bhagavad Gita identifies the soul as an infinitesimal spark of energy emanating from the infinite Supreme Person, who is the source of all material and spiritual worlds. Different energies of this Supreme Divine Being are detailed in different categories as internal, external, and marginal. Continue reading
The Courage To Rescue Your Inner Child
Many people wish they had better memories of their childhood. For some the traumatic experiences of their youth is something they would much rather forget. But spirit has shown me that each piece of our life happens for a reason.
Learning to overcome and rise above the negative events in our life enables us to grow and expand. We do not get to pick and choose the parts we like, and discard the rest in the deepest closet of our mind. We become an empowered, improved version of ourselves when we find healing and forgiveness by redeeming even the worst parts of our life experience.
We all matter. We all bring unique gifts to this world. No matter what has happened to us, we must rescue every lost or damaged moment of our life journey. Those tragic events and awful experiences are what molds us into who we are today and who we are meant to become.
Nobody chooses some the things that might happen to them: family dysfunction, separation, divorce, rivalry, abuse, loss, death. As children we often blame ourselves for the things that happen around us, or we block it out, never wanting to remember it again. But this only means that you have left a part of yourself behind in the darkness of the past. But now that you are older and wiser, wouldn’t it be awesome if you could go back and save that part of you?
As a little girl I loved horses and dogs, but we could not afford to keep any. I made up for it by drawing them. My parents could also not afford to buy me expensive drawing paper, so I had to wait until my mom returned from the grocery store, because I would then get the used brown paper bags to draw on. It may seem somewhat silly, but to this day I still buy lots of paper whenever I get the chance! One would think there was going to be a shortage on paper, based on how I tend to stock up.
Two Easy Ways To Start Meditating!
Meditation is the go-to spiritual practice for millions of people all over the world. Not only does it offer incredible benefits for clarity of mind and overall well-being, it is also a powerful self-care tool to help us navigate our lives for our highest good.
But, for newbies getting started with a meditation practice can be challenging at first. I often hear people say, “I can’t meditate, I fall asleep every time,” or “Oh, I tried meditating, but I got too distracted, because I can’t properly clear my mind.”
If this sounds like you, please know that many beginners struggle with the notion that in order to ‘properly’ meditate, one must sit motionless, eyes closed, and clear your mind of all thoughts, and that an inability to do so means that they’ve failed to meditate, or that meditation is ‘not for them.’
The truth is meditation is called a ‘practice’ because it really does take practice to develop and master. But that does not mean it has to be complicated or difficult. Anyone can learn to meditate. To develop your meditation skills more easily, I suggest you begin with a meditation routine in one of two ways: guided meditation, or nature meditation.
Guided Meditation
We have ease of access to guided meditations these days due to convenient advances in digital technology. Gone are the days of having to attend a meditation class in person, or struggling with audio cassette tapes! These days high quality guided meditations can be instantly downloaded or streamed from various websites, apps, and social media platforms. All you need is your smartphone, and a pair of earphones or a headset.
Start Your Healing Journey Today
Yesterday afternoon, I decided to take the bus to the discount grocery store in my area. They are well-known for the best prices in town. When I came out of the store there was a storm brewing. Waiting for my bus ride back, the mounting storm grew worse. Intense lightning strikes were soon followed by pouring rain. I was a little distressed, as my groceries were getting soaked.
But I was not afraid.
Before my journey, I placed an uncut amethyst cabochon around my neck, and also donned a more traditional amethyst ring. Amethyst stabilizes the crown chakra, the highest portal that connects us to the Universe.
A year ago, when I moved into my current apartment, I was still very fearful of thunderstorms, especially living on the top floor of my apartment building. My remedy at that time was diffusing high-value essential oils, such as frankincense and sandalwood.
Years prior to my body-mind-spirit recovery journey, I was so intensely scared of storms that I had to have the news on in the basement of my ex-husband’s house.
It is by tapping into such personal conquests of my own fears, that I hold sacred every client’s concern. Worries about love and relationships, job security, and many other life challenges abound in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. But by remembering my own intense traumas and self-empowerment journey, I can embrace their life stressors. I don’t judge their fears and worries. I only step in their shoes through my memory portal.
Learning about the chakras and aura, after a life changing psychic reading that set the wheels in motion for my spiritual awakening journey nearly ten years ago, I started the courageous process of clearing my severely obstructed spirit. I’m not 100% of where I need to be yet in every aspect of my spirituality, but I do have a solid track record now to look back upon.
Finding The Light Within
When we rely on codependent, toxic relationships, materialism and possessions, and other superficial sources of ‘fulfillment,’ it creates a weariness within us. It weighs down the soul. It drowns out the inner light.
Material things and human beings by nature cannot be perfectly reliable all of the time. Material items deteriorate and lose their luster. Friendships and relationships come and go. All that ever truly remains is spirit, and what we do to take care of ourselves. As the world is in dismay in the wake of a pandemic, we can choose to turn to spirit and to take better care of ourselves instead.
While others may choose to descend into lack consciousness, greed or an attitude of entitlement, we can choose an attitude of gratitude, inner peace and joyful living instead.
We have a tremendous opportunity right now to expand our spiritual growth and to empower ourselves with self-care. Many folks don’t realize how useful taking just a few minutes out of their busy day can be!
Adopting a new daily spiritual practice, or simply reading an inspiring book, taking a soothing bath, or buying an aromatherapy diffuser can be uplift the spirit and heal the soul.
There is also crystal energy work, nature walks, prayer, and meditation by a body of water to enhance our joy and connect with the Creator who envisioned all this and brought it all into being.
What we can’t control, we can simply turn over to a Higher Power of our understanding. We can surrender to hope and joy, and let go of our fears. We can say, “This does not have to happen on my timeline, let Your will be done in my life.”
New Beliefs To Live Your Best Life
The stress and challenges of late and the negative energies in our world in recent times have brought many of us to a point of feeling anxious, frustrated, worried and confused. Some people have even become fearful of leaving their homes. But the time has come to move beyond the negativity and fear and start living our best life again.
Fear is powerful. Fear can keep us trapped in a mental prison of our own making and can prevent us from moving forward. More often than not our worst fears are unfounded and not based in reality or truth.
Belief is also powerful. Beliefs can be negative or positive, true or false. Beliefs originate from within and, again, it is up to each of us to decide if our beliefs are true, or if merely keeps us stuck.
Look deeply at your fears and beliefs. Consider all the fears and beliefs that you sense may be holding you back. Make a list and leave some spaces between each line. When you are done, carefully review your list. Read each line carefully. Once you have done this, think of a truth or positive belief to counteract each of the items on your list and write it underneath each one. Now read the new list out loud to yourself. For example:
False belief: I have no money to do anything.
Counter belief: I do have some money. I have food on my table, a roof over my head, clothes on my back, and I a few extra nickels in my wallet. I do have money to do things. And if I set my mind to it, I can earn some more money.
It is that simple to come up with new beliefs. However, the difficult part is programming each positive statement in your psyche. Therefore, it is important to keep it simple, realistic and truthful.
For example, ‘having a few nickels’ is a simple truth that counters the false belief that you ‘have no money.’ it is simply not true that you have no money. You do have a few extra nickels…and that is indeed money. In other words, you have now erased the lie that you believed and changed it to the truth that is. That is the simplicity of this exercise.
The Hidden Blessings Of Retrograde Reflections
During the most recent Mercury retrograde, there was a day when my phone simply stopped working. I signed onto Psychic Access to do readings, but my landline failed to connect. Later that week, something similar happened. My landline was now working again, but when I tried to sign on to Psychic Access to start my shift, I was unable to connect. Technical issues twice in one week. I felt like I was going to lose it!
Planetary retrogrades are prime times to experience setbacks and frustrations. This has been especially true over the past two years due to the pandemic. Vibrational energy across the planet has been very low in recent times.
It is vital to stay calm, centered and grounded during retrogrades, and to not be too hard on oneself. Retrogrades are times for reflection, validation, and analysis of how we may improve ourselves. It’s a time of seeing where our personal energy frequency may need some adjustment. Opportunities for healing, growth and self-care abound if we take the initiative!
Carving out a little ‘sanity time’ each day is paramount. Time to oneself provides clarity and purpose to reflect upon personal growth and life’s lessons. It also gives us the opportunity to make lemonade out of lemons; something sweet out of life’s sour and bitter. In time, the sweet joy of our ‘spiritual lemonade’ can be served to the world by being of service, while inspiring our family and friends with our courage and perseverance.
To gather my thoughts after the two missed work shifts on Psychic Access, I decided to take time out for a walk. I love walking, but due to persistent back pain that has been plaguing me for years, it’s an activity that I fail to do on a regular basis.
But the retrograde setbacks with my phone line led me to start walking again. I had to start slowly, and it took some time for me to regain the necessary physical strength, but now I thoroughly enjoy my daily walks in the great outdoors. What a lift for the spirits! Thank you retrograde.