The Inner Truth Of External Clutter
We are almost a month into the new year, the time when most people begin to flounder in their resolutions. For me, resolutions are like empty promises, so my only resolution every New Year is to not make any resolutions.
Instead, I try to simply live my life with a few consistent rules. I have found that staying true to these personal and lifestyle guidelines eliminates the need for major resolutions each New Year.
Clutter is a big one for me. I make it a point to clean out the clutter in my life on a regular basis, whether it is physical, material, emotional, or spiritual.
Material clutter is the easiest to deal with because it is tangible and visible. It is hard to ignore a pair of shoes that you never wear anymore and have to move around in your closet over and over again.
It is also hard to ignore all those old clothes from another era that you have held on to in the hope that one day they will come back in style. Equally difficult to deal with are those old spice jars and other pantry items past their expiration date that you should have thrown away years ago!
These small lifestyle annoyances may seem insignificant on the surface until you consider that material clutter goes hand in hand with mental, emotional and spiritual clutter. The way we live, the way we manage our environment, and the way we organize our outer existence are a reflection of our inner being. The resulting clutter then becomes a recurring pattern that leads to more clutter, chaos, and dysfunction in our lives.
The Practical Possibilities Of Pendulum Divination
Pendulum divination, a practice steeped in ancient mysticism and esoteric wisdom, has found its place in various areas of spiritual exploration. Often associated with answering yes or no questions, the swinging motion of the pendulum taps into the energies of the universe and guide those seeking answers.
However, the pendulum’s capabilities extend beyond a binary response, encompassing diverse applications in psychic readings and energy healing practices.
One of the most common uses of pendulum divination is to answer yes or no questions. The pendulum, held by a seeker or psychic, swings or rotates in response to the energies surrounding a particular situation. The intuitive movement manifests unseen forces that provide insight into the seeker’s question. Whether exploring matters of the heart, career decisions, or spiritual inquiries, the pendulum serves as a conduit for connecting with the ethereal.
Beyond simple yes or no inquiries, the pendulum is a powerful tool in energy healing practices, especially chakra balancing. Chakras, the energy centers within the body, are crucial to maintaining physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
Chakra Balancing Is An Essential Self-Care Practice
I recently attended a very informative talk given by a couple who are both energy healers. The husband is also a respected medium in our area. The topic was the chakra system and how to use it in an energy healing practice.
As a psychic practitioner, I already know a lot about the chakra system, but I am always open to other people’s perspectives and possibly even learning something new. I think it is important in any profession to keep an open mind and to have the desire to learn as much as possible. You are never too old, too wise, or too experienced to gain new insights!
So, I was pleasantly surprised that this talk turned out to be a wonderfully informative experience. In particular, the session reminded me of the importance of keeping one’s chakra wheels ‘in tune’, especially if one is in the business of healing or doing readings.
Clearing and balancing the chakras is vital because when a chakra is deprived of harmonious, free-flowing energy, it becomes unbalanced or even blocked, causing dysfunction in the organs and other mind-body functions associated with that chakra, as well as dysfunction throughout the rest of the entire chakra system.
Transform Your Life With Sustainable Resolutions
Every new year, I hear my clients complain about what they hope to change about themselves, what they want to change about themselves, or what they should be changing about themselves.
I then ask them why they are not claiming their power to change right now?
You do not have to wait until the New Year or some other major life event to make a change in your life. Once you’ve decided on a new path or course of action, the key is to stick with it for the long haul, taking small steps every day.
The Japanese call this kaizen, a philosophical concept that emphasizes continuous improvement, often in small increments. The idea is that by making consistent progress, even if it is just a little bit each day, you can eventually achieve significant results.
Sustainability should be the ultimate goal of whatever you decide to change in your life. While New Year’s resolutions are all noble and lofty, you have to acknowledge the inherent resistances and blockages you carry within and agree to be patient with yourself in order to ultimately get there.
I’m still working on some New Year’s resolutions I made in 2016. Do I look back in horror and say, “Why is it taking so long?” or “I really should be doing better!” Sometimes, yes! Do I use that as an excuse to backslide, fall off the wagon, or throw in the towel? Not at all, mostly because I’ve come to realize that if I hadn’t decided years ago to make those resolutions to make powerful changes in my life, I’d still be where I was, or worse. I’d be living a life of regret, not progress.
Calling In Your Beloved This Holiday Season
The holidays are a time of love, belonging and togetherness. It’s traditionally a special time of year when families gather, friends reconnect, and hearts open to the magic of the season.
For singles on a spiritual journey who are seeking a meaningful romantic connection, the holidays can also be a powerful time to call in that special someone. The vibrational frequencies of the holiday season are a perfect time to ignite such a unique romantic connection. Energetically, it is similar to meeting your future partner at a friend’s or relative’s wedding!
How does this work? Metaphysically or energetically speaking, it is necessary to become a vibrational match to your future partner in order to attract them into your life. You must adjust or calibrate your overall energy vibration to match the type of person you desire to be with in a long-term relationship. This involves cultivating positive thoughts, emotions, and actions that resonate with the qualities and characteristics you seek in a partner.
This concept of vibrational energy alignment is related to the Law of Attraction (like attracts like), the Law of Vibration (everything is energy and vibrates at a certain frequency), and the Law of Cause and Effect (we reap what we sow). According to these universal metaphysical principles that govern our lives, the energy vibration we emit attracts people and circumstances with similar energies into our lives.
Embrace Your Personal Power In Relationships
Our relationships have great power and influence in our lives. In particular, many of us spend countless hours pursuing love and romance. Then, once we are in a relationship, we spend even more time and energy thinking about it, confiding in friends about it…often trying to make the relationship different or better.
I deal with this almost daily as I have counseled hundreds of lovesick, frustrated, and heartbroken clients over the years.
“If only he would do what I want, things would be different,” some of my clients might say. “If only he would be more open and honest, maybe I could trust him more.” Truth be told, I have heard similar words come out of my own mouth about my own relationships more times than I care to admit!
Unfortunately, instead of successfully influencing our partner’s words or behavior, we are often left feeling disappointed, betrayed, frustrated, powerless, or out of control. It is draining, pointless, and definitely not the best use of one’s time and energy.
So how do we change it? How do we take emotional control of our life and our relationships? The answer is shockingly simple.
It is all about taking a different, broader perspective on relationships and what they are here to teach us. A quote from Unity Church’s Daily Word magazine perfectly captures this shift in perspective: “Through our relationships with one another, we express the power, presence and love of God.”
When It’s Time To Draw The Line!
There comes a time when you need to draw a line and walk away from people who constantly disrespect, criticize, or belittle you.
Even if you can’t walk away completely because you’re related, you need to at least set some clear boundaries and keep them at arm’s length.
But in some cases, it is best to have no contact at all with toxic relatives.
The great spiritual teachers have all taught us the same golden rule.
Jesus said, “In all things do to others as you would have them do to you, for this is the sum total of the Law and the Prophets.”
Buddha said, “Do not harm others in a way that you would not harm yourself.”
Muhammad said, “None of you truly believes until he wishes for his brother what he wishes for himself.”
Krishna said, “This is the sum total of duty: do not do to others what would cause pain if done to yourself.”
Well, the same is true in reverse. You are a child of the Divine. You were created in the image of God. You are a spiritual being in human form. No one has the right to treat you any way they would not want to be treated themselves.