A Simple Visualized Meditation To Get Unstuck
Have you ever struggled with a manifestation problem that no matter what you do, say or think, remains stubbornly unresolved?
Whether it’s manifesting much needed money, attracting your soul mate, getting a solid offer on your house, or anything else on your manifesting to-do list, this feeling of stagnation and zero results can be deeply disheartening.
If this resonates with you, spirit wants you to know that you are not doing anything wrong. The universe has heard your prayers, and your dreams are indeed on their way to becoming a reality.
While you may understand this on a spiritual level, it can still be incredibly frustrating to continue to sit in a space of longing and lack while you wait for your desires to materialize.
To help you shift this energy and open yourself up to greater possibilities, spirit has shared with me a simple yet powerful visualized meditation. This exercise is designed to clear energetic stagnation in the areas of your life that feel stuck.
Doing this exercise regularly teaches you to be in the flow and builds trust and faith in the goodness of the universe. It clears your own energy of negativity, positively impacts those closest to you, and blesses the entire planet.
By raising the consciousness of the world, you tap into your inner divine spark and grease the wheels for your desired manifestations. As you move into the flow, you invite grace to work through your life in bigger and better ways.
Learning To Trust Your Intuition
We are all born with an innate intuitive ability. However, many of us tend to shut down this innate aspect of our inner being at a young age.
This can happen for a variety of reasons, but fear is often a major factor. Over time, many of us learn to view our intuition as our mind “playing tricks” or something to be wary of, or even as a source of discomfort that is just all in our imagination.
This misconception is unfortunate because intuition is not something to be feared or dismissed; rather, it is an integral part of our being that provides valuable insight and guidance.
Intuition is a fundamental part of living a full and complete life because it is a key part of our spiritual inner guidance. It cannot be lost or taken away. You are always in control of it and can choose to connect with it at any time.
The key to accessing and making the most of this inner wisdom is learning to trust its messages. But this can be challenging, especially when those messages are unclear or confusing. So, how do you cultivate greater trust in your intuition?
The first step in building trust with your intuition is to acknowledge and track the information it provides. Keep a journal or note-taking app handy and write down any intuitive insights you receive about your plans, goals, people, or situations. By recording these insights, you create a space for learning to understand how your intuition works and for validating your impressions over time.
Make Money The Root Of All Good!
The desire for financial security and increased wealth often conflicts with some people’s deeply held spiritual beliefs, causing them much inner conflict and guilt. Sayings like “money can’t buy happiness,” “money is the root of all evil,” and “you can’t take it with you” don’t help either.
But what if we flipped the script? What if the path to money and wealth is also the path to peace and deeper fulfillment in our lives?
There is also the saying: “Money is a good servant, but a bad master.” What if money in the hands of kind, compassionate and conscious people is exactly what the world needs?
What if we stopped thinking of money as evil and started thinking of it simply as a tool for your spiritual growth and fulfillment? What if we began to see money as something good and benevolent that can be used for the greater good?
As spiritual beings, we chose to incarnate into this very time-space reality, fully understanding the rules of this dimension. One of the rules we understood was the need for physical survival and material security in this world.
Many generations of ancestors who incarnated before us fought hard to survive here in physical form, inventing new and clever ways to make the struggle to keep body and soul together a little easier for us. In the process, they co-created the Earth reality as we know it today – a co-created reality that revolves around a monetary economic system, for better and worse.
Energy Self-Care Strategies For Empaths And Sensitives
Empaths and highly sensitive people (HSPs) often feel drained by other people and certain environments due to their inherently sensitive nature and the way they interact with the world around them.
We face unique physical, mental, emotional and spiritual challenges because of our innate ability to deeply feel and absorb the thoughts, emotions and energies of those around us. While our sensitivity is a blessing and a gift to the world, it can also become a curse through overwhelming experiences of empathic overload and energy depletion.
Energetic self-care is therefore of paramount importance to the sensitive person. Every empath or HSP should adopt a daily routine of energetic self-care practices designed to cleanse, protect and rejuvenate their aura or personal energy field.
Mastering these practices is not only beneficial to our health and well-being, it’s essential for maintaining holistic balance, protecting our mental health in particular, and nurturing our deep connection to the world and those around us.
As empaths and HSPs, we can manage our energy more effectively by employing several strategies that help us maintain our energetic well-being, while navigating a world that can often feel overwhelming. The following are essential tools and strategies that can empower empaths and HSPs to thrive in their sensitivity and turn their deep empathy into their greatest strength through effective energetic self-care:
Why Do Empaths And Sensitives Often Feel Drained?
Have you ever left a meeting or social gathering feeling completely drained or energetically depleted?
Or maybe you’ve walked out of a store or other public place and noticed that you were short with your loved ones and irritable? Or you come home in the evening feeling sad or depressed for no apparent reason, after starting the day feeling cheerful and happy?
If this happens to you often, it is very likely that you are an empath or a highly sensitive person.
Empaths and highly sensitive people (HSPs) often feel drained by other people, social gatherings, crowds and certain environments due to several key aspects of their inherent nature and the way they interact with the world around them. Here are the major reasons for this phenomenon:
Genetic predisposition: Research suggests that the trait of high sensitivity is influenced by genetic factors that affect how individuals process sensory information and emotional stimuli. A key aspect of this genetic influence is the way the brain processes serotonin, a neurotransmitter that helps regulate mood, appetite, sleep, and sensory perception. Variations in genes related to the serotonin transporter have been linked to differences in emotional reactivity and sensitivity to the environment. Studies have shown that individuals with certain variations of these genes may exhibit traits consistent with high sensitivity, such as deeper cognitive processing of sensory information, higher emotional reactivity, and increased empathy.
The Universe Always Has The Better Plan
Our journey through life is constantly changing. Whatever circumstances you find yourself in today is temporary. In time it will change. It may not change overnight, or within weeks, months, or even years, but it will change eventually. For change is the only constant in our co-created existence.
Since change is inevitable, it makes sense to embrace these energies of ongoing evolution, expansion and transformation. It really makes no sense to live in constant resistance to the universal flow, for it is a tragic waste of our creative energy as co-creators and detrimental to our soul purpose and karmic growth.
Living a conscious life in harmony with the cycles of life and in sync with the creative pulse of the universe is one of the most empowering and karmically liberating things we can do for ourselves in this lifetime.
While many of us tend to think we have the best plan for our life and that we know exactly what is best for us, we often do not really understand what will best serve our highest good. But God, Source, Spirit, the Divine, always knows what is best for us, and sometimes it is not what we originally had in mind.
We have to admit to ourselves that we tend to have a biased way of wanting things to work out, and that sometimes it may not be in the best interest of all parties involved, or even ourselves, on a soul level.
Embrace Your Personal Power In Relationships
Our relationships have great power and influence in our lives. In particular, many of us spend countless hours pursuing love and romance. Then, once we are in a relationship, we spend even more time and energy thinking about it, confiding in friends about it…often trying to make the relationship different or better.
I deal with this almost daily as I have counseled hundreds of lovesick, frustrated, and heartbroken clients over the years.
“If only he would do what I want, things would be different,” some of my clients might say. “If only he would be more open and honest, maybe I could trust him more.” Truth be told, I have heard similar words come out of my own mouth about my own relationships more times than I care to admit!
Unfortunately, instead of successfully influencing our partner’s words or behavior, we are often left feeling disappointed, betrayed, frustrated, powerless, or out of control. It is draining, pointless, and definitely not the best use of one’s time and energy.
So how do we change it? How do we take emotional control of our life and our relationships? The answer is shockingly simple.
It is all about taking a different, broader perspective on relationships and what they are here to teach us. A quote from Unity Church’s Daily Word magazine perfectly captures this shift in perspective: “Through our relationships with one another, we express the power, presence and love of God.”