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When It’s Time To Draw The Line!

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThere comes a time when you need to draw a line and walk away from people who constantly disrespect, criticize, or belittle you.

Even if you can’t walk away completely because you’re related, you need to at least set some clear boundaries and keep them at arm’s length.

But in some cases, it is best to have no contact at all with toxic relatives.

The great spiritual teachers have all taught us the same golden rule.

Jesus said, “In all things do to others as you would have them do to you, for this is the sum total of the Law and the Prophets.”

Buddha said, “Do not harm others in a way that you would not harm yourself.”

Muhammad said, “None of you truly believes until he wishes for his brother what he wishes for himself.”

Krishna said, “This is the sum total of duty: do not do to others what would cause pain if done to yourself.”

Well, the same is true in reverse. You are a child of the Divine. You were created in the image of God. You are a spiritual being in human form. No one has the right to treat you any way they would not want to be treated themselves.

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The Karmic Purpose Of Reincarnation

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comDo we reincarnate? I know from both personal and professional experience that we do. I also believe we continue to do so, until we have learned all the necessary lessons bestowed upon our soul. We also carry over karmic debt from one life to the next, which we must deal with before we can finally transcend and not return to another lifetime in this world.

Sometimes we experience clear signs and evidence of reincarnation in our daily lives. The most common is meeting a stranger and instantly knowing deep in your soul that you have known them before in another lifetime.

We also witness this in our families and among our friends. I have seen traits and mannerisms of my grandfather, who passed when I was young, in my son who is now an adult. It always makes me smile, as I know where he’s coming from.

I have also come across several people I have known in another life. Sitting in meditation, I have been shown the capacity in which we were connected before. In a past life regression, I have seen how one of my best friends was an archenemy in a past life.

Some people have unusual memories from another time, or a place they have never been, or they often experience déjà vu. Another sign of reincarnation is having recurring dreams about people and places not related to your waking life. Or strongly identifying with a foreign country or culture, or a particular period in history.

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The Mystical Power Of Amethyst Crystal

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe calming and spiritually protective amethyst has a mystical energy about it, and the beautiful coloring makes this purple quartz even more exceptional. Amethyst is a violet variety of quartz. It is formed in the presence of manganese and is found in Brazil, Uruguay, South Africa, Madagascar and India.

Just holding a piece of Amethyst helps raise your vibration, putting you into a calmer and accepting frame of mind. It is believed that its very essence heals on the metaphysical and physical levels of our being.

Experts in crystal healing teach that amethyst crystals are the foremost stones of the violet flame. The use of the violet flame which emanates from this exquisite stone is overseen by the ascended master St. Germain. The violet flame helps transmute negative energies in the body and creates harmony. Wearing amethyst jewelry is a powerful way to absorb the benefits of this magical stone.

In many cultures, a large number of miraculous powers are attributed to amethyst, and it has been said to bring victory in war and in hunting, to drive out evil spirits, to boost the intellect, and even to protect crops against pests, particularly locusts. It is not unusual to see amethyst sewn into the special robes of priests and nobility.

The origin of its name is Greek and means ‘prevention from drunkenness’. It is said to help overcome any addictive compulsive disorders including alcoholism, overeating and other addictions. Ancient Greeks wore amethyst and drank wine from amethyst cups to protect them from intoxication. For myself, as a recovering addict, this crystal is a ‘have-to-have’ assistant in my collection of crystals!

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Only You Can Heal A Recurring Emotional Injury

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWe are all negatively impacted at times by certain events or people causing us emotional hurt and trauma.

If this is something that is currently weighing on your mind and you feel emotionally injured or overwhelmed today, then the following strategies may help you to overcome the recent setback you suffered.

Not only can these three steps help you to better deal with your current emotional injury, but it can also bring about lasting positive change in your life.

Step 1: Feeling Through

It is vital to process negative emotions. You should never try to suppress or repress unpleasant feelings. It is important that you allow yourself to fully feel your current emotion. Don’t think or rationalize, just feel.

Let the tears of sadness flow, lean into the fear or anxious feelings, or embrace the anger and disappointed. To process and ultimately resolve these feelings, we must first truly feel them.

However, do not spend too much time in this stage of the process. Truly feeling your negative emotions does not mean you must obsess over it or constantly dwell on it. A few hours, or at most a day or two, then let it go! Do not let it drag on for weeks or months, because this will not heal you and will only have a counterproductive effect. After the one-time ‘feeling through’, it is time to move on to the next stage.

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The Psychic Power Of Crystals

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI’ve been surrounded by crystals, both in my personal healing and psychic work, since I can remember. I wouldn’t call myself an expert on the subject, but I do know that these beautiful stones are aesthetically pleasing, and powerful to have around.

Many crystals have been given to me as gifts, and it’s as if the giver always knows exactly what I need in terms of what the gemstones or crystals can help me with.

When choosing crystals and stones for psychic work or energy healing, I simply allow them to ‘speak’ to me. The vibration of the ideal ones for every purpose always resonates with me.  I simply allow them to ‘speak’ to me, trusting that their vibrations will call me. The actual color of the crystal or stone can have quite a profound effect on the mind. For example, medical patients are known to respond to the color blue, when it is used decoratively in a recuperative environment, and criminals are known to be calmer in a cell painted in very pale pink.

I also own a small collection of crystal balls, and it’s as if an image materializes in my mind when gazing into my crystal ball, as opposed to what I see in the actual crystal itself. You might say it is a third eye opener!

I surround myself with amethyst for the calm it brings, rose quartz to bring in loving energy, pyrite for psychic protection and various quartz crystals to assist me energetically, and just because I find them beautiful to behold.

My bone-throwing divination kit consists of a large collection of stones, each representing a token or a symbol. Each stone has its own story and can represent a significant meaning, person, animal or place to me.

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Healing From A Relationship Breakup

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAll breakups are painful. There really is no quick fix to heal a broken heart. But there are some things one can do to gradually move on and begin a new journey without your ex-partner.

The first thing to do is to accept the reality of the situation. It is not going to do any good to dwell on the past or try to work things out at this point. In this early stage of grieving, it is usually not a good idea to speak to your ex at all. It will simply prolong the pain.

At times you might be tempted to reach out to your ex, but listen to what your heart and soul is telling you. Trust your gut. It will never steer you wrong.

You may also want to avoid reminders of your ex and your relationship. No need to put any more stress or pressure on yourself than you have to. It is best to accept what is and move on.

The most important thing now is to put yourself first and be true to you. Now is the time to come to grips with your feelings. Don’t hold back if you want to cry and let it out.

We are always trying to look for answers as to why something happened. Many times, we blame ourselves, thinking that things may have been different if we would have done more. We put ourselves through so much unnecessary guilt sometimes. It is unfair and pointless to do that to ourselves and not the best path to healing. Seek forgiveness for your ex and yourself.

A healthy lifestyle is important in times of grief. Exercise is especially beneficial. It makes you feel more in control of yourself and increases ‘feel good’ hormones like dopamine that will reduce depression.

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The Spiritual Gift Of Healing

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMy first experience of the spiritual gift of healing was when I went to visit my father in the hospital many years ago. He was in great pain and something told me to gently touch the knee on which he just had surgery. It was not my intention to achieve anything, simply to comfort him. But then I saw his facial expression shift from agonizing pain to instant relief. That to me was a miracle!

The next major healing miracle happened when one of my twin daughters went ice skating when she was about 8 years old. I was watching the children enjoy the beautiful winter day, when my daughter suddenly slipped and fell. I will never forget her agonizing scream. I instantly knew this was bad!

As I was making my way to her, others where already helping her, but she would not stop screaming and it shot through me like bullets. When I got to her, I immediately saw the bone protruding through her skin. I then put my hands over the break on her forearm and said, “It’s okay.” In the blink of an eye, she stopped crying and said, “Mommy it doesn’t hurt anymore. “

I held her arm all the way to the hospital and when we arrive they made me remove my hands. Again, I had to hear my daughter screaming in pain, with me feeling helpless.

After they set her arm, they let me see her. I touched the cast on her arm and immediately sensed it was not set correctly. Of course, they refused to listen to me at first, but I kept insisting that something was wrong. Finally, they agreed to do a second X-ray, which showed my daughters arm was in fact not correctly set. So, she had to have it done all over again. A nurse asked me how I knew. I never answered.

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