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Astrology Forecast September 16 – 22, 2024

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This week begins with an opportunity for deep release and heightened intuitive awareness. Expect some powerful emotional and spiritual shifts as the Full Moon transits Pisces today and culminates in a partial Lunar Eclipse tomorrow.

The energy of a full moon is one of culmination and closure, and with the partial eclipse amplifying its energy, we may experience intense feelings surfacing. Pisces, a water sign known for empathy, dreams, and spiritual connection, will heighten our emotional and metaphysical sensitivity and push us to confront unresolved feelings, patterns, and relationships.

Take some time over the next two days to let go of whatever is holding you back – be it emotional baggage, limiting beliefs, or unhealthy attachments – so that healing and closure can take place.

The Piscean energy of this partial eclipse will also enhancs creativity, compassion, and intuition, making it a powerful time for artistic inspiration, divination and spiritual practice. You may feel more drawn to solitude, meditation, or other reflective practices. Trust your inner guidance as the eclipse brings hidden truths to light, and be open to embracing change with compassion and flexibility.

Ultimately, this full moon eclipse is an opportunity to clear emotional clutter and reset your energy to flow more freely with the rhythm of the universe. However, heightened sensitivity can lead to confusion or feeling emotionally overwhelmed, so it’s important to ground yourself as you move into the week ahead.

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Astrology Forecast July 15 – 21, 2024

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This morning the combined influences of Sun square Chiron, Scorpio Moon quincunx Jupiter, and Mars conjunction Uranus create a complex and dynamic start to the week.

The influence of the Moon in Scorpio will add even more intensity and a desire for deep change to the mix of emotional sensitivity, need for balance and strong drive for change that these three aspects evoke. This can be both challenging and empowering, depending on how you navigate these energies today.

Try to begin the day with a grounding practice, such as meditation or journaling, to help you manage any emotional turbulence. Clarify your goals for the week and create a flexible plan that can accommodate both your needs and your ambitions. Above all, be open to unexpected changes and opportunities, as adaptability will be key to navigating these unbalanced energies today.

Tomorrow morning will be a good time to do business with the Scorpio Moon trine Saturn in Pisces, especially if you need to sell your ideas to senior management or important clients. This harmonious aspect allows for a seamless integration of emotional intelligence with practical action, leading to better customer understanding, trust building, problem solving, and overall financial efficiency.

The Sagittarius Moon on Wednesday and Thursday brings a burst of optimism, an adventurous spirit, and a desire to explore. This mid-week aspect promotes enthusiasm and a sense of freedom, helping us to break out of routine and infuse our week with inspiration and excitement. Seek out new experiences, embrace learning opportunities, and think expansively. It’s an ideal time to expand our horizons, both mentally and physically, and to take a more optimistic and open-minded approach to challenges.

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Astrology Forecast March 18 – 24, 2024

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comHappy Astrological New Year! Late tomorrow night, the Sun will enter Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, marking the annual beginning of the astrological year and a brand new season.

This event is known as the Vernal or Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere and the Autumnal Equinox in the Southern Hemisphere.

It typically occurs on March 20 or 21 each year, although the exact date and time can vary slightly due to the leap year cycle. It marks the point in time when the Sun crosses the celestial equator moving northward.

The Vernal Equinox represents a time of balance between day and night, after which the days begin to become longer than the nights, signaling the beginning of spring and a time of renewal and new beginnings.

Aries symbolizes initiation, action, and a pioneering spirit, making the Sun’s entry into Aries a fitting start to the astrological cycle. This is an optimal time to set intentions, start new projects, and embark on new ventures.

The Astrological New Year encourages us to reflect on the past, set goals for the future, and embrace the energy of renewal and growth. It’s a time to take bold steps forward, assert our individuality, and pursue our passions with courage and enthusiasm.

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Astrology Forecast March 11 – 17, 2024

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Venus moves into soulful Pisces today, amplifying love, beauty and harmony in our lives. Over the next three weeks, it will focus our attention on emotions, creativity, and relationships.

When Venus transits Pisces, a sign in which it is exalted, it increases our capacity for empathy, love, and understanding. During this time you may find yourself more emotionally attuned to the feelings of those around you, leading to stronger and more meaningful relationships.

There may also be a stronger than usual desire for peace and harmony in relationships. Conflicts will be resolved more easily through compassion and understanding, as we are generally more inclined to see the best in each other.

Pisces is a sign associated with creativity and imagination. Venus’ presence here can inspire a burst of artistic expression and creativity. Whether you’re an artist, musician, performer, or writer, the rest of this month could be a particularly fruitful time.

Venus in Pisces also enhances intuition, making this a good time to listen to your inner voice and trust your gut, especially in matters of the heart and personal relationships.

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Astrology Forecast March 4 – 10, 2024

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This week’s astrological outlook promises the potential for significant personal transformation, creativity and new beginnings, especially in spiritual and imaginative endeavors. It is a great time to embrace change, pursue your passions, and connect with others on a deeper level. However, the weekend holds potential for conflict and relationship drama.

This morning’s Sagittarius Moon is ideal for doing research, asking for help, or putting together an itinerary for an upcoming vacation or celebration. Gathering more information will give any project we are working on a solid foundation.

Additional value will be added to our plans when the Moon enters Capricorn later today, prompting reflection on our direction and possible need for change. Also, Mercury in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus this afternoon, encouraging unconventional ideas and enthusiasm for change.

Speaking of solid foundations, tomorrow and Wednesday’s Capricorn Moon sets a productive tone, encouraging us to set new boundaries with others in order to move forward more effectively. Don’t be afraid to speak up if someone is trying to steal your energy or block your movement; it’s time to be heard! The Capricorn Moon sextile the Pisces Sun tomorrow morning will increase your confidence to say and do what is necessary.

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Astrology Forecast February 26 – March 3, 2024

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Harmony is the theme for the first half of the week as the Moon moves through loving Libra, focusing us on our relationships with ourselves and others. We may also be in a more romantic mood than usual and open to making new friends.

This morning’s Libra Moon trine to Pluto in Aquarius may affect our work productivity and focus, as we will be more intensely in our “feels” than usual. This aspect can also make us feel restless for adventure, excitement, novelty or change.

Fortunately, we will be back on track by Wednesday afternoon with the Pisces Sun conjunction with Saturn in Pisces. This aspect tends to drive us to get our business or professional affairs in order and become more organized and focused.

Beware however the Mercury in Pisces conjunction with Saturn in Pisces on Wednesday morning, as this aspect can cause us to be stubborn, resentful, and suspicious . Don’t accuse your partner of cheating without actual evidence, avoid unnecessary arguments with the family, and focus on being a team player at work, as much as you may feel the need to work alone and do things your way.

The second half of the week belongs to a Scorpio Moon, and combined with the Pisces Sun, this is a great time to practice your metaphysical skills, try some channeling to connect with others from the spirit world, or simply increase your meditation time to strengthen your inner well-being and intuitive powers.

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Astrology Forecast February 19 – 25, 2024

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Get ready for a spiritually charged week! As the Sun dives deeper into Pisces and the Moon takes a cozy swim through Cancer today and tomorrow, it’s the perfect time to hit pause. If possible, consider taking a breather to connect with like-minded souls or simply dive into nature for some quality time with your inner self.

Midweek, from Wednesday to Friday, the Moon struts into Leo, putting a spotlight on our closest ties and unleashing our empathetic and generous sides. It’s a reminder to not forget about numero uno. This lunar phase is tailor-made for self-care and showering yourself with a bit more love.

Come Friday, Mercury joins the Pisces party with the Sun, steering our thoughts towards the magical, mystical, and soulful realms. Brace yourself for a few weeks of metaphysical insights – keep those antennas up!

Saturday’s Virgo Full Moon, also known as the Snow Moon for the often heavy snowfall that occurs in North America at this time of year will urge us to shed baggage of the past, discard any misguided notions, and embrace new possibilities. During a Virgo Full Moon, there’s a tendency to examine aspects of our lives and evaluate what’s working and what needs to be released. It’s a time to let go of what no longer serves us, whether it’s outdated habits, unhealthy relationships, or unproductive thought patterns.

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