life calling
The Divine Spirit Beings Who Guide Our Life Journey
We are all here for two important spiritual reasons – to serve and to learn. Each of us has a unique calling to fulfill and lessons to learn for karmic growth and soul evolution.
The contributions we are meant to make and the lessons we are meant to learn are unique to each of us, and it’s up to us to uncover these aspects of our soul plan as we move through life.
Our guides and angels are a powerful resource in this process, yet they often go unnoticed or even unrecognized. These spirit beings work quietly behind the scenes to provide guidance, support, and protection as we navigate our life journey.
Their primary role is to guide us in fulfilling our mission to be of service, learn our karmic lessons, and to grow. If we don’t fulfill our purpose or learn our lessons, it will keep reappearing in our lives in different ways until we recognize, resolve, accept or own it.
Our guides and angels are always behind the scenes – patiently waiting for us to seek their wisdom and allow them to assist us in fulfilling our soul plan. By connecting with our spirit team, we open ourselves to personal growth and spiritual evolution.
Our spirit and angel guides are benevolent, non-physical beings who serve as intermediaries between the physical and spiritual worlds. Each of us has guides who are assigned to help us, whether we acknowledge their presence or not.
Trust Your Gut First, Your Heart Second
How do you know that what you are doing is for your highest good? How do you know if what you want out of life is based on your own desires, or if it has been placed there to be achieved by the Universe?
Everyone has a higher purpose in this lifetime and yet many never seek it out or achieve it because the ego starts to become more prominent in their lives instead of their higher self.
When you were born, a deep-seeded life calling was placed within you. As children, we were able to tap into it, always knowing that we wanted to be a fireman, a policeman, a doctor, an astronaut, an artist, a lawyer, a dancer, a scientist, or a princess. Some of us just wanted to help others, even at a very young age. We would be kind, caring, and giving to other people, whether they were children, adults, or seniors.
Unfortunately, this energy has been buried over time by the society and culture we live in – whether it be teachers, parents or mentors.
Has anyone ever laughed at you when you told them what you wanted to do or be? Did someone say, “Go back and think about that, because that will never happen”? Each of us has a different story as to why we do or do not achieve our passion and purpose in life.
Today is the day to decide, “I will achieve my dreams as long as they come from spirit and are for my highest good.
The Missed Opportunities Of Prophetic Predictions
Psychics and mediums are mostly known only for giving personalized predictions and spiritual advice tailored to individual clients. People often come to us for help with personal issues such as relationships, career choices, and other life concerns.
But there’s a bigger picture that doesn’t get as much attention: the role of some highly gifted psychics in making large-scale predictions that address collective challenges or foresee major events that affect everyone. These larger prophecies, such as warnings of natural disasters, economic crises, or global conflicts, are often unrecognized, overlooked, and even ridiculed.
Large-scale prophecies can have a big impact on the greater good if they were to be taken more seriously. If documented and acted upon, they can help society prepare for significant events and improve overall well-being.
In our modern world, the value of prophetic insights from today’s psychics and mediums is more relevant than ever. While prophecy may seem outdated compared to modern science and technology, these predictions can help us navigate the uncertainties and complexities of the future.
At their core, prophetic predictions are warning messages from the spirit realm, universal consciousness, the divine. They’re not random or whimsical; they’re meant to guide humanity by giving us glimpses into possible future scenarios. These visions are also not meant to interfere with our free will, but to alert us to possible outcomes so that we can take proactive steps to prevent or mitigate any negative effects.
How To Support The Awakening Psychic
Guiding and supporting someone through their psychic awakening and development process can be quite a challenge, as the way different people receive their messages from spirit can be unusual and unexpected, even to the awakening psychic themselves.
Over the years, I’ve learned that psychic ability is highly individual and different for each person, and that everyone’s path of development is unique.
This uniqueness stems from the fact that psychic abilities are gifts or talents that are mostly beyond our everyday understanding. Most experienced psychics will tell you that they do not really know how or why they are able to know, feel or sense things – somehow we just do.
Every psychic journey is therefore deeply personal. Often we start out receiving messages in a certain way, only to have other ways emerge as we grow and evolve. How and what we perceive is always unpredictable, and some abilities may strengthen while others fade over time.
For example, I started out with a lot of clairsentient “sensing and feeling,” which was soon accompanied by claircognitive “knowing”. Then one day I suddenly noticed that I was beginning to also “see” more and more clairvoyantly with my mind’s eye.
Helping someone on their psychic journey can be challenging, but it is also a profound and rewarding journey. It takes patience, understanding, and a deep commitment to help nurture their growth, but it is very, very gratifying to empower and help others to step into their full potential as lightworkers, wayshowers, channels, and healers.
The Spiritual Importance Of Living Your Passion
It is a sad fact that so many people in today’s modern world are dissatisfied with their lot.
However, many of us allow this to happen quite easily because we have responsibilities, bills to pay, and so on. We tend to just go along with what life gives us and resist the change that would lead to a more passionate life.
In fact, sometimes we never even stop to think about what our passion might be, and sadly, we live less fulfilling lives as a result. Fortunately, this does not have to be the case.
I know that I myself have fallen into this category of people in the past, until I found where my true passion lies, which is helping other people through psychic readings and spiritual support. As a result, I have never been happier and you, dear reader, can do the same. It just depends on where your particular passion lies.
So, ask yourself, what do you really want to do with your life? Would you be more passionate about starting your own business than doing the job you have now, or are you particularly passionate about living your life in a certain way? If so, Spirit says it does not matter what other people think. What matters is what resonates with you and what makes you feel empowered and fulfilled as a human being.
Once you have determined where your passion lies (this is your focus), you need to develop a strong belief that you can fulfill this passion in your life and this mindset will be your driving force towards your goals. Many people stop at this critical point because they are understandably afraid of change. This is understandable, Spirit says, for it can be compared to stepping into the unknown.