Sound Vibration Heals Our Brain Chemistry
Thoughts have metaphysical power. Words, speech, singing and sound also have power. Everything we say, sing and chant has vibrational sound frequencies that changes the chemistry of our brain and the physiology of our body.
A positive sound vibration changes the brain to a calm, compassionate, highly intuitive state. Think of a baby laughing and how it brings joy to everyone who hears it.
A negative sound vibration abruptly shocks and damages the nervous system. Think of someone scratching the chalk board or yelling racist epithets, and how both make you nervous and angry.
We can actually improve our health with positive vibrations in the form of mantras. A mantra is a set of words, with a positive meaning that also has a positive vibration. When repeated over and over, this vibration permeates every cell of the body, igniting, healing and repairing these cells. It moves through every muscle, bone and organ.
This process changes the entire energy field, aura, and expands it. Done with enough practice and an open heart and mind it can increase our light to the point where we can heal ourselves or help others to heal.
Have you ever walked into a silent room and felt that there had been a conflict between the people who have been there, before you arrived? That vibration, positive or negative, leaves an energetic residue and is absorbed by everyone entering into it, unless that person has increased their vibration to the point where they become psychically impervious to other’s negative energies.
A Rainbow Of Crystals
Few metaphysical tools are as universal as crystals and stones, which are used in cultures all over the world. The color of each stone also carries certain traditional meanings and universal symbolism.
Red is a powerful shade with associations of love, war, fire, sex appeal, and blood. It is also a masculine color. Use stones such as ruby, red jasper, or garnet when you need extra protection or energy.
Orange is also linked to warmth and is thought to increase appetite and vitality. Try orange gems for self-esteem and creativity. Carnelian and calcite are both orange shades.
Yellow is almost always a symbol of happiness, optimism, and intellect. If you need clarity and relief from burnout, pick up a yellow stone like amber, citrine or lemon quartz.
Green, not surprisingly, is the color of nature, growth, and rebirth. It is perhaps the best all-purpose magical color. It can also be used to attract abundance or wealth. There are many popular green stones, among them jade, agate, and peridot.
Blue, the most calming color, was revered in many ancient cultures. Today it is connected to artistic and psychic talents. Use stones such as lapis lazuli or aventurine if you’re in need of some inner peace, or sleep.
Purple was once associated with royalty; it is now a color of spiritual fulfillment and magic. Use it to stimulate your creativity or remove impediments. Amethyst is a popular and widely available purple stone.
A Time For Mindful Reflection
As the leaves begin to fall and the weather changes, I am reminded that change is a natural part of life. As the seasons change, it is natural for us to also shift and adapt, as our ancestors did for millennia.
Many years ago, a martial artist reminded me that when facing a difficult challenge in life that we are not able to avoid or change, we can still alter our view of the situation and find new meaning and resolution. What seems like the harshest challenges in our lives are often blessings in disguise. It often gifts us the opportunity to move forward and grow by changing that which no longer serves our true purpose and highest good.
We are living in an extraordinary time where natural forces are increasingly reminding us to become more responsible custodians of the environment that hosts our species. We must also become better stewards of the glorious physical temples that house our souls. The key to this is mindfulness. By adopting a mindful lifestyle, greater planetary care and self-care becomes second nature to us, and both our own lives and the world we live in will benefit exponentially.
Mindfulness allows us to be present in each moment, appreciating the beauty of constant change and the natural cycles of life even as it happens. When we become still and centered, we connect more deeply with ourselves and the world around us.
An endless array of spiritual practices and self-care endeavours, such as prayer, meditation, gratitude journaling and charitable volunteering can help us find peace despite any great change or challenge that may be confronting us. Make the effort to find your own desired outlet for connecting to your inner peace, as this undertaking will lead to a lasting fulfilment and joy that you can hold on to at any time throughout your lifetime. Continue reading
Astrology Forecast October 17 – 23, 2022
The Sun is spending its last week in Libra, so keep your focus on love, relationships, and balance.
Today’s Cancer Half Moon could make us feel more sensitive than usual and cause arguments and interpersonal problems at work. So, it’s important to take everything with a grain of salt and don’t make it personal. Think carefully before you react.
Fortunately, the Cancer Moon trine with Neptune in Pisces will increase our levels of empathy, so tap into your caring side instead and try to understand the other person’s point of view, instead of overreacting and taking it personally.
Tomorrow and Wednesday the Moon will venture through Leo, inspiring us to be more generous and heart-based. We’ll be in the benevolent mood to give and share, but be careful not to ignore your own needs in the process.
Thursday through Saturday the Moon charges through Virgo, bringing out our penchant for organization and details. The only warning here is not to get caught up in ideals or become too nit-picky. Keep your eye on the bigger picture and do not sweat the small stuff!
Saturn turns direct on Saturday, ending its four-month retrograde period and calling for us to restore discipline and order to our schedules. Combined with the Virgo Moon, we may spend most of Saturday clearing out clutter, tossing out things that no longer serve us, or planning a new project.
The Sun will move into Scorpio on Sunday, followed closely by Venus. With these two planets in the sign of the Scorpion for the next four weeks, our love of the spiritual, the mysterious, and the unusual will seek expression.
Faith Holds Strong When Trouble’s Near
When we experience the loss of a loved one, or grief of some kind, faith is the one thing that helps us stay grounded and keep our sense of purpose.
When one door closes another one truly does open. Sometimes it’s the birth of a baby, or the beginning of a new relationship, or simply a new venture, discovery, or opportunity. Whatever it is, faith will give us what we need to keep ‘plucking along’.
Faith enables us to find new things, to give us something to look forward to. It also offers us the opportunity to give back and contribute towards making humanity and our world a better place.
To just do nothing is a complete waste of time and we are merely taking up space for no reason. So, we must keep going, even though things may seem to be at a standstill. You may be going through depression or whatever it may be, but it could also be a golden opportunity.
Often, when there is a family crisis, for example, emotions get charged and people sometimes will say things they later regret. Angry people too often take unnecessary risks, instead of waiting until the storm is over.
My advice is to not waste time and energy on arguments or disagreements. Just hold on to your point of view and add a dash of patience. Try to always be in complete control of your emotions and see things as they really are.
Your Outer Life Reflects Your Inner Being
Living a fulfilling, abundant life can be one of the most difficult things to do for people who do not understand that they are the masters of their own destiny. We have much more control to design our future and shape our fate than many people realize.
Whatever we can think about, imagine, visualize, pray for, and believe is what we can make manifest in our lives. But I am not talking about passive daydreaming, wishful thinking, spending our days in laziness, and half-heartedly hoping for a better future, without taking any action.
To achieve what we want, we must not only dream it, we must also take action steps every day that will increasingly shift us towards our desired future.
Here are some practical guidelines you can follow to better master your life and destiny.
Gratitude is the main key to all manifestation. When we are grateful for what we have, we attract more of what we want. We can also not attract more of what we want, while we focus on, complain, and worry about what we do not want and do not have. Simple, right? Yet, we so often forget to be grateful for the small, yet important things we already have in our life, such as our health, waking up for one more day, and so on. Continue reading
The Karmic Trap Of Temptation
I love stories that inspires one to look at life differently. I had the pleasure of hearing just such a tale recently, and it was all about temptation.
Imagine Temptation unexpectedly knocking at your door one evening, bearing a gift-wrapped box. He bids you a good day and asks you to invite him into your home. He then offers you the box as a gift and tells you that every time you were to press a button on this box, it will immediately dispense $1,000! You will never have to worry about money again.
But with such an unusually generous gift there is bound to be a catch! Temptation then informs you that every time you press the money box button, a homeless person somewhere in a poverty-stricken community will pass away.
Temptation reassures you however that all people must die sooner or later. And besides, no harm will come to you or your family. You could even use some of the free money to help the disadvantaged in your own community! So, what do you have to lose?
Being human, we are all tempted from time to time. The question is, would you accept such a gift and press the button? Or would you tell Temptation to take the box and leave?
I remember my late mother telling me that when I was about two years old, she kept my baby stroller outside, in the garden, as she had nowhere else to store it when I no longer needed it. It stood there for many weeks, until a struggling young couple knocked on our front door (the woman appeared to be heavily pregnant) and offered to buy the stroller.