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A Solstice Resolution For The Love Warriors

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe December solstice is upon us toady. The Sun is currently directly above the Tropic of Capricorn in the Southern Hemisphere, marking the shortest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere and the longest day of the year in the Southern Hemisphere. Traditionally, the solstice is the most spiritual time of the year in many cultures. The solstice season is a time to cultivate our soul purpose and life journey by reflecting on the year that has been, as well as the new year to come.

For me, 2022 has been a year of finding increased divine connection and inner strength and peace by expanding my psychic gifts. This year I have particularly focused on expanded my telepathic abilities to promote compassion, love and peace in turbulent, chaotic situations and an intolerant post-pandemic world.

I am proud to report that I have made significant progress. For example, many months ago, my daughter and I were on a public bus together, when the driver aggressively started yelling at a young passenger. He became so unhinged that he stopped the bus, ordered him to get out, and even started start throwing things after him. However, sending out ‘happy vibes’ was not yet my first line of defense back then. Instead, I resorted to calling 911. The city’s transport authorities ultimately dealt with the driver.

Recently, I was confronted with a similar situation, when a bus driver cussed out a child for not wearing a coat. But this time, instead of reporting the driver, I focused on bringing calm and safety telepathically to the driver and the other passengers. It worked, as she soon focused on other matters at hand, such as the flow of traffic, instead of escalating in her anger towards the child.

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Explore Your Inner Shadows With Your Soul Light

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comTo achieve true spiritual growth, happiness, and fulfillment it is necessary for us to unravel the shadows of our inner being. To know oneself is to recognize both your light and darkness, and to love and accept your entirety. The truly awakened person is not afraid to look at their own flaws, wounds, pain, trauma, and shortcomings. Awakened people boldly face their inner darkness and know themselves deeply.

The key to finding your authentic truth is to unbolt the door to one’s mysterious psychic basement. It’s the courage to honestly question how well your life is going, including the fulfilment of your passion and purpose, the success of your plans and projects, the health and happiness of your relationships and family, and the bravery of your dreams.

True spiritual growth is the search for truth beyond the surface. It is to boldly plunge the depths our being. It is to leap up to our highest peaks and crawl deep into our darkest corners. Because only once we have fully opened the doors of our interior, can we begin to affect change, growth and personal transformation.

By confronting our inner mysteries we acquire freedom, wisdom, and access to a new way of beingness. We become reborn, renewed, empowered. A conscious spiritual warrior in command of our powers, gifts, and capabilities.

But how to achieve this breakthrough? The first step is to welcome, embrace, accept, and cherish the scars and wounds. Then, we investigate its origins, to find the root of what has been influencing our life towards victimhood, self-limitation, self-sabotage, or repeated self-destruction.

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Only You Can Heal A Recurring Emotional Injury

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWe are all negatively impacted at times by certain events or people causing us emotional hurt and trauma.

If this is something that is currently weighing on your mind and you feel emotionally injured or overwhelmed today, then the following strategies may help you to overcome the recent setback you suffered.

Not only can these three steps help you to better deal with your current emotional injury, but it can also bring about lasting positive change in your life.

Step 1: Feeling Through

It is vital to process negative emotions. You should never try to suppress or repress unpleasant feelings. It is important that you allow yourself to fully feel your current emotion. Don’t think or rationalize, just feel.

Let the tears of sadness flow, lean into the fear or anxious feelings, or embrace the anger and disappointed. To process and ultimately resolve these feelings, we must first truly feel them.

However, do not spend too much time in this stage of the process. Truly feeling your negative emotions does not mean you must obsess over it or constantly dwell on it. A few hours, or at most a day or two, then let it go! Do not let it drag on for weeks or months, because this will not heal you and will only have a counterproductive effect. After the one-time ‘feeling through’, it is time to move on to the next stage.

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Free Yourself From The Fear Of Rejection

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comA close friend and college, who is also a psychic medium, had a blind date set up by a friend a while ago. “I think the two of you would hit it off,” the match-making friend promised. Well, my friend and the mystery man initially texted for a couple of weeks and then decided to meet in person.

Due to Covid-19 recommendations at the time, they arranged to meet outside and ended up going for a three hour walk. The date went great! When it was time to part, the gentleman said he hoped they can meet again soon. He clearly seemed to like her a lot.

She agreed as they both seemed to enjoy each other’s company, but on the way home, her old fear of rejection resurfaced.  She called me the next day to tell me how it went.

The first thing she said was that he seemed a great person. It was the first time, in a long time, that she had such a good time. But I could sense that something was not quite right. So, I asked her what was the matter?

“I think he is out of my league,” she bluntly said.

“What do you mean,” I exclaimed in surprise.

“Well, he arrived in a brand-new luxury car, while mine is an old jalopy! He is a medical professional, and I just do readings. I am also not smart enough, or pretty enough for a guy like him. My middle-aged body is certainly not what it used to be.

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Communicating With Your Pets In The Spirit Realm

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIt is known among my friends and clients that have had certain very challenging life experiences, including former struggles with addiction and sobriety. But I can honestly say, the most painful was a traumatic event just a few years ago, when on a walk along a familiar path two of my dogs chased a hare and were never seen again.

My husband and I did everything in our power to locate them and used every possible way to get the message out that they had gone missing. We even offered a substantial reward for whoever could help us find them. We put up posters in a 50-mile radius and walked day in and day out talking to everyone who cared to listen. My husband even purchased an electric mountain bike to get to areas we might not otherwise have been able to access.

The kindness we found in our community was overwhelming and there were endless phone calls and concerned friends and neighbors doing searches because they wanted to help. Nobody seemed to care much about the potential reward; everyone just wanted to help. Out of all of the leads we received, there were only two scam calls from individuals who were only after the reward, but I was quickly able to suss them out on the phone.

Our dogs’ names were Amber and Brutus. Two days after their disappearance, and still having hope of them coming home, I felt Amber communicate with me. “This was meant to happen,” she said. The telepathic message was vivid but didn’t help in terms of knowing if they were still alive.

Last week, I asked for a sign from the dogs. Looking at their pet booklets, there would be a good chance that, even if Amber had survived, she may have passed in the meantime due to old age.

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Your Life Reflects Your Inner Being

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comSometimes people have many issues with others in their life while they neglect to acknowledge that many of these problems are merely a mirror reflection of their inner being. This denial of personal responsibility is often the main cause of conflicts and drama in many people’s lives.

Everyone faces challenges in life. It is how these challenges are managed and released that gives one inner strength and peace.  The answers are always within. But when we refuse to go within and face our inner truths, while instead venting our frustration, anger, envy, fear, and other pent-up negative emotions, it just brings so much more of the same crashing down on us.

That person you see with a huge smile on her face…her life is not necessarily all ‘sunshine and roses.’ Maybe she has just chosen to live with joy and gratitude in the present moment, instead of dwelling in the past or obsessing over the future. Maybe she has chosen to release that person or circumstance that had caused her pain or grief, and have chosen to move forward in her life with a knowing that bigger, better blessings are awaiting her on the other side of the pain.

The concept is simple, but the work is difficult.  I am just as guilty of this human shortcoming as the next person. In my own life, I have also held onto things for so long that it stunted my spiritual, emotional, romantic, and financial growth. I held on to the resentment, bitterness, and vengeful thoughts, and it stunted me to the point that I found myself stuck in a very dark state of mind for a long, long time.

However, once I realized that both my psychic reading work and energy healing practice are absolutely dependent on clarity, love, compassion, and positive energy, I became determined to find ways to release the past and move forward, without any ill will towards another. Was it easy to find my way back to my inner truth and higher self? No, it was not. Was it worth the effort? Definitely!

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Chiron Retrograde Is An Opportunity For Deep Healing

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comA lesser-known celestial body to watch if one is metaphysically inclined is the planet-like asteroid or comet known as Chiron, which orbits between the planets Saturn and Uranus. It is named after the wise centaur in Greek mythology who could heal others, but not himself, and is associated with the archetype of the ‘wounded healer.’

Chiron went retrograde recently on July 19th and its reverse trajectory will last until December 23rd, 2022. This astrological event will challenge us, as Chiron symbolizes the unhealed pain and unresolved past traumas we still carry within. It represents our deepest, core wound and our efforts to heal that wound. The good news is, despite a retrograde cycle bringing challenge, it also bring opportunity for expansion and growth.

Chiron is currently in the fiery, action-oriented sign of Aries where it will remain until the year 2026. This is a difficult placement, because Chiron is all about deep introspection, delicate shadow work and patiently working towards the healing of old wounds, while Aries has little patience in such matters and just wants to ‘get on with it.’

You may feel tempted to rush into the core of your pain and trauma due to this retrograde, but be sensible instead and take a step back. This retrograde period does offer a powerful opportunity for working on inner healing and forgiveness, but take a measured approach and do not foolishly rush in where angels may fear to tread. Give yourself permission to honor slow, steady processing, healing and growth. Healing is like a seed we plant; it takes time for an acorn to grow into an oak tree.

If you find your temper and emotions flaring, remember to breathe, use mantras, and positively visualize your outcome. New growth takes place after a wildfire (Aries) and this is an excellent time to start anew, while overcoming old traumas.

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