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The Spiritual Heart Of Watermelon Tourmaline

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Watermelon tourmaline holds a special place in my spiritual practice, and in my heart! Not only is this captivating stone a feast for the eyes, it is also a powerful tool for personal and spiritual growth, especially in opening and healing the heart chakra.

As a psychic practitioner, I have witnessed the transformative power of this gemstone in opening the spiritual heart.  From a psychic perspective, its energy is a bridge to the heart center, helping us to connect more deeply with ourselves and others.

Watermelon tourmaline is a unique and visually striking variety of tourmaline that features a color gradient resembling the interior and exterior of a watermelon. This gemstone typically displays a vibrant pink or red center, surrounded by a green outer layer, mimicking the look of a watermelon slice. This distinctive coloration is due to the natural zoning of different trace elements within the crystal as it forms.

Its unique coloring symbolizes the harmonious blend of heart chakra energies, with the green representing the nurturing and healing qualities of the heart chakra and the pink embodying love, compassion and emotional warmth.

The heart chakra, or anahata, is the fourth primary chakra, located in the center of the chest. It is the bridge between the lower and upper chakras, connecting our physical existence with our higher spiritual aspirations. When balanced, the heart chakra emanates unconditional love, empathy and emotional balance. However, energy blockages in this chakra can lead to feelings of jealousy, resentment and emotional instability.

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Tarot Forecast June 2024: The Lovers

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!This month the universe presents us with the The Lovers. This Major Arcana card predicts the energies of passion, choice, connection and relationships as the tone for the month ahead. The primary energies this month are harmony, balance and unity. The Lovers card represents a time of deep connection and self-discovery with yourself and others.

The Lovers card is rich in symbolism, encompassing themes of connection, choice, and duality. It can represent romantic relationships, partnerships, or a harmonious balance between different aspects of the self.

This card usually symbolizes deep emotional bonds, love, and harmony in romantic relationships. It can signify the beginning of a new relationship, the deepening of an existing one, or the reconciliation of differences. It also represents the magnetic attraction and chemistry between lovers.

The Lovers card sometimes indicates instead an important choice or decision to be made. It emphasizes the importance of making choices that are consistent with one’s true self and values.

It can also represent moral dilemmas or ethical choices, encouraging us to follow our moral compass and make decisions based on integrity and truth. It can be a call to evaluate and realign with personal beliefs and values.

It also suggests duality and the balance between two forces, whether masculine and feminine, conscious and unconscious, or different aspects of one’s personality. It emphasizes the need for harmony and balance in relationships and within oneself. It’s about finding a balance between desires and responsibilities, emotions and intellect.

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The People In Your Tarot Court Cards

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIn a psychic tarot reading, several court cards, also known as ‘people cards’, may come up in a spread. This can be challenging and even confusing, because the reader must now interpret not only the situational influences and circumstances revealed by the spread, but also the other people who are playing a role, or may still be involved in the matter.

There are many different approaches to interpreting tarot court cards, but my personal preference is to associate each card with an astrological sign of the zodiac.

There are 78 cards in a traditional Tarot deck. The first 22 cards are the Major Arcana and the remaining 56 are the Minor Arcana. The Minor Arcana are divided into four suits that correspond to the four classical elements of Air, Fire, Water, and Earth.

The element of Air is typically represented in the deck design as swords, feathers, birds, or clouds. The element of Fire is usually represented as wands, batons, or staffs. The element of Water is represented by cups, chalices, bowls, or mermaids. And the element of Earth is represented as pentacles, coins, or stones.

Sixteen of the 56 minor arcana are the court cards. The court cards of each suit represent people who embody the personality, traits, or influence of the associated element. Occasionally, a court card may also represent someone who fits the physical appearance of a particular person card as depicted in the card’s design.

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The Twin Flame Relationship

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe concept of a twin flame relationship has gained much popularity in recent years, as more people seek to understand the nature of their romantic relationships.

Twin flames, also known as ‘mirror souls’ or ‘karmic lovers,’ are essentially two halves of one soul. Our twin flame is therefore the other half of our original soul that has been split into two different bodies in this lifetime.

Twin flames share a deep spiritual bond that goes beyond physical attraction or emotional connection. Our twin flame is our perfect counterpart, and once we are reunited with them, we experience the ultimate expression of divine love and spiritual connection.

A twin flame is however not exactly the same as a soulmate. While soulmates are also souls with whom we have meaningful spiritual or karmic connections, we only have one twin flame with whom we are connected on a much deeper level. Soulmates are therefore distinct souls that are separate from us, while we share the same soul with our twin flame.

This soul bond is said to be unbreakable and eternal over many lifetimes and in other dimensions. Twin flames are destined to fulfill a higher purpose together and to help each other grow spiritually.

Recognizing your twin flame can be difficult, as it is not always obvious initially. Twin flame relationships are characterized by intense attraction that goes beyond mere physical attraction, as well as a deep sense of familiarity and a feeling of finally being ‘home’ when together. There is usually an indescribable feeling of completeness or wholeness.

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The Empowering Flame Of Archangel Uriel

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIf you are feeling overwhelmed, depleted, extremely worried, lost and lonely, or in need of a major divine intervention, or a powerful spiritual boost, then calling on Archangel Uriel for support and guidance may be a wise choice.

Archangel Uriel symbolizes the omnipotent power of God, the giver of life. The name Uriel means ‘the fire of God.’ His role is to awaken higher consciousness in all people.

Uriel is held as the patron of wisdom and protector of teachers, ministers, and philosophers. With the fire of his flame, Saint Uriel spreads truth and wisdom throughout the world. This angel is the defender of the sense of the spirit, and guardian of the straight and clear path to achieving the glory of God.

Uriel is credited with the mighty force and spirit of life. The representation of him with a flame of fire symbolizes his duty: to ignite the conscience of men through the fire of truth.

He is known as the angel of those who seek truth and knowledge. Those who come seeking the help of this archangel often need guidance and wisdom to make the right choice in their lives.

Each archangel represents a direction: Raphael for the East, Gabriel for the West, Michael for the South, and Uriel for the North. This can be helpful when we meditate on a particular archangel.

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Remembering The Lost Wisdom Of Lemuria

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIn 2013, the scientific journal Nature pusblished a report that a long-lost continent had been discovered hidden under the Indian Ocean island of Mauritius. This was furher confirmed by another study pusblished in 2017. What makes this unprecedented announcement especially interesting for the modern estoteric community is that it confirms the long-held belief that a lost continent called Lemuria, or the Land of Mu, did in fact exist, exactly as some scholars had speculated as far back as the mid-1800s.

Although not yet confirmed by modern science, it is also believed that this lost continent was once inhabited by an extinct race of prehistoric humans known as Lemurians. It is believed the Lemurians coexisted with the dinosaurs. They are even said to have had four arms and very tall, large, adrogynous bodies.

The legend of Lemuria and its inhabitants gained increased interest in the esoteric community when Helena Blavatsky, the Russian mystic and co-founder of the Theosophical Society, published her famous book The Secret Doctine in 1888. In the second part of the book, she describes how humanity originated and evolved from seven “root races” dating back millions of years. According to Madame Blavatsky the third root race was the first to be truly human and they existed on the lost continent of Lemuria, while the fourth root race is said to have developed in Atlantis.

“Occultism rejects the idea that Nature developed man from the ape, or even from an ancestor common to both, but traces, on the contrary, some of the most anthropoid species to the Third Race man,” writes Blavatsky.

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Dating Guidelines For Astrological Compatibility

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAs a professional astrologer, I’m often asked by clients if their zodiac sign is compatible with someone they are interested in, or currently dating. For this purpose, I have developed over the years through study and experience some simple, yet essential guidelines for astrological romance.

If you are in search of your soulmate, consider the following cosmic guidelines:

Never Date A Neighbor

Rarely are we compatible with the sun signs preceding or following our own sign in the zodiac, even though they flow into one another. Exceptions to this guideline are the Fire and Earth signs: Aries with Taurus, Leo with Virgo, and Sagittarius with Capricorn, but only if the fire sign partner has distinct personality traits of the divine feminine and the earth sign partner tends more towards the divine masculine.

Opposites Rarely Attract

Traditional astrology books on compatibility suggest seeking out the sun sign opposite to your own sign, but in my experience these differences can often be dealbreakers in this day and age. While we want variety and choice in a relationship, I find most people are rarely truly attracted to the signs opposite theirs.

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