inner truth
Finding Your Silent Space Within
Finding our silent space within is the essential spiritual practice. Cultivating a sense of inner stillness, mindfulness, and presence is crucial to any spiritual, metaphysical, or esoteric practice, as it allows for a deeper connection to your higher self, the universe, and the divine.
The silent space within is the inner connection point to our spirit or soul — the part of our being that is eternal and transcendent. This relationship is fundamental to most spiritual, religious, and esoteric traditions, which often describe the silent space within as a portal or bridge to a deeper understanding and connection with the soul, the divine, or the universal consciousness.
In many traditions, cultivating the silent space within is considered essential to achieving enlightenment or spiritual liberation — the realization of one’s true nature as soul or spirit, beyond physical and mental limitations. This realization of inner silence is our awakening to the eternal aspect of our being.
A concept used in various spiritual, meditative, and mindfulness practices, the notion of a silent space within symbolizes the inner sanctuary where one can retreat to find inner peace and strength, clarity, and a sense of centeredness, regardless of external circumstances. It is where we feel a deeper connection to something greater than ourselves, which is central to any spiritual path.
Tarot Forecast April 2024: Queen Of Wands
This month the Queen of Wands, a figure of authority and natural leadership, brings confidence, determination, and the ability to charm and inspire those around us. She is the Queen of Fire, symbolizing creativity, vitality and passion.
In the coming month we should be attuned to our ambitions as they may be strengthened. We may feel inspired to set new goals and make firmer decisions. There will be new motivational energies in our careers or businesses that will make it easier to keep our work goals and projects on track. This same energy will push us to get things done and take us to the next step.
The energy of the Queen of Wands calls us to tap into our inner self with instinct and confidence. As we face challenges in our professional or personal lives, our greatest asset this month is our self-awareness and ability to lead with confidence. Her energy will allow us to take control of situations that require a bold approach.
The Queen advises us to maintain our ideas and visions, especially in environments where our charisma can help others toward a common goal. Remember, to share is to care, so don’t hold back your gifts.
Reclaim Your Personal Power With ‘Sat Nam’
As a Kundalini Yoga teacher, I had the unique privilege of studying with Yogi Bhajan, the yoga master who introduced Kundalini Yoga to the Western world. Before he passed away in 2004, Yogi Bhajan gave me my spiritual name, Satya Kaur, which essentially means “princess” or “lioness” who embodies or strives to live by the principle of truth. It symbolizes a spiritual identity or path that focuses on integrity, authenticity, and the pursuit of spiritual truth.
Our soul identity is the key to our life journey and spiritual growth. For this reason, at the end of each Kundalini Yoga class, the teacher says “Sat Nam” to the students. The class then repeats these words back to the teacher. Because of the name Yogi Bhajan gave me, this mantra will always have a special place in my heart.
The phrase is a Gurmukhi term that translates to “Truth is my name” or “True identity.” It is used as a yoga mantra to center the mind, connect with one’s true self, and remind us of our true essence and reality beyond the physical and mental constructs of the external world.
Saying “Sat Nam” to others is similar to the greeting “Namaste,” which means “The divine in me bows to the divine in you,” or “The spirit in me salutes the spirit in you.” For me, sacred affirmations like “Sat Nam” and “Namaste” have even more power and meaning now in the dawning Age of Aquarius.
The Ancient Wisdom Of The Two Wolves
The story of the Two Wolves holds a special place among my childhood favorites. The moral of this Native American wisdom tale, thought to have originated with the Cherokee tribe, serves as a daily guiding light in my life.
I must confess, there is some sentimental bias on my part, as this story also brings back lovely memories of my remarkable grandfather, Sequoia, a former medicine man and chief of the Cherokee Nation.
Variations of the story exist in various Native American cultures, and it typically goes like this:
One evening, an old Cherokee is teaching his granddaughter about life and says, “My daughter, a fight is going on inside all of us each day. It is the battle between the two wolves.”
“One wolf is evil — anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego. The other wolf is good — joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith.”
The granddaughter thinks about it for a minute and then asks her grandfather, “Which wolf will win?”
Embracing The Gift Of Empathic Insight
Being attuned to the emotional energies of others is a beautiful gift that many spiritual individuals discover and enhance along their spiritual journey. This gift facilitates connection with others and provides insights into both others and ourselves.
While this empathic ability can bring profound understanding, it can also lead to anxiety. Feeling others’ emotions deeply may prompt self-reflection, causing concern about the impact of our actions on others and fear of judgment. Societal pressures become more intense, especially when expressing unconventional opinions, making those on a spiritual path feel isolated or misunderstood during a spiritual awakening.
How can we balance this empathic insight with personal expression and development?
Navigating meaningful relationships becomes challenging as our perspectives expand. Striking this balance requires self-reflection and working towards a more whole and heart-centered way of living.
Maintaining an open mind while expressing our own understandings is like a tightrope walk. We don’t want to become closed-minded, yet we need to articulate our perspectives and advocate for what we believe is right. A spiritual life is a journey of constant growth and understanding. Plateaus and challenges are part of the path, requiring breakthroughs to overcome.
The Spiritual And Therapeutic Energies Of Blue
In metaphysics, colors are associated with a specific energy signature or vibrational frequency that affects our aura as well as the energy fields in our surroundings. The energy signature of blue carries certain vibrational qualities that have both spiritual and therapeutic significance.
In spiritual and religious contexts, this color is often associated with the divine and sacred, representing a connection to the heavens and the spiritual realm. The color blue also holds a significant place in various mythologies around the world.
From its celestial associations in Greek mythology, to its divine symbolism in Norse mythology, to its mystical significance in Celtic mythology, blue represents the vastness of the cosmos, the power of divine forces, and the enduring nature of wisdom and knowledge.
Blue is also traditionally associated with spiritual healing and purification and is considered a protective color. It is believed to have a calming and cleansing effect on the mind and spirit. It is also said to ward off negative energies and provide a shield against spiritual harm.
Beyond its spiritual symbolism, blue is considered an important color in color therapy for its various therapeutic effects that promote physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.
Dagaz Promises Enlightening Energy This Year
When I recently did a rune cast for the coming year, Dagaz came up as the central energy for 2024.
The energy of Dagaz within the context of the surrounding runes in my annual forecasting permeates the fabric of 2024, and its transformative qualities promise both personal and collective enlightenment.
Dagaz, known as the “rune of enlightenment,” represents a powerful force of transformation and enlightenment. Dagaz, pronounced “dah-gahz,” translates to “day” or “dawn.”
Dagaz is the rune of brave, bold change. Its energy encapsulates the moment of sunrise, signifying the transition from darkness to light. It represents the burst of light that breaks through at the moment of illumination.
It is a symbol of hope, clarity, and the promise of a new day and a metaphor for gaining insight, clarity and understanding.
In divination, Dagaz is a positive and auspicious sign, suggesting that a period of darkness or confusion is coming to an end, and a new phase of understanding, growth, and enlightenment is beginning.
This rune embodies awakening, transformation, rebirth, hope, enlightenment, and the continuous evolution of existence. As the focus of this year’s casting, this rune predicts profound changes in both personal and global energies.