Always Stay True To Your Soul Path And Purpose
Visiting a nursing home or retirement community and interacting with the residents can be a life-changing experience!
I recently had the opportunity to interact with a group of seniors and one of the things I asked them was, “If you could go back in time and start over, what would you do differently?”
To my surprise, the biggest regret most of them have is that they wish they had been more true to themselves and lived their lives their own way instead of pleasing others. One lady says she realizes she should have followed the original path her soul intended for her, instead of trying to live up to the expectations of others.
Another lady recalls how her life was shattered when a man she loved dearly and had devoted her life to unexpectedly left her to be with someone else. She said that was the day she realized she had wasted so much time putting her own dreams and goals on hold to make someone else the focus of her life. If she could go back in time, she would have handled this relationship very differently. In fact, she would probably never have gotten involved with him in the first place! “Never live for someone else, that is what I have learned,” she said.
Some of the regrets seemed heavy and intense. Some realize that too much time has passed and they cannot undo the choices they have made. There are potential joys and opportunities for personal and spiritual fulfillment that are now forever out of reach. One gentleman added that while there is much wisdom and truth in the saying “it’s never too late,” there are also the practical realities of aging and “missed deadlines” for some things in life.
This experience reminded me of how many of my clients over the years have built their entire lives around another person, or have tried to become what another person thinks they should be.
Once we believe in ourselves, we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight, or any experience that reveals the human spirit ~ E. E. Cummings
Spirit’s message in these cases has always been consistent and very clear: Never try to be and do what another person says you should be and do. Go deep within yourself and live by what your gut tells you. Follow your soul path and your inner guidance, even if it is not what someone else wants.
If you let someone else tell you how to live your life, you may end up like the seniors I spoke with. They were sad, full of regret, and many of them felt completely lonely and isolated.
When you follow your life’s path and purpose, you are following your soul’s mission, which is engraved deep within your being. If you stay true to your soul purpose, even if you don’t always know the how, what, when, or where, you will succeed and fulfill your soul’s plan. The Universe will provide the opportunities of what and how, and doors will open at the right time and place.
All you have to do is take the first steps forward. Yes, it is often a huge leap of faith, but if you never step out of your comfort zone and the limits of other people’s beliefs and expectations, you will have less chance of making your life an amazing personal victory and spiritual success.
Other people, especially those with whom you are in a relationship, will often have opinions about how you should live your life. However, their opinions are not necessarily aligned with your highest good. Most of the time, people’s opinions focus on their own wants and needs, and sometimes very limiting beliefs, rather than your best interest.
Be careful about sharing your dreams and goals with just anyone. Never share your hopes and fears with just anyone unless you know without a doubt that they truly want the best for you and are on board with who you are and what you want to do with your life. The pessimism and negativity of others is not who you are and not your problem to solve. Never discuss your success with those who do not support your dreams, and never worry about your failures, because that will affect your next step forward.
Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical; don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly ~ Franz Kafka
Don’t sit on the sidelines and wait for things to come to you. Don’t let others tell you the direction of your life. Be true to who you are. Life begins at the edge of your comfort zone; learn to be comfortable with being uncomfortable. There will never be failure in your life as long as you refuse to stop trying.
You receive daily guidance from spirit and the divine in various areas of your life, and if you choose to ignore it, you are not being true to who you really are. You are suppressing your truth and the personal successes and spiritual breakthroughs that await you.
Pay attention to what spirit and the divine are revealing to you each day. Follow the signs and accept the guidance. Listen to your soul’s whispers. If you choose to ignore it, many golden opportunities will eventually fall by the wayside. You will wake up a few years later regretting that you did not follow the soul path that was meant for you.
In the meantime, be private and discreet about the intuitive messages you receive from your ancestors, spirit guides, and angels. Keep your ideas and inspiration to yourself until you are ready to take action.
Above all, always stay true to your soul path and purpose. Be yourself and believe in yourself. Believe in your successes and accept your failures. Trust that spirit and your higher power will always have your back. Being true to yourself is the only way to move forward and win in this life and beyond.
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