A Cord Cutting Ritual To Let Go And Move On
Heartbreak can be one of the most difficult emotional hurdles we face.
Whether you’re recovering from a failed romantic relationship, a friendship that has run its course, going no contact with a toxic family member, or any significant emotional connection that has ended, finding closure and healing is essential to moving forward.
Unresolved emotions and lingering energetic attachments can weigh heavily on your heart, making it difficult to embrace new opportunities and experiences.
A powerful way to release these lingering energy attachments is through a cord-cutting ritual. This practice helps cultivate self-love and emotional freedom, and opens the door to new beginnings. Unlike repressing feelings or rushing into distractions, cord cutting allows you to consciously acknowledge and release energetic attachments that no longer serve you.
Energetic cords are metaphysical connections that form between people, places, or situations. They are strengthened by intense emotions and shared experiences. While some cords nourish us with love, support, and positive energy, others can drain our vitality — especially when a relationship has ended or become unhealthy. These draining cords can lead to repetitive thoughts, emotional stagnation, or a feeling of being energetically “stuck.”
A cord cutting ritual does not erase cherished memories or sever positive emotions you may have shared with someone. Instead, it focuses on releasing unhealthy attachments that prevent emotional freedom and personal growth. By clearing these residual energies, you make room for peace, clarity, and new possibilities to flow into your life.
Is It Time To Reset Your Life?
As the festivities fade and the hype of new year’s resolutions subsides, it’s natural to pause and truly reflect on the direction of your life.
Often idealized as a time of joy and connection, the holidays rarely leave room for true introspection. Instead, they bring a whirlwind of obligations — shopping, entertaining, traveling, and endless social engagements. In the rush to meet expectations, both our own and those of others, the peace and reflection we crave are often drowned out by the festive chaos.
But as the holidays end and life returns to its normal routine, many feel a spontaneous urge to make an honest assessment of where they are in life. What’s working? What isn’t? Where do adjustments need to be made?
In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it’s easy to lose sight of our true passions and purpose. Often we carry unnecessary burdens, cling to outdated habits, or stay in situations that no longer align with our higher selves.
Now is often the time of the year when your intuition may be whispering — or even screaming — that something needs to change. This inner knowing often manifests as dissatisfaction, a longing for something more, or a deep sense that you’re meant for greater things.
Recognizing the need to reset your life can be one of the most empowering decisions you’ll ever make. Letting go of what no longer serves you is not only a courageous act, but also a fundamental aspect of personal and spiritual growth.
How Mars Retrograde Impacts Your Love Life
From tonight until February 23, 2025, the astrological climate will be dominated by Mars Retrograde, a time when the assertive planet of passion, drive, and action appears to be moving backwards across the sky.
The Mars retrograde cycle occurs approximately every two years and creates a celestial atmosphere that challenges us to slow down, reflect, and reevaluate how we navigate the aspect of our lives impacted by a retreating Mars, especially love and relationships.
This time Mars will reverse through the bold sign of Leo until January 3, 2025, before retreating further into the emotional waters of Cancer until February 23. The shift from Leo to Cancer will bring a dynamic shift in how we experience passion, intimacy, and connection.
Mars retrograde typically signals a period of inward focus. The fiery, action-oriented energy of Mars is muted, forcing us to rethink how we assert ourselves and pursue our desires.
When Mars is in retrograde, direct action often feels less effective. Misunderstandings may arise, frustrations may simmer, and the usual outlets for passion or conflict resolution may not work as intended.
In the context of relationships, Mars retrograde tends to bring old wounds and unresolved issues to the surface. The next 79 days will be a time when hidden frustrations or imbalances within partnerships come to the surface. It’s not uncommon to experience tension during this time, as retrograde forces us to confront aspects of our love lives that we may have avoided.
How To Get The Most Out Of Your Psychic Reading
A reading with one of our talented psychics or mediums can offer you profound insight, guidance, clarity and healing, whether you’re seeking answers to pressing questions, making life decisions or exploring future possibilities.
To maximize the experience, it is good to approach your reading with an open mind, clear intentions, and practical considerations. Here are some tips to ensure a meaningful and enriching session with our expert team of psychic readers:
Choose The Right Psychic
The first step is to find a psychic who will work best with you. Different psychics have different reading styles, specialties, and professional experience. Research their backgrounds, read reviews, and consider recommendations from trusted friends or online communities. A psychic whose style and approach matches your needs will enhance your experience and foster a stronger connection.
At, we make this selection process easier for new clients by providing you with a detailed profile description, an introductory video, and their complete archive of reviews from other clients, as well as a free 6-minute trial reading with an available psychic of your choice. Why do we offer new clients a free introductory reading? Because we know you are going to love the psychics on our team!
Becoming a member of the Psychic Access team is not easy. We are very selective and only accept the best of the best to join our team. On average, only one in eight applicants make it to the interview stage, and out of that short list, only one in twenty are hired to offer readings on our platform.
Karmic Healing: Can You Handle The Truth?
In the famous courtroom drama A Few Good Men, Jack Nicholson’s character, Colonel Jessup, exclaims in an iconic movie moment, “You can’t handle the truth!”
I suspect this scene has become legendary in movie history because it resonates so deeply with most people. On some level, many of us sometimes struggle to face the truth about ourselves and our lives.
Whether it’s difficult memories, unhealed wounds, failed relationships, or unspoken regrets, facing our truth can be challenging, even traumatic or overwhelming.
Yet, from a spiritual perspective, facing and owning our truth is one of the most powerful steps we can take on our path to karmic healing and soul growth.
Our soul journey is a karmic balancing act in which the energy we put out into the world eventually comes back to us. When we hide from our truth – whether through denial, justification or avoidance – we accumulate karmic debt.
Like a heavy boulder that we carrry around, karmic debt hinders our soul growth and spiritual progress. On the other hand, when we consciously choose to face our truth, we release this burden and open ourselves to healing, growth, fulfillment and inner peace.
Denial is our most common response to unpleasant truths. We tend to avoid acknowledging aspects of ourselves that we find unattractive, justify our negative behaviors, and make excuses for our bad choices and failures in order to protect our fragile human egos. However, these “untruths” build up over time. By avoiding them, we create layers of illusion that distance us from who we really are and cloud our understanding of our soul purpose and the divine spark within.
Letting Go Of Guilt
We all like to be seen as good people, and it can be deeply unsettling when others perceive us otherwise. When we find ourselves in a disagreement with a dear friend or colleague and take the blame for something we’re not responsible for, it’s natural to feel unhappy.
Spirit teaches that while it’s important to own our actions and the roles we play in conflict, guilt only serves to amplify feelings of remorse. If we allow guilt to fester, we may begin to believe that we are “bad” people who do not deserve happiness and success.
This is far from the truth. We are human, and human beings have the ability to change. Our actions may not always be right, but that doesn’t mean we are inherently bad or deserving of punishment.
Making mistakes is part of being human, and sometimes we need to adjust our responses, especially in challenging situations, in order to grow and improve. Spirit suggests that this is a much healthier perspective.
However, taking this “healthy approach” is often easier said than done. We’ve grown up in a world where elders, peers, and society define what is good and bad – even when they’re not always right. This can lead us to judge ourselves harshly and feel unnecessary guilt.
Many traditional spiritual teachings emphasize the importance of forgiveness, both of oneself and of others. In Christianity, for example, the concept of repentance is central; believers are encouraged to confess their sins, seek divine forgiveness, and then release their guilt, trusting that God’s grace has absolved them.
Take The Heavenly Solitude Challenge!
My clients often ask me how I manage to stay so positive and upbeat every time they call for a psychic reading. They often mention how my energy seems to lift their spirits, and this brings me immense joy! I feel blessed when I can share my gift for energetic healing.
This does not mean that I am automatically or miraculously energized and balanced to be of service to others. To share some love and light, I have to be disciplined with my spiritual practice and self-care routine. One of the key ingredients in my self-nuturing routine that keeps me going is spending some time in solitude.
Solitude is to be alone by choice, without the presence or interference of others. As a spiritual practice it involves deliberately setting aside time to be alone, away from the distractions and demands of daily life, in order to connect more deeply with your higher self, spirit and the divine. It is a time of quiet reflection and introspection.
Unlike loneliness, which is often associated with negative emotions, solitude is a positive and restorative experience, embraced for spiritual growth and personal well-being. I often enjoy my solitude with a cup of tea or coffee, sometimes knitting, sewing, doing yoga, meditating or going for a walk. I cherish these moments and wish everyone could experience the peace they bring, even if only for a few hours each day.
A good time to embrace solitude and a spiritual practice is during times of transition or personal challenge, when life feels overwhelming or uncertain. Whether you’re navigating a career change, recovering from a loss, or simply feeling disconnected from your inner self, solitude can provide the clarity and peace you need to reconnect with your passion and purpose.