negative emotion
Free Yourself From Negative Energy
We shape our lives with both positive and negative energy. The good vibes bring us abundance, joy and fulfillment, and inspire us to strive for higher goals. The bad vibes bring us lack, fear, stress, frustration, disappointment, and sadness.
It is our nature to strive only for joy and happiness, but this is not always the case. We can even choose to live a very quiet, simple life and not rattle any cages and still face adversity and unwanted bad times.
The main reason for this is that our journey in this life is not meant to be perfect and easy all the time. Our souls crave some bad times as well, for this is what brings us spiritual growth and evolves our soul!
However, while the duality of good and bad is a fact of life, some of us also endure much more than our fair share of hardship and suffering. Again, this may be because we chose a more difficult or challenging path as part of our original soul plan.
But it is also true that some of us simply struggle and suffer more because of our own free will choices and the unpleasant reality we choose to create for ourselves. Fortunately, with a little personal responsibility and increased self-awareness, we can also change this scenario from bad to good. Continue reading
Get Ready For A New Year Of Boundless Joy!
As we stand on the precipice of a new year of endless possibilities and limitless potential, I invite you to join me on a journey of self-actualization, spiritual enlightenment, and unwavering hope and optimism in 2024.
This year, let us embrace the transformative power of positive thinking, the resilience of the human spirit, and the boundless divine wisdom that lies within each of us. Let us throw off the shackles of self-doubt and negativity and embrace the extraordinary potential that lies within our souls.
Most importantly, let us strive this year to stay in our joy as much and as often as possible. For true joy and inner peace come into our hearts only when we invite them into our consciousness. Happiness does not just come, we must choose to seek it.
As we embark on a new year full of promise, let us also remember that we are part of a network of interconnected beings, each with a unique purpose and a vital role to play in the grand tapestry of life. Let us foster compassion, empathy and understanding and create a world where love and kindness prevail. Let us be kind, compassionate and generous, spreading love and light wherever we go.
Protect Yourself From Energy Vampires
People have the power to either energize or drain us because we are all energetic spiritual beings in human form. This is especially true if you are highly sensitive and empathic.
Energy vampires are people who mostly unintentionally drain or ‘steal’ the energy of others, leaving everyone they interact with feeling mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually drained, even depressed.
Although they may not be intentionally malicious or evil, their dysfunctional personalities and toxic behavior patterns can have a detrimental effect on our health and well-being.
Energy thieves are everywhere, from the workplace to our social circles. Understanding their effects and protecting yourself from their toxicity is critical to mental and emotional well-being.
It is important to recognize the signs and patterns in your interactions with these people. There are many signs that you may be the victim of an energy vampire. Some of the most common indicators include feeling drained or exhausted, having a change in mood or energy level, or difficulty concentrating or making decisions after spending time with someone. You may also feel that you are always giving and never receiving from someone, or that you are being used or manipulated by them.
Full Moon Release Ritual
Tomorrow’s Gemini Full Moon will be the last full moon before the winter solstice. Traditionally also known as the Beaver Moon, Frost Moon, or Mourning Moon, this full moon is a perfect time for introspection, spiritual contemplation and inner transformation.
The November Full Moon invites us to gather our resources, release what no longer serves us, and embrace the transformative power of the changing seasons.
As we prepare for winter within and without, we can cultivate the resilience and wisdom necessary to meet the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. The ideal way to do this is through a full moon ritual.
Full moon release rituals have been practiced for centuries in various cultures and spiritual traditions. The goal of these rituals is to create space for growth, transformation, and new beginnings. The phases of the moon are traditionally associated with cycles of growth, decline, and renewal, making the full moon a particularly powerful time to release negative energies, unwanted patterns, and emotions that no longer serve us.
The ancient Egyptians worshipped the moon goddess Isis, who symbolized fertility, magic, and transformation. They believed that the full moon had the power to cleanse and purify.
The Four Dimensions Of Holistic Self-Care
In today’s fast-paced world, we get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, leaving little time for self-care. Yet, holistic self-care is essential for a healthy, happy, and fulfilling life.
There are also various myths about self-care. For example, self-care is not a one-size-fits-all approach. It is also sometimes misunderstood to simply mean ‘spa days’ or ‘bubble baths with candles.’
True self-care is multidimensional and includes various activities and practices that promote physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health and well-being. Self-care is the ultimate expression of self-love.
It is important to adopt self-care practices that work for you and that suit your lifestyle. There is no right or wrong way to practice spiritual self-care.
The most important thing is to find activities that also help you to connect with your inner being and that nourishes your spirit, because for many people today, spirituality is often the most important missing piece of their self-care puzzle.
When spirituality is incorporated into our daily self-care routine it has a profound impact on our overall health and well-being. Spiritual self-care helps us to develop a deeper understanding of ourselves and our place in the world, and empowers us with the resilience to better cope with stress and adversity. In order to live a fulfilling and balanced life, it’s essential to embrace self-care in all its dimensions, including our spiritual health.
The Forgotten Art Of Self-Healing
Self-healing is a holistic approach to wellness that too often takes a back seat in our modern existence.
The mind-body has an incredible restorative and self-healing capacity that is often overlooked. Harnessing these inner forces can lead to a profound transformation of one’s life.
Self-healing is not just about recovering from physical ailments; it encompasses mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
It is the process of harnessing our body’s innate ability to recover from physical ailments and mental health challenges without relying solely on external intervention.
It’s about nurturing your body’s natural ability to rejuvenate, repair and thrive.
To achieve self-healing, it’s critical to recognize the mind-body connection. Our thoughts and emotions have a profound effect on our physical well-being. Negative thoughts and feelings such as stress, worry, anxiety, fear and resentment can all manifest as physical symptoms. Self-healing addresses these underlying emotional and mental issues to begin the healing process.
Finding Silver Linings On The Dark Days
The sky was dark this morning. Overcast, miserable, wet and windy. Not the best way to start any day.
To make matters worse, after several very busy days with readings, I had one of those rare “goose egg” days. Not a single client called me all day!
Halfway through my shift, I realized that my mind was starting to brew up all kinds of negative thoughts. Idle hands are indeed the devil’s workshop. Fortunately, I was able to nip it in the bud by the end of my shift. The last thing I needed in this miserable weather was to plunge myself into a pity party.
Instead, I gently coaxed myself back into a state of calm, centered inner peace and gratitude. After all, I have a lot to be thankful for in my life!
I also had to remind myself that I no longer have all my eggs in one basket. I have learned the hard way over the past few years to diversify my income, and I also have a nest egg in the bank for a rainy day.
Those of us who have been on a long and challenging journey to a better life realize that having a totally negative day is sometimes a necessary part of the process of self-improvement and greater fulfillment. If things were always easy and perfect, we would have no motivation to strive for anything better.