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Let Spirituality Be Your Guiding Light

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIn a fast-paced world where superficial, materialistic pursuits tend to dominate our lives, the search for deeper meaning and purpose has become even more significant for many people. Spirituality has always been a guiding light in this quest.

Spirituality offers solace, clarity, and a profound connection to something greater than ourselves. It is inherently personal and subjective, and not limited to religious affiliations, formal belief systems, or cultural traditions.

To be spiritual is to have a deep awareness of the higher self, as well as a heightened connection to God, Goddess, Source, Spirit, the Divine, the Universe.

Our preferred spiritual practice does not have to be some form of dogmatic religion, which tends to involve organized rituals, ceremony, and fixed doctrines. Instead, it can also be an individual exploration of higher consciousness that seeks a direct and personal experience of the sacred and divine.

Spiritual awareness is also not confined to merely a few isolated moments of contemplation, but instead a holistic, consistent state of mind, or way of being in the world, that permeates every aspect of our life.

By integrating spiritual principles and practices into our daily life, we infuse our everyday choices and actions with intention and authenticity, leading to a more balanced, fulfilling, and purposeful existence.

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Transform Your Life With Enthusiasm

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comEnthusiasm is a powerful energy that can have a profound effect on our life. It is that feeling of excitement and passion for something, and a great motivator. It inspires us to achieve our goals, stay focused and make the most of every day. Without something exciting to look forward to, life tends to become dull and dreary, and also very challenging.

The energy of enthusiasm is a key aspect of future manifestation. Our emotions predict what we can expect to attract into our life, or not. When we lack enthusiasm it is usually a warning sign that we are unlikely to manifest much to look forward to anytime soon.

To invite new possibilities, opportunities and blessings in life, we must think about it, set an intention for it, imagine it, visualize it, pray for it, meditate on it, and consistently work towards it mind, body and soul. The moment we start to do this, our emotional energy frequency shifts to feeling inspired, hopeful and enthusiastic. Then you know you are on track to making some of your dreams come true.

Enthusiasm also keeps us motivated and determined to keep going, even when things get tough. It gives us an energy boost and drive to keep going and push through any obstacles that may arise. It helps us to stay positive and look on the bright side of things. It also keeps us focused to stay on track with our goals.

Without enthusiasm we become less productive. When we are truly enthusiastic about something, we are more likely to put in the necessary effort to get things done. This empowers us to achieve more in our life and make the most of our time.

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The Universal Power Of Prayer

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comPrayer has become a loaded, even triggering concept in spirituality. The modern notion of this practice has become religified and somewhat sanctimonious. It has mostly been appropriated by dogmatic, organized religion and too often assumed to only belong to the chosen, privileged few.

In my experience, prayer is in fact both a divine gift and universal law that belongs to us all, no matter what our particular spiritual or metaphysical beliefs may be. We all receive what we pray for, both spiritually and on a secular basis. And we all pray in different ways.

Prayer follows the path of least resistance, and the Universe abhors a vacuum. If our heart and mind are in the right place, prayer always works. We get what we pray for. The downside of getting what we pray for requires carefully choosing what we pray for. Time and time again, throughout history, this choosing has caused generations of clean-up. The karmic cleanup is not often successful, because we have not been willing to understand the hindrance of ulterior motives and hidden agendas. Spirit knows all, and there is nothing truly hidden or secret.

So, yes, we do get what we pray for, but we need to also be careful when we pray, because karma is also a Universal Law. We must always pray bearing in mind the Universal Law of Cause and Effect, the Golden Rule: as we give, so we receive.

One does not need to be a scientific genius to understand the basic concept of vibratory energy frequency and how it determines what we attract and impacts the quality of our life. A ‘vibe’ is either low or high. This does not only apply to us as individuals, but also to the collective vibrations of our families, communities, nations, as well as the collective frequency of the entire planet, which has been changing significantly in recent times.

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How To Manifest Financial Prosperity

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comManifesting more financial prosperity is something we all strive for, but at times it can seem somewhat out of reach, even impossible.

The truth is that with some adjustment and a renewed focus it is possible to make a positive energy shift in your life to attract more abundance. Financial prosperity is a divine blessing available to us all, but it requires a change in our beliefs and mindset regarding wealth and money.

The following strategies can help you manifest greater prosperity.


The first step to claiming true prosperity is believing that you can achieve it. Believe in your own abilities and your potential to manifest. Accept that you too deserve to live a prosperous life. Even if your current circumstances are not ideal, take time to reflect on what you already have and what you have accomplished thus far in your life.


Instead of focusing on what you do not have, focus on what is already good or abundant in your life. Find ways to be grateful for what you do have and recognize how far you have come. There are always many things in our life we should be more grateful for. Gratitude and an appreciative mindset is a powerful energy frequency for manifesting more prosperity.

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Divining With Dowsing Rods

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI have always loved working with my dowsing rods and have used them in various ways over many years. I have used dowsing, for example, to track down missing car keys, find lost jewelry, and locate various other household items. However, yesterday was a dowsing first for me.

I received a call from a friend whose husband had mysteriously lost his partial-denture plate. Apparently, he has the habit of frequently taking it out and then leaving it lying around in unusual places in their home. Of course, it irritates my friend, both from an aesthetic and hygienic point of view, but she has never been able to get him to be more conscientious with his false teeth!

Well, yesterday, his dentures were nowhere to be found. They had searched everywhere inside the house, until their four-month-old terrier-mix puppy sauntered in with soil all over his face. It was obvious that he had recently buried something.

The search for the missing teeth was thus taken outside to their large fenced off plot with its many olive trees and shrubs. The needle in the haystack was nowhere to be found. As a last resort, I was eventually called in to assist with my dowsing rods.

It took me about 20 minutes to locate the missing teeth. The dowsing rods took me directly to an area that was being prepared for planting. Once I reached the spot, all I had to do was sift through the soil with my fingers, and ‘voila’…the missing teeth were restored to its rightful owner!

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Painting As A Powerful Spiritual Practice

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAs a visual artist, I find painting to be a powerful tool for spiritual growth and manifestation. Art has been used as a medium for self-expression and energy channeling for centuries. Painting in particular is an enlightening way to tap into one’s innermost thoughts and feelings and connect with your higher self.

One of the ways that painting can be particularly helpful in growth and healing is that it offers a way for us to let go of what no longer serves us. We too often hold onto old traumas, fears, and limiting beliefs that keep us stuck in negative patterns. Channeling these toxic thought patterns and emotions into art can help us to release it and create space for new energy to flow in.

The act of painting itself can be deeply meditative and calming, allowing the artist to quiet the mind and tap into their intuition. When we allow ourselves to be mindful and entirely present in the moment and focus solely on the act of creating, we access a state of energetic flow that is incredibly soothing, healing, and transformative.

Additionally, painting can be used as a powerful tool for manifesting. When we create art with a specific intention in mind, we are essentially using our thoughts and imagination to give physical form to that intention. Making an original painting is much more powerful and intentional than creating a vision board, for example. By painting images and scenes of the things we desire, we are sending a clear message into the universe that we are ready to receive it.

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True Spirituality Is About Everyday Existence

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIt is often assumed that to lead a truly spiritually aware life we must increasingly distance ourselves from the material world and be more fully immersed in the spiritual world. We must reduce our involvement with all things physical, and instead focus exclusively on the non-physical or metaphysical.

This is, however, not what being truly ‘spiritual’ is about. True spirituality is in fact quite the opposite. It is about living this physical life to the fullest. It is about being present in every moment and living with joy, appreciation, and gratitude.

Spiritual living is about honoring and expressing the love, grace and compassion of God, Source, Spirit, the Divine in our everyday existence. It is about relishing in the divine beauty and abundance of creation, and embracing the unconditional love and light of divinity in our lives every day.

As spiritual beings in physical form we do need material things in order survive in this physical reality, and ensure a more fluid, comfortable existence. And while we are busy focusing our time and energy on acquiring those material things that we need, it does not mean we are no longer being spiritual, or not being ‘spiritual enough.’

For instance, most of us need to work to earn a living, to put food on the table and a roof over our head. Going to work every day and being of service is just as much a spiritual act as spending time in transcendental meditation, for example, or participating in a prayer circle.

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