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How To Support The Awakening Psychic

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Guiding and supporting someone through their psychic awakening and development process can be quite a challenge, as the way different people receive their messages from spirit can be unusual and unexpected, even to the awakening psychic themselves.

Over the years, I’ve learned that psychic ability is highly individual and different for each person, and that everyone’s path of development is unique.

This uniqueness stems from the fact that psychic abilities are gifts or talents that are mostly beyond our everyday understanding. Most experienced psychics will tell you that they do not really know how or why they are able to know, feel or sense things – somehow we just do.

Every psychic journey is therefore deeply personal. Often we start out receiving messages in a certain way, only to have other ways emerge as we grow and evolve. How and what we perceive is always unpredictable, and some abilities may strengthen while others fade over time.

For example, I started out with a lot of clairsentient “sensing and feeling,” which was soon accompanied by claircognitive “knowing”. Then one day I suddenly noticed that I was beginning to also “see” more and more clairvoyantly with my mind’s eye.

Helping someone on their psychic journey can be challenging, but it is also a profound and rewarding journey. It takes patience, understanding, and a deep commitment to help nurture their growth, but it is very, very gratifying to empower and help others to step into their full potential as lightworkers, wayshowers, channels, and healers.

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Dagaz Promises Enlightening Energy This Year

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhen I recently did a rune cast for the coming year, Dagaz came up as the central energy for 2024.

The energy of Dagaz within the context of the surrounding runes in my annual forecasting permeates the fabric of 2024, and its transformative qualities promise both personal and collective enlightenment.

Dagaz, known as the “rune of enlightenment,” represents a powerful force of transformation and enlightenment. Dagaz, pronounced “dah-gahz,” translates to “day” or “dawn.”

Dagaz is the rune of brave, bold change. Its energy encapsulates the moment of sunrise, signifying the transition from darkness to light. It represents the burst of light that breaks through at the moment of illumination.

It is a symbol of hope, clarity, and the promise of a new day and a metaphor for gaining insight, clarity and understanding.

In divination, Dagaz is a positive and auspicious sign, suggesting that a period of darkness or confusion is coming to an end, and a new phase of understanding, growth, and enlightenment is beginning.

This rune embodies awakening, transformation, rebirth, hope, enlightenment, and the continuous evolution of existence. As the focus of this year’s casting, this rune predicts profound changes in both personal and global energies.

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A Vision Quest For Intuitive Business Wisdom

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIn business and finance, there is a mystical thread secretly woven into the fabric of success that is rarely recognized. It is an esoteric wisdom that transcends spreadsheets, profit margins, and market trends. This hidden and largely ignored business secret is known as intuition.

Intuition is a road less traveled in business, but I predict that it will become more prevalent in the future. One key development I foresee is that more companies will hire intuitive business consultants to help them with decision-making, alternative strategies, team building, trend forecasting, and so on.

Hiring an intuitive business consultant will become a business strategy that will elevate many companies beyond the mundane. Embracing intuitive wisdom in a business context isn’t just about unlocking business success; it’s about weaving a transpersonal narrative intertwined with the cosmic threads that lead us to a destination that transcends the ordinary. It is a destination where success is measured not just in profits, but in alignment with the cosmic forces that shape our business journey.

In my own entrepreneurial journey, I often found myself at a crossroads, faced with decisions that went beyond the boundaries of conventional understanding. It was during these moments of uncertainty that I began to long for a deeper, more intuitive perspective.

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The Future Possibilities Of Business Telepathy

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIn the dynamic world of business, where the exchange of ideas and the capture of customer attention are paramount, a form of communication that goes beyond conventional channels is an intriguing prospect. Consider, for example, the possibilities of telepathy as a groundbreaking business communication strategy.

While the concept of telepathic communication in the business environment may seem strange, esoteric, and far-fetched, I foresee a future where this transpersonal phenomenon will change the way businesses operate and communicate.

I envision a future where parapsychological principles and transcendental phenomena will increasingly merge with emerging technologies, and this heightened form of communication will be used to foster mutual understanding, teamwork, increased innovation and creativity, and a common purpose in the business environment.

Telepathy transcends the physical or material and extends into the realm of consciousness, intuition and psychic perception. It is the vicarious transmission of thoughts, ideas and information from one mind to another without the use of known human sensory channels or physical interaction.

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Transform Your Life With Sustainable Resolutions

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comEvery new year, I hear my clients complain about what they hope to change about themselves, what they want to change about themselves, or what they should be changing about themselves.

I then ask them why they are not claiming their power to change right now?

You do not have to wait until the New Year or some other major life event to make a change in your life. Once you’ve decided on a new path or course of action, the key is to stick with it for the long haul, taking small steps every day.

The Japanese call this kaizen, a philosophical concept that emphasizes continuous improvement, often in small increments. The idea is that by making consistent progress, even if it is just a little bit each day, you can eventually achieve significant results.

Sustainability should be the ultimate goal of whatever you decide to change in your life. While New Year’s resolutions are all noble and lofty, you have to acknowledge the inherent resistances and blockages you carry within and agree to be patient with yourself in order to ultimately get there.

I’m still working on some New Year’s resolutions I made in 2016. Do I look back in horror and say, “Why is it taking so long?” or “I really should be doing better!” Sometimes, yes! Do I use that as an excuse to backslide, fall off the wagon, or throw in the towel? Not at all, mostly because I’ve come to realize that if I hadn’t decided years ago to make those resolutions to make powerful changes in my life, I’d still be where I was, or worse. I’d be living a life of regret, not progress.

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The Entrepreneur’s Guide To Business Intuition

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at

The power of psychic intuition can be a valuable asset for entrepreneurs seeking to navigate the complexities of business and financial decision-making.

Spiritually aware entrepreneurs who develop their psychic intuition have a unique advantage in anticipating market trends, understanding consumer behavior, and making strategic decisions that align with their business goals.

Whether you are a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting out, understanding the potential of psychic intuition can be a game-changer for your success in the business world.

Psychic intuition operates at a level beyond the conscious mind. It is the innate ability to perceive information beyond the five senses, known in parapsychology as extrasensory perception (ESP) and more commonly as the “sixth sense” or “gut feeling.”

It is the inner knowing, sensing, or feeling of information that is not perceived through our normal sensory channels.

Psychic intuition is the ability to understand or know something without the need for conscious thought. It is an immediate understanding or realization, a quick and ready insight or knowledge or conviction, without any logical explanation or identifiable source. This heightened awareness gives the attuned entrepreneur access to hidden insights or precognitive information that may not be immediately apparent through logical analysis.

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Harnessing Intuition To Be A Better Manager

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIn the demanding landscape of modern business, effective leadership is more important than ever. As a leader, navigating the complexities of the workplace requires a unique set of skills, and while data-driven decision-making and strategic planning are undoubtedly important, there are powerful tools that are often overlooked: intuition and spirituality.

Inner wisdom and spiritual awareness are invaluable assets for managers seeking to improve their leadership skills. By cultivating a deeper connection with our inner being and the universe, we gain access to a source of wisdom and guidance. It enables one to tap into a deeper understanding and a higher level of consciousness that gives you a winning edge of increased empathy and nuanced awareness in the workplace.

True intuition is more than guesswork or simply a culmination of our past experiences, knowledge, and insights. It is a mystical force, a spiritual superpower, a key component of our inner guidance system.

As a leader, you’ve probably faced countless challenges and solved numerous problems throughout your career. Intuition allows you to tap into the inner guidance of your higher self to make better decisions and more accurate judgments.

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