True Friends Encourage Each Other’s Gifts
I have aways had an extraordinary spiritual connection with a particular friend. Many of our shared experiences over the years illustrate the strength and importance of this connection. We are always on a bit of a “mystical high” when we spend time together!
I knew she was psychic from the first time we met, but she is seldom very eager to talk about it. I suspect she feels a little insecure about it or even afraid of her own power.
Then I had a dream. The angels showed me in this dream that it was time for my friend to embrace her psychic abilities, and that it had now become my responsibility to ensure that she was prepared for this journey of psychic awakening and self-discovery.
A memorable trip to New York City during the recent holiday season provided the ideal opportunity to inspire her and build her confidence.
She lives in the New York area while I live in Arizona, so we do not see each other very often. Over the holidays, I took a short vacation to visit her. Our plans included a trip to the city to see a play, which was great, but not the most magical part of the trip.
The day we arrived in the city, we went to this holiday fair near our hotel to kill time, before going to dinner and the play. As soon as we got out of the cab, the magic started. Amazing things happened everywhere we went. Her birthday was coming up and I wanted to get her something special. I ended up buying her the perfect pearl ring, which she loves.
Signs Of A Spiritual Love Connection
Have you ever felt an inexplicable love bond with someone that goes beyond the realm of ordinary connection? The signs of a spiritual love connection are unique and often transcend the conventional understanding of relationships.
A spiritual love connection is a life-changing experience because it goes beyond the superficial aspects of an ordinary romantic relationship and delves into the deeper spiritual connection between people.
A spiritual love connection is a deep, unexplainable bond between two souls that transcends the usual aspects of a romantic relationship. It involves an innate understanding of each other’s innermost thoughts, feelings and desires, creating a sense of harmony and spiritual alignment. This connection is often felt on a profound level that resonates with the core essence of both individuals.
Recognizing and acknowledging a spiritual love connection is important if you are seeking an authentic, meaningful, and lasting relationship that also supports your spiritual values and soul purpose. It allows you to prioritize genuine connections based on soul resonance, mutual understanding, and shared values over superficial attractions. It is crucial not only for the success and longevity of the relationship, but also for your own growth and fulfillment.
Understanding Psychic Predictions
There are many misconceptions about psychic predictions. The first misconception is that a psychic prediction is static and unchanging. The second big myth is that psychics are omniscient deities who always see everything exactly as it will happen.
Even if we were able to predict every possible outcome for the rest of your life, many of those predictions will become inaccurate or even a complete failure over time because the future is flexible and fluid.
The future that a psychic foresees in a reading today will look slightly different in a month’s time, and will inevitably look significantly different in a year’s time. This is what distinguishes true psychic reading from fortune-telling.
Our destiny is constantly being shaped and adjusted by the creative capacity that exists within each of us. Each human being is the physical expression of a spirit essence with free will that allows us to create and navigate our reality, and direct our destiny. Our spirit, soul or consciousness shapes our daily reality and determines the course of our life journey. This process of creation is called manifestation.
Manifestation refers to the metaphysical idea that our thoughts, beliefs, and intentions produce tangible results in the external world. Manifestation is, in fact, the foundation of our very existence, for our present life journey as a spirit essence in human form is, in fact, also a manifestation!
Honoring Your Soul Contract
Each of us came into our current life for a reason that is relevant to our soul evolution. Regardless of how, where and when we arrived, we all came into this physical existence with a planned mission known as our soul contract, or pre-birth soul plan.
Before entering this life, our souls deliberately choose certain experiences and lessons to learn and contributions to make for the purpose of our own spiritual evolution. It’s essentially our cosmic to-do list!
We come for a variety of reasons: some to learn, some to teach, some to grow, some to heal. Some come to observe, others to participate. Some come to navigate a profound dark night of the soul. Some even come to influence the masses or change the world forever.
Whatever the nature of your soul contract, you can be absolutely certain that there is a divine purpose to it all. Never forget that your soul mission is your own doing. We owe our existence and our journey to no one. It is ours alone to experience and ours alone to complete.
One of the most empowering things we can do in this lifetime is to uncover the nature of our soul contract to ensure our ultimate success. We must reflect on our true purpose and the meaningful connections and experiences we encounter.
The Compassion Of Tough Love
We have an amazing tool within us: our heart. Not only does it keep us alive, but it also allows us to feel deep emotions, such as love and resentment, joy and sadness, achievement and loss, compassion and apathy.
Many people fail to see the power of the heart and what we as humans can do with that power for ourselves and others. The heart is in fact key to our personal and spiritual learning and our soul expansion in this lifetime.
However, many of us who strive to contribute to a better world with the power of our loving hearts have also seen that giving material things, like money, and trying to help those who refuse to help themselves, does not cure the suffering in the world. It usually only puts a band aid on the underlying problems and in time it just returns as additional problems.
We all have our own karmic lessons, and if not learned it becomes a recurring issue until we finally learn to fix it, learn from it, and move forward. Then it is no more a lesson, but a wisdom.
It is also true that we can get in the way of others learning their lessons. Sometimes we jump in too quickly or end up taking on their burden, only to find it happening again and again. Then all our efforts and sacrifice were in vain.