accurate psychic
Why More People Are Turning To Phone Psychic Readings
Social media platforms, text messaging and chatbots have transformed the way we communicate and access information, but it has also left many feeling isolated and disconnected. While technology has made our lives more convenient, it has also created a world where real human connection is often lacking.
At Psychic Access we find that this growing void is leading more and more people to seek out phone psychic readings.
The world’s increasing reliance on digital communication has ironically led to a resurgence in the demand for live, one-to-one psychic readings over the phone in the post-landline era.
While artificial intelligence and automated responses have their place, they cannot replicate the warmth, empathy and intuitive insight of a gifted psychic.
Many people are frustrated by the impersonal nature of modern communication and long for a conversation that is both meaningful and transformative.
With our team of expert psychics and mediums, people experience the reassurance, guidance and insight that only real human interaction can provide, in the comfort and convenience of their office or home.
At Psychic Access we understand this need. Since our inception two decades ago in February 2005, we have been committed to providing live, personal psychic readings by phone 24/7 to clients around the world. Our mission is to provide a truly personal experience – one that is confidential, insightful and deeply rewarding.
As technology continues to evolve, we remain steadfast in our belief that nothing can replace the comfort and clarity that comes from speaking to a real, compassionate psychic.
Spiritual Self-Care For The Sensitive Soul
For those of us who are highly sensitive, including psychics, mediums, healers, and empaths, practicing consistent spiritual self-care is essential to maintaining our overall well-being.
If you identify with this group and neglect the daily maintenance of your energetic health and spiritual hygiene, you leave yourself vulnerable. This can manifest as emotional, mental, and even physical health problems. The good news? You can safeguard your well-being with a dedicated spiritual self-care routine.
Spiritual self-care is about nurturing your inner being and maintaining healthy energy flow and balance. It includes practices that support your spiritual well-being and ensure that you stay grounded, centered, and connected to your higher self and the universe.
Regular spiritual self-care is also a matter of health. Research strongly supports the positive effects of spirituality on our overall health. Studies show that spiritually active people tend to live longer and enjoy better mental and physical health. For example, spirituality has been shown to correlate with a reduced risk of Alzheimer’s disease and cognitive decline.
Spirituality is associated with better mental health, including lower levels of depression and anxiety. Studies show that spiritual activities promote positive emotions such as hope, forgiveness, and gratitude, which contribute to resilience to stress and emotional challenges. It also promotes healthier lifestyles, including reduced substance use and better stress management.
Always Keep An Open Mind In Psychic Readings
In high school, I predicted that a friend of mine would lose something valuable and then have a car accident shortly thereafter.
I also warned him that the loss of something valuable would be an omen: a sign from the universe for him to be more careful and responsible.
He looked at me like I was crazy.
A few months later he lost his wallet because he had been careless. He later told me it reminded him of what I had said and it shook him up enough to start being more careful in his daily life. He even stopped his bad habit of never using his seat belt when driving.
Good thing he did. A few months later, he drove his car off a cliff! The police officer told him that he would have been killed if he had not been wearing his seat belt.
He brought up the story at our ten-year high school reunion and praised me as the person who saved his life. Of course, I did not mention the eye-rolling and “you’re crazy” look he gave me at the time. Besides, saying “I told you so” is not very dignified.
Not much has changed since high school. As a professional psychic, I still have to tell my clients things that makes them doubt our connection or my ability, and sometimes even my sanity! You learn to suck it up and deal with the raised eyebrows and side-eyes.
I understand how it feels for them, because I have had to keep an open mind as a psychic client, too. Many years ago, a medium told me that I would also work as a psychic one day. I thought this was really strange because I had been in the performing arts most of my life, and in my mind there was no way she could be right. But here I am today. Even psychics don’t always know where life is taking them.
What You Should Know About Psychic Ability
Psychic ability is a complex phenomenon and can vary greatly from person to person.
Most psychics are born with their gifts, but these abilities often become stronger and more refined over time. This gradual development helps to ensure that psychics aren’t overwhelmed by the energy and information they receive.
Sometimes these gifts may also take a break or become less active for a while, only to come back when needed.
Psychic gifts come in many forms, just like the people who have them. No two psychics are exactly alike, and their abilities manifest in different ways. Some psychics may have visions or images of future events – this is called clairvoyance.
Others may be clairsentient, which means they can feel the emotions and energies of people, places, or objects. Some psychics are mediums who communicate with the spirit realm, connecting with deceased loved ones or other spirit beings.
No matter what type of ability a psychic has, these gifts are considered a blessing. But with these gifts also come a responsibility to use them wisely. Many psychics feel a strong desire to help others by offering guidance, insight and healing through their abilities.
However, it is important to remember that psychics don’t know everything. Their insights are often limited to what is revealed to them by spirit and the divine. Mostly a psychic will only receive the information most needed and appropriate for a specific person or situation at that moment in time. Continue reading
From Ancient Mystics To Modern Psychics
Psychics and mediums have been around since the dawn of human civilization: from the shamans in indigenous cultures, to the oracles of ancient Greece and Rome, the seers and druids of Celtic societies, the sages of ancient China, and the prophets of ancient Middle Eastern cultures.
Some famous examples include Pythia, the Oracle of Delphi in ancient Greece; the Celtic soothsayer Myrddin Wyllt, also known as Merlin in later Arthurian legends; the Chinese wu (shaman) Jing Fang; Black Elk, the renowned Native American holy man of the Oglala Lakota Sioux people; Isaiah, the renowned prophet of the ancient Near East; and Agastya, the revered Hindu sage and seer.
Throughout human history, in different cultures and societies, there have always been individuals with mystical abilities who held important roles within their communities and served as intermediaries between the physical world and spiritual realms.
They served as conduits of divine wisdom, predicting future events, providing insight into hidden truths, and offering guidance on various matters. They often acted as special advisors to tribal leaders, rulers, and kings, and typically played an important role in the moral and spiritual direction of their people.
The term “psychic” comes from the Greek word psychikos, meaning “of the soul, spirit, or mind.” In Greek mythology, Psyche was the goddess of the soul. Her name literally means “soul” or “breath.” Over time, the term came to encompass aspects of the mind beyond the ordinary.
My First Foray Into Ribbon Psychometry
Like “riding a bicycle,” spiritual knowledge and skills, once learned, are never lost or forgotten. Even if you haven’t practiced or used a certain skill for a long time, you can always quickly pick it up again because it is stored in your soul memory.
There is a certain degree of permanence in spiritual growth and learning. Spiritual learning is very different from the acquisition of academic knowledge or vocational skills. Soul growth and spiritual development flows from deeply personal experiences, profound moments of insight, and personal transformations that forever change our soul essence at a fundamental level.
Our soul memory is essentially the memory bank of our higher self. It is like stored layers of enlightenment or the akashic records that preserve all of our acquired spiritual wisdom and abilities, making them readily accessible after periods or even lifetimes of non-use or neglect.
I was reminded of this fact at a recent mediumship event I attended where a medium demonstrated some of the psychic techniques and methods she had relied on in her own psychic development journey.
Decades ago, I attended a psychic development course at the Arthur Findlay College of Spiritualism and Psychic Sciences in Essex, England. During the course we did a fun exercise in which we practiced “ribbon psychometry.”