Exploring The Benefits Of Reiki Healing
Reiki healing offers a variety of potential benefits for both your physical and mental well-being. Reiki teaches that when our life force is high, we feel happy, radiant and vital, and when it is low, we feel sick, drained and stressed.
Reiki is a form of energy healing in which practitioners use their hands to channel life force energy to the recipient. This universal energy or life force flows through all living things and is called ki in Japanese. The concept is similar to qi (or chi) in Chinese culture and prana in Indian culture.
A qualified Reiki healer is trained to channel healing energy to balance the flow of your life force energy and return you to a state of harmony and vitality.
Reiki has grown in popularity in recent years. Once viewed with skepticism by mainstream medicine, there’s a growing openness to complementary therapies, and Reiki is seen as a gentle and relaxing practice.
In today’s fast-paced world, stress is a major concern. Reiki’s reputation for promoting relaxation and reducing stress makes it attractive to many. Celebrities like Angelina Jolie, Nicole Kidman, Sandra Bullock and Gwyneth Paltrow and any mothers have spoken openly about their use of Reiki, giving it a touch of glamour and social validation.
A Beginner’s Guide To Tasseography
Tasseography is the ancient, yet little known, art of tea-leaf divination. As a little girl in the 1960s, I was fascinated to learn that the patterns of tea leaves at the bottom of my teacup had special meanings, so much so that I asked my mother never to use the tea strainer again!
Tasseography, also known as tasseomancy or tealeaf reading, is a form of divination or fortune-telling that involves interpreting patterns formed by tea leaves or coffee grounds left in a cup. The practice has ancient roots and can be traced back to various cultures and regions, but it originated in ancient China, where tea was first cultivated.
Tasseography also has ties to Middle Eastern cultures, particularly in the Ottoman Empire. The practice spread through trade routes and cultural exchanges. In the Middle East, coffee grounds were often used for divination, and the leftover grounds would be interpreted for insights into the future.
Tasseography gained popularity in Europe in the 17th century, particularly during the Victorian era when tea became a fashionable beverage. It is also associated with the Romani people, who incorporated tea leaf reading into their traditions. As the Roma traveled and interacted with different cultures, the practice spread.
The Amazing Law Of Vibration
There are seven universal laws that govern the universe and all that exists within it. By understanding and applying the principles of these laws, we can create a more positive, empowered and fulfilling life for ourselves.
The first three laws are known as the Higher Immutable Laws, which means that they are fundamental metaphysical principles that are absolute and eternal. They have always existed and are always at work, whether we are aware of them or not. They also cannot be changed or transcended in any way, whether we like it or not.
The three immutable universal laws are:
The Law of Mentalism: Everything is mind, the universe is conscious.
The Law of Correspondence: As above, so below; as below, so above; as within, so without.
The Law of Vibration: Everything is energy in constant motion, vibrating at different frequencies.
The remaining four laws are the lower mutable laws, meaning they are adaptable or changeable and can be influenced, altered or transcended by our thoughts, beliefs and actions to create a more ideal existence.
The Law Of Reverse Effect
I remember talking to a very distraught client a few years ago about a man with whom she had been having a secret affair for 24 years. It was a relationship she was very obsessed with and had stubbornly pursued for over two decades, despite many red flags and a great deal of frustration and disappointment along the way.
When this man finally got up the courage to divorce his wife, he left not only his wife, but also his mistress. Within three months, he was in a relationship with someone new and told my client that he never really felt that way about her anyway.
She wanted to know how this could be? She expected with 100% certainty that he would be with her and no one else after the divorce, but the exact opposite happened. After all, she had put a lot of time, effort, energy, love, and devotion into this secret relationship, not to mention all the stress, frustration and drama she had to endure for over two decades.
At the time, this tragic story made me think about some of the free will choices I have made in my own life. There have been times when I, too, have stubbornly expected things to turn out a certain way for me because I pursued it with vigor, only to be devastated when it did not. For example, many years ago, a guy I had a huge crush on and thought was really into me ended up hitting on my best friend while we were out on a date! I guess the moral of the story is to never pursue someone who is not really that into you.
The Spiritual Importance Of Self-Nurture
We live in a challenging world. As true as that may be, Spirit teaches us that there is much that can be done to rise above any challenge, to become empowered in the process, and thus to manifest a better future for ourselves. One of the keys to this is self-nurture.
Why should we nurture ourselves, and more importantly, how do we nurture ourselves?
Self-nurturing is often confused with self-indulgence. However, self-nurturing is not an act of selfishness or vanity. It is simply taking care of yourself, both spiritually and physically, to keep your mind, body, and soul strong and able to meet the challenges of everyday life.
As a result, you will be better equipped to meet the challenges of everyday life and to contribute more to society.
Here are some good ways to take better care of yourself.
Feed Your Senses
Make sure that what you see, hear, smell, taste, and touch each day is mostly positive, uplifting, and as nourishing as possible. True, this may not always be easy because we live in a noisy, troubled world. But it can be as simple as reading an uplifting book, listening to uplifting music of your choice, or watching a movie that you find particularly authentic and positive.