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The Principles Of Ethical Psychic Reading

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!When I first began working as a professional psychic, both my guides and human mentors impressed upon me the importance of remaining ethical in my practice.

Ethical psychic reading is crucial because it not only maintains the integrity of our field of work, but it is also builds trust with the people who need our support and guidance the most.

People don’t contact a psychic when life is good. Our clients only seek psychic guidance when they are struggling, confused, or facing important life decisions, making them vulnerable and susceptible to influence and manipulation.

Ethical psychic readers respect the mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being of their clients and provide honest, compassionate, and sincere guidance. Ethical psychic practices also ensure that the psychic reader does not make false claims, guarantees, or predictions that could mislead or cause harm.

Adherence to ethical standards and spiritual values protects both clients and readers by fostering a positive and supportive environment in which people can explore their concerns and seek clarity without fear of deception or harm.

I vividly remember a young woman who came to me many years ago desperate to become a mother. She had no children at the time, and she especially wanted a daughter. She told me that if I could see a baby girl in her future, she would be more than happy to pay me extra money for my services.

Unfortunately, I had to tell her that it is not ethical for me to predict pregnancy outcomes. And it would have been even more unethical to take her money even if I had been able to offer her a correct prediction in this regard.

The most important human endeavor is the striving for morality in our actions. Our inner balance and even our very existence depend on it. Only morality in our actions can give beauty and dignity to life ~ Albert Einstein

This was not what she had hoped to hear, and she was clearly not happy. But my conscience has remained clear from day one by being ethical and responsible in my practice, and I would never sell my peace of mind or betray my spiritual calling for a few extra dollars.

How do you know if you are talking to an ethical psychic? Here are some of the most important principles I personally apply in psychic practice:

Honesty Is The Best Policy

The ethical psychic always aims to give truthful, accurate, and sincere readings. We never fabricate information to please or manipulate clients. Ethical psychic reading is not about pleasing the client in the hope of getting a call back, a referral, or a good review. It is never about telling the client what they hope or want to hear. It’s about telling the truth. I only tell people what I see and what I do not see.

For example, a few years ago, a lady came to me about a gentleman she was working with at the same company and was hoping to have a relationship with. She was considering asking to be transferred to his department in the hope that she would work more closely with him and somehow have a better chance of becoming romantically involved.

Unfortunately, I could not see any of this unfolding and had to break the bad news to her. In fact, I saw that it would be a very bad idea. I advised her to do nothing and to be patient. To which the client reacted very emotionally, even though I delivered the truth as diplomatically as possible.

“This can’t be right!” she exclaimed, “I’m the one paying for this reading! Is this really the best you can do?”

Yes, she was paying for it, I explained, but she was paying for my time, effort, energy…and honesty!

She ignored my advice and asked for the transfer. Soon after, her love interest left the company to work abroad. A few months later, she was laid off from her new position due to an internal reorganization that did not affect her former department. Had she stayed, she would not have lost her job.

Recognizing Your Scope And Limits

It is crucial for the ethical psychic to recognize the scope and limits of his or her role and expertise. I am clear about my abilities and the limitations of my readings. During my 16 years as a practicing psychic, I have had the privilege and pleasure of reading for many people around the world, providing guidance and insight into various aspects of their lives. However, there are certain topics that I do not offer readings on.

For example, if I sense that a potential client is facing significant medical issues, whether mental or physical, I always recommend that they seek the advice of a qualified medical professional. Similarly, when people come to me with legal or financial concerns, I make it a point to refer them to the appropriate legal or financial professionals who can give them accurate and reliable advice.

As an ethical psychic, I understand that my role is to offer psychic insight and spiritual guidance, not to replace professional expertise in areas that require specialized training and knowledge. By respecting these boundaries, I ensure that my clients receive the best possible care and support for their specific needs, while maintaining the integrity and credibility of my practice.

It is also true to say that no matter how good a reader is, they will not connect with everyone. In fact, no psychic worth their salt will read for someone they cannot connect with. An ethical reader would tell a client if a connection is not made, allowing them to find another reader. Will this result in less business? No, because of good reviews and building a healthy client base, it should lead to more business with the right clients!

Have the courage to say no. Have the courage to face the truth. Do the right thing because it is right. These are the magic keys to living your life with integrity ~ W. Clement Stone

Professional Business Practices

An ethical psychic adheres to sound business practices that are ethical, moral, and financially sound. It means consistently upholding your values in every aspect of your business and ensuring that your service delivery reflects integrity and fairness.


Ethical Psychics keeps all client information and readings strictly confidential. Never disclose personal information or the content of a reading without explicit consent.

It is further good practice to keep in touch with clients to let them know that they are genuinely cared for. However, too much contact can come across as harassment. Clients need to know that they can contact their chosen psychic if and when they choose, without fear of being harassed afterwards.


The ethical psychic maintains clear boundaries to protect both herself and her client. I find it best to avoid becoming overly involved in a client’s life and to refrain from offering services beyond my scope of expertise.

An ethical psychic demonstrates empathy and understanding for all clients. I avoid judgment and strive to treat everyone with respect, regardless of their background or beliefs. I also offer my services without discrimination based on race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or other personal characteristics. I also recognize the importance of free will and empower my clients to make their own decisions; it is not my place to direct or dictate life choices to my clients.


A more experienced and highly respected colleague once advised me that in business you should never give anything away for free. It is not in the best interest of either the psychic or the client to give away one’s time and energy for free, as this can undermine the value of the psychic’s services and create an imbalance in the professional relationship.

For the psychic, offering services for free can lead to burnout and a lack of boundaries, which ultimately affects the quality and accuracy of the readings provided. It also sets a false precedent that your time and expertise are not valuable, which can devalue your work and diminish the respect people have for your time and effort. For clients, receiving free services can lead to unrealistic expectations and a lack of appreciation. It is important for clients to understand that a psychic’s time and energy are valuable resources, which helps maintain a healthy, balanced relationship based on mutual respect and recognition of each other’s value.

This advice has a lot of merit, as I have seen several other psychics taken advantage of by people over the years. But it doesn’t mean that you should withhold basic support. If a client needs help understanding something I’ve discussed in a reading, I’m always willing to provide further clarification at no additional cost, as long as the client doesn’t use this as an opportunity to ask new questions without compensation. After all, ethics goes both ways between reader and client, and is vital to foster a healthy business relationship based on mutual respect, honesty, and fairness.

Now, you may be wondering why I would offer my services on a platform like, which is known for giving all new clients a free 6-minute introductory reading when they sign up. Well, the truth is that all the psychics get paid for every one of those free readings. Psychic Access has a simple promotional strategy: instead of spending the marketing budget on advertising, it is used to offer a welcome reading to our new clients, which ensures the growth of the business, because most people love us once they have had a chance to talk to one of us. So, it’s a win-win!

Ethics, too, are nothing but reverence for life. That is what gives me the fundamental principle of morality, namely, that good consists in maintaining, promoting, and enhancing life, and that destroying, injuring, and limiting life are evil ~ Albert Schweitzer

Nothing Is Guaranteed

My role as ethical psychic is to provide insight and guidance, helping clients navigate their paths with greater awareness and understanding, while acknowledging the inherent unpredictability of life.

The predictions I give my clients in a reading only reflect what I perceive to be the most likely outcome at that moment, based on the energy, direction and circumstances present. But psychic predictions are not set in stone. They are possibilities, not certainties.

I have had clients insist on absolute guarantees during a reading, expecting unwavering certainty about future events. In these cases, I make it clear that only God can offer such guarantees. As a psychic, I am merely a channel for guidance, not an infallible source of certainty.

Our destiny is fluid and ever-changing, influenced by numerous factors that can alter any predicted outcome. A client’s free will plays a significant role, as their personal choices can alter the course of events. Likewise, the free will of others involved in a situation can also significantly affect what happens.

In addition, the operation of universal laws such as the Law of Attraction, the Law of Vibration, and the Law of Cause and Effect (Karma) also contribute to how circumstances unfold in our lives. Finally, divine intervention sometimes occurs, changing events in ways that no one could have anticipated. These eleventh-hour shifts can dramatically alter the trajectory of a situation and demonstrate the profound influence of spirit and the divine.

Spiritual Guidance Is Essential

Ethical psychic reading should always be accompanied by sound, solid spiritual counseling. However, not all clients appreciate this. I always try to honor a client’s wishes, but experience has taught me that these clients often live to regret it.

This is especially true in readings where the future does not seem as bright and perfect as someone had hoped. Without the accompanying guidance from spirit, the client is then left to fend for themselves and is not informed or even equipped to make the necessary free will changes or life adjustments to ensure better future outcomes for themselves.

Fortunately, most people who have had some experience with psychic readings appreciate the guidance we offer, as it gives them a sense of direction and knowledge on how to navigate any challenging times they may be going through with relative ease and attract or manifest the desired outcome they are looking for.

About The Author: Lucinda

Lucinda is a highly trained Intuitive and Empath, living in a beautiful village in North Yorkshire, England. She possesses the rare gift of understanding a client's personal pain and has been through many challenges, herself, which has only made her stronger! It is both her calling and her happiness to help those in need. And whenever she needs a little help herself, her Guides are always there to assist in her development and provide clear interpretations for her clients. Prediction has always been a great tool she could count on to accurately foretell events, but Lucinda also draws on her expertise with Dream Interpretation, Numerology, Angel Cards, Law of Attraction and Life Coaching to provide full and detailed solutions to any problem. A member of AMORC and Beyond Freedom Evolution, she provides inspiration, education and personal support for spiritual development. If you'd like answers or want to attract your desires, you can find Lucinda at

One Response to The Principles Of Ethical Psychic Reading

  • My niece had a reading recently where my brother whom passed away came through and said I was evil this is a very strong comment to make and was wondering whether this physic has breached there ethics or possible a fake

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