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12 Universal Spiritual Laws You Need To Know

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Most spiritual seekers today are familiar with the universal Law of Attraction. But did you know that there are several other universal spiritual laws that govern our existence?

Universal spiritual laws are timeless principles or metaphysical truths that underpin the essence of our existence as spiritual beings having a physical life experience. Similar to the laws of physics that regulate the natural world, these metaphysical principles transcend the physical realm and shape our spiritual journey every day.

The origins of our understanding of the universal spiritual laws are deeply rooted in various religious and philosophical traditions, as well as in the collective wisdom of human experience since the dawn of time.

Many of these spiritual laws are rooted in ancient wisdom traditions from around the world. These traditions evolved over thousands of years as sages, scholars, and spiritual leaders refined and elaborated upon the fundamental principles that govern all existence.

Mystical traditions within various religions have also played an important role in the development and interpretation of these spiritual laws. Mystics tend to explore the deeper, esoteric aspects of their faith, seeking direct experience of divine truths. Their insights and revelations have contributed to a deeper understanding of spiritual principles beyond literal interpretations of religious texts.

Philosophical traditions in ancient Greece, China, and other civilizations also contributed to the development of spiritual principles that later evolved into universal laws. Thinkers such as Plato, Aristotle, Confucius, and Laozi explored concepts related to ethics, metaphysics, and the nature of reality that influenced later spiritual teachings.

Many universal spiritual laws are also codified in religious texts and scriptures, which serve as fundamental sources of spiritual guidance for millions of people. For example, the Bible, the Koran, the Bhagavad Gita, and the Tao Te Ching contain teachings consistent with various spiritual laws that have shaped the beliefs and practices of followers.

Live your life as though your every act were to become a universal law ~ Immanuel Kant

In recent centuries, various spiritual and esoteric movements, such as New Thought, Transcendentalism, and the New Age movement, have emerged to synthesize and popularize these universal spiritual laws in new ways. Influential figures such as Ralph Waldo Emerson, Helena Blavatsky, and Paramahansa Yogananda have contributed to the dissemination and reinterpretation of these eternal spiritual principles for contemporary seekers.

Our understanding of the universal spiritual laws continue to evolve as they are interpreted and applied in different spiritual and practical contexts. But while interpretations and specifics may vary among different spiritual practices and belief systems, there are 12 universal laws that are important for today’s spiritually aware person to understand:

The Law of Divine Oneness

Imagine a community garden where people from diverse backgrounds come together to grow vegetables. Each person contributes their time and effort, realizing that their individual actions collectively contribute to the garden’s success. This illustrates how interconnectedness and collaboration can lead to a bountiful harvest, reflecting the principle of divine oneness.

We all come from the same source; we are connected to each other, as well as to every energy and creature in the rest of the universe. In short, we are all connected to the Divine. Every thought we think, every action we take, or even everything we believe is not insignificant because it has the power to influence other people.

Furthermore, depending on what thoughts, actions, or beliefs we participate in, they have the power to produce either a positive or negative end result. Therefore, it is important that we practice kindness and understanding towards others and extend love to our fellow human beings at all times, as this will in turn create a beautiful ripple effect throughout the world.

The Law of Vibration

Did you know that you can change the circumstances of your life simply by changing your attitude? You can. Everything in existence is made of energy, and that same energy vibrates at specific frequencies, which in turn attract similar frequencies. Birds of a feather flock together.

This is why it is so important that we choose positive thoughts to attract positive results! It is also essential that we do not dwell on the negative and always strive to release any bad experiences we may have had in order to prevent further negativity from manifesting.

For example, think of a person who starts their day with positive affirmations and a gratitude practice. Throughout the day, they notice that they attract positive interactions and opportunities, such as receiving compliments from colleagues or stumbling upon helpful resources. This illustrates how maintaining a positive vibration can influence one’s experiences and outcomes.

Nature, when left to universal laws, tends to produce regularity out of chaos ~ Immanuel Kant

The Law of Action

Is it true that we can just sit back and our goals and ambitions will magically manifest? Absolutely not! Spirit teaches that we must take action to achieve our dreams. True, fear may be holding you back, but without action there is no reaction. Fortunately, the smallest action on your part can trigger a major positive change in your life.

So, do not hesitate to take that first step to start that new business, apply for that new job, or sign up for that art class. Just go and do it. If you do, you will never look back. A rolling stone gathers no moss.

Think about an aspiring musician who dreams of performing on stage. Despite feeling nervous, they take the initiative to audition for local gigs and practice diligently to improve their skills. Eventually, their persistence pays off, and they land a spot at a music festival, realizing their dream through proactive action.

The Law of Correspondence

I believe that how we feel about ourselves is in direct correspondence to where we actually “are” in life. For example, if you have had many broken romances, it is important to allow yourself to heal from them before entering into another relationship. In short, in order to improve what is going on in your outer world, you must first heal and improve what is going on within.

As above, so below. As within, so without. Nothing will materialize on the outside until things are right on the inside. Once they are, you should find that your external circumstances improve considerably.

An example is a person who struggles with self-esteem issues and negative self-talk. Through introspection and self-care practices such as therapy and journaling, they gradually heal from past traumas and develop a more positive self-image. As they cultivate inner peace and acceptance, they notice improvements in their relationships and overall well-being, demonstrating the correlation between inner healing and external transformation.

You’ll be happy to know that the universal law that created miracles hasn’t been repealed ~ Wayne Dyer

The Law of Cause and Effect

Every single decision we make in life that leads to the actions we take is known as a cause. And the effects that follow are a direct result of the cause. Therefore, nothing ever really happens by chance.

In simple terms, if you make a new friend at the local gym, it did not happen by chance. You both made the decision to go there in the first place. This law, also known as the Law of Karma, requires that we consider all the possible consequences of our actions and choose our actions wisely. For example, if we take the right action to eat well and exercise, the result would be that our body would thank us.

Imagine environmental activists who advocate for sustainable practices in their community. By organizing beach cleanups and promoting eco-friendly initiatives, they inspire others to take action. Over time, their efforts lead to cleaner beaches, reduced pollution, and increased awareness about environmental conservation, illustrating the ripple effect of individual actions on the collective.

The Law of Compensation

This law is similar to the one above, i.e. we reap what we sow. Some cultures call it karma. In short, where you are at this particular time in your life, whether professionally, personally or spiritually, is a direct result of the actions (or inactions) you have taken in the past. It is therefore important that you offer time, support, unconditional love, friendship and strength to those around you. The Universe will reward you with abundant blessings! Furthermore, we should never expect something for nothing, and when we take, we must make sure that we always give back.

Thin of a volunteer who dedicates their time to supporting underprivileged children in their community. Despite not expecting anything in return, they receive an outpouring of gratitude from the children and their families. Additionally, their volunteer work opens doors to new opportunities, such as networking connections or career advancements, showcasing how acts of kindness can be rewarded in unexpected ways.

When working with the Universal Laws you are working with the laws of manifestation, not instant gratification ~ Jennifer O’Neill

The Law of Attraction

I must say that after learning about this amazing law and applying it to my life (initially with the help of Rhonda Byrne’s popular book, The Secret), my very existence was radically transformed.

According to this law ‘like attracts like.’ The thoughts and emotions we send out into the universe attract corresponding energies or experiences into our lives. Simply put, what we focus on, whether positive or negative, will manifest in our reality.

By maintaining a positive mindset, visualizing our desires, and aligning our thoughts and actions with our goals, we can attract success, abundance, and fulfillment into our lives. Conversely, dwelling on negativity or harboring limiting beliefs may lead to undesired outcomes. The Law of Attraction emphasizes the power of intention, belief, and gratitude in creating the life we desire.

Think about a person who sets intentions for financial abundance and prosperity. Through visualization techniques and positive affirmations, they align their energy with abundance consciousness. As a result, they attract new job opportunities, unexpected windfalls, and financial blessings into their life, demonstrating the power of manifestation and belief.

The Law of Transmutation

This law reminds us that energy is always flowing. Therefore, it is most necessary to accept change, to see it as positive, to acknowledge that it cannot be controlled, and to embrace and accept it rather than fear and resist it. Indeed, it is a fact that everything changes and change itself is the only constant in life. Furthermore, if change never happened, we would not learn and grow from it.

The Law of Transmutation teaches that since we are constantly evolving, there is always the possibility of changing our lives for the better. It is important, therefore, that we remain open to new ideas and suggestions that could improve our earthly experience and the lives of those on our path. In short, positive change can benefit everyone, so don’t fear it or try to reject it, but rather embrace it.

It is like a caterpillar transforming into a butterfly. Despite the challenges of metamorphosis, the caterpillar embraces change and emerges as a beautiful butterfly, symbolizing personal growth and transformation. Similarly, when faced with life’s transitions and uncertainties, embracing change can lead to newfound strength, resilience, and opportunities for growth.

The universe is composed of Nature and the Soul. Reality is the purest relation of that which is to the mind which perceives it ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

The Law of Relativity

It is true that we will all be tested to some degree in our lives, and how we respond to difficult times will determine the very experience we have with them. However, the Law of Relativity reminds us of the importance of maintaining a sense of perspective, as everything in life is “relative”. What this means is that nothing ever has any meaning until it is compared to something else. For example, does your neighbor really have a better job than you, or do you have more time and freedom to enjoy your day than he does?

We will always meet people who seem to be better or worse off than we are. In reality, however, we are neither inferior nor superior to anyone else. The Law of Relativity teaches us that we must be grateful for what we have and can achieve, rather than dwelling on what we don’t have.

Imagine two siblings facing financial struggles. While one sibling compares their situation to wealthier peers and feels discouraged, the other sibling focuses on gratitude for what they have and finds creative solutions to their challenges. Despite facing similar circumstances, their perspectives shape their experiences differently, highlighting the subjective nature of reality and the importance of maintaining perspective.

The Law of Polarity

Yes, there really are two sides to everything. For example, we have right and left, day and night, cold and hot, summer and winter, and so on. However, this law teaches us that all these and other extremes are simply different degrees of the same thing. Therefore, for every problem we may encounter, there is also the opposite. So, yes, failure can be turned into success, sorrow into joy, and frustration into satisfaction.

Imagine that you have just lost your job and this is your most pressing problem at the moment. In this particular scenario, the polarity would be that you now have the time and motivation to find not only another job – but a better one! It is important, therefore, that no matter how difficult our circumstances may be at any given time, we must always look for the good in life, and in doing so we will surely find it.

Imagine a person who experiences a setback in their career, such as losing their job. Initially, they feel discouraged and defeated. However, they choose to view the situation as an opportunity for growth and resilience. Through perseverance and determination, they leverage their skills and network to secure a better job opportunity, turning their initial failure into success.

Opposites are complementary; light cannot exist without darkness, and good cannot exist without evil ~ Helena Blavatsky

The Law of Gender

Regardless of our physical gender, our energies are made up of both the divine masculine and the divine feminine. To be happy and successful in life, we must be in balance. Therefore, we should embrace both aspects of ourselves and not allow either energy to dominate, but rather remain in harmony with each other.

It is necessary to allow our masculine side to drive us when the situation calls for it, and our feminine, more creative side to bring fresh ideas and thoughts when needed. In time, however, we should come to see our energies as an equal mix rather than as two opposites.

Reflect on the dynamic interplay of masculine and feminine energies within a successful entrepreneur. While the masculine energy drives them to take decisive action and pursue their goals, the feminine energy nurtures their creativity and intuition, leading to innovative ideas and solutions. By embracing both aspects of their energy, they achieve balance and success in their endeavors.

The Law of Rhythm

Our world is made up of a series of cycles that occur in many ways, such as in our bodies and in Mother Nature herself through the seasons she brings. As mentioned earlier, energy simply exists; it is neither destroyed nor created, but will have a period of blooming, wilting, and then blooming again.

In fact, everything in existence will move according to either a rhythm or a pattern. Both are processes of growth and development, some of which are longer (the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth) and some of which are shorter (such as the cycle of night and day). Now, while this natural flow of universal energy will promote both peaks and troughs in everything it contains, including current affairs and relationships, once a peak is reached and a decline follows, there will always be a new cycle after that.

Consider the cycle of seasons and how they mirror the ebb and flow of life’s experiences. Just as winter gives way to spring, challenging times eventually lead to growth and renewal. By honoring the natural rhythms of life and embracing change as an inevitable part of the journey, individuals can cultivate resilience and harmony within themselves, regardless of external circumstances.

The lesson to be learned here is that if we honor and simply go with the natural cycles of our bodies and the universe at large, we will cultivate a harmony within ourselves that will make us happier people and promote a more harmonious world.

About The Author: Lucinda

Lucinda is a highly trained Intuitive and Empath, living in a beautiful village in North Yorkshire, England. She possesses the rare gift of understanding a client's personal pain and has been through many challenges, herself, which has only made her stronger! It is both her calling and her happiness to help those in need. And whenever she needs a little help herself, her Guides are always there to assist in her development and provide clear interpretations for her clients. Prediction has always been a great tool she could count on to accurately foretell events, but Lucinda also draws on her expertise with Dream Interpretation, Numerology, Angel Cards, Law of Attraction and Life Coaching to provide full and detailed solutions to any problem. A member of AMORC and Beyond Freedom Evolution, she provides inspiration, education and personal support for spiritual development. If you'd like answers or want to attract your desires, you can find Lucinda at

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