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The 12 Universal Spiritual Laws – Part One

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comMost spiritual seekers are aware of the more well-known Universal Laws, particularly the Law of Attraction. However, did you know there are several other spiritual laws that govern the Universe? Yes, there are! These laws can help you get the most out of life.

1. The Law of Divine Oneness

We all originate from the same source; we are linked to one another, as well as every energy and creature in the rest of the Universe. In short, we are all connected to the Divine. Every thought that we think, every action that we take, or indeed, everything we believe, are not insignificant, because they have the power to influence other people.

Furthermore, depending upon what thoughts, actions or beliefs we partake in, they have the power to produce either a positive or negative end result. It is important, therefore, that we practice kindness and understanding towards others, and extend love at all times to our fellow man, as this will, in turn, create a beautiful ripple effect throughout the world at large.

Live your life as though your every act were to become a universal law ~ Immanuel Kant

2. The Law of Vibration

Did you know that you can change circumstances in your life by simply changing your attitude? You can. Everything in existence is made up of energy (science confirms this) and that very same energy vibrates at particular frequencies, which in turn attract similar frequencies. It is so important, therefore, that we choose to have positive thoughts in order to attract positive outcomes! Furthermore, it is also essential that we do not dwell on the negative and always endeavor to release any bad experiences we may have had, to prevent further negativity manifesting.

3. The Law of Action

Is it true that we can simply sit back and our goals and ambitions will manifest magically? No way! Spirit teach that we must take action to achieve our dreams. True, fear may be holding you back, but with no action there will be no reaction. Fortunately, the smallest action on your part can trigger a major positive change in your life. Therefore, after careful consideration of this, do not hesitate to take that first step in setting up that new business, or applying for that new job, or enrolling on that art course. Just go and do it. In doing so, you will never look back.

4. The Law of Correspondence

It is my opinion that how we feel about ourselves is in direct correspondence with where we are actually “at” in life. For example, if you have had many broken romances it is important that you allow yourself to heal from them before entering another relationship. In short, to improve what is going on in your external world, you need to heal and improve on what goes on within yourself first. Nothing will materialize on the outside until things are right on the inside. Once they are you should find that your outside circumstances improve considerably.

You’ll be happy to know that the universal law that created miracles hasn’t been repealed ~ Wayne Dyer

5. The Law of Cause and Effect

Each and every decision we make in life, which leads to the actions we take, is known as a cause. And the effects created after that are as a direct result of the cause. Therefore, nothing really ever happens by chance. In simple terms, if you make a new friend at the local gym, it did not happen by chance. You both made the decision to go there in the first place. This Law demands that we look at any potential repercussions to our actions and to choose our actions wisely. For example, if we take the right action to eat well and exercise, then the result would be that our bodies will thank us for it.

6. The Law of Compensation

This Law is somewhat similar to the one above, i.e. we reap what we sow. Some cultures refer to it as karma. In short, where you are at right now at this particular stage in your life, be that professionally, personally or spiritually, is as a direct result of the actions (or non-actions) you have taken in the past. It is important, therefore, that you offer time, support, unconditional love, friendship and strength to your fellow man. By doing so, the Universe will reward you with blessings of abundance! Furthermore, we should never expect something for nothing, and when we take we must ensure that we always give back.

These are the first six Universal Laws. In my next blog I will focus on the remaining spiritual laws and how they can help you enjoy life more to the full.

About The Author: Lucinda

Lucinda is a highly trained Intuitive and Empath, living in a beautiful village in North Yorkshire, England. She possesses the rare gift of understanding a client's personal pain and has been through many challenges, herself, which has only made her stronger! It is both her calling and her happiness to help those in need. And whenever she needs a little help herself, her Guides are always there to assist in her development and provide clear interpretations for her clients. Prediction has always been a great tool she could count on to accurately foretell events, but Lucinda also draws on her expertise with Dream Interpretation, Numerology, Angel Cards, Law of Attraction and Life Coaching to provide full and detailed solutions to any problem. A member of AMORC and Beyond Freedom Evolution, she provides inspiration, education and personal support for spiritual development. If you'd like answers or want to attract your desires, you can find Lucinda at

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