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How To Deal With Spirit Presence In Your Home

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Spirit energies are around us all the time in all shapes and forms. Many people have experienced, or at least know someone who has, a spirit presence or paranormal activity in their home.

These encounters can range from subtle to intense, and the nature of the experience often varies greatly depending on the person’s beliefs, fears, and openness to the supernatural.

For some, the presence of a spirit is a source of terror, while for others it is a comfort, like being in the presence of an old friend. Then there are those who scoff and laugh at the very idea that a ghost could exist.

These varied responses highlight an important question: why do people have such different experiences with spirits?

In my experience, it depends on two main factors: a person’s beliefs and attitudes about spirituality and the supernatural, and the nature of the spirit presence itself, whether it is benevolent or malevolent.

My grandmother came to me within three days of her death to tell me she was okay. She gave me a sense of peace and I didn’t see her again. Years later, my mother also came to me to tell me that she was okay and that all was well where she was. It was also a one-time visit.

But with my stepson, who committed suicide, and my father, it was different. He started showing up at his former house (he had left a wife and two beautiful boys) on a regular basis. He would turn on the lights or the faucet. In the middle of the night she would hear our grandchildren talking and giggling in one of their rooms. They were only two and three years old when he died. She went to investigate, thinking they were up to no good, but only one of them was in the room. When she asked who he was talking to, her boy said, “Daddy was here.”

You can’t destroy energy, you can only displace it. It has to go somewhere. So there are spirits, as we call them, — of course there are ~ Eric Roberts

Children are so intuitive, and my daughter-in-law knew enough not to try to convince her otherwise. This brought a sense of peace to my grandchildren as they both experienced this on different occasions. My stepson still comes over occasionally to watch a race or just to play.

My father also visited us after his passing. My granddaughter, who had never met my father, would sit in the corner at night and stare at the ceiling and just laugh like my grandchildren. My father was there to entertain her. It was so sweet to see the light in her face. She was not afraid, she felt safe and loved.

The Role Of Beliefs and Attitudes

People’s beliefs about the supernatural strongly influence their experiences with spirit energies. Those who have grown up in an environment where spirits and the afterlife are acknowledged or respected often feel more comfortable with the idea of spirit presences.

In some cultures, faiths, and families, the presence of a spirit is seen as a sign of guidance, protection, or love. Such individuals are more likely to view a spiritual encounter as a positive experience, something to be embraced rather than feared.

On the other hand, people who have been taught to fear or deny the existence of spirits and the afterlife may react with fear or outright terror when they sense an unexplained presence. This fear often stems from a lack of understanding or a deep-seated belief that all spirits are inherently evil. In these cases, even a neutral or ambiguous presence can be interpreted as malevolent if the person already harbors extreme fear or suspicion of spirit activity.

Media portrayals of hauntings and supernatural encounters, which are often portrayed as frightening and harmful, also play a significant role in shaping these fears. People who are deeply dogmatic may view spirit activity through the lens of their religion and automatically associate anything out of the ordinary with demons or evil entities if their belief system suggests that all spirits are inherently dangerous or impure.

In Eastern culture, people see ghosts, people talk about ghosts…it’s just accepted. And in Western culture it’s just not ~ Jessica Alba

The Nature Of Spirit Entities

The nature of the spirit presence itself is another critical factor in determining someone’s experience. Spirits, much like people, have different origins and intentions for being in our homes. Most spirits in our homes are simply deceased loved ones who visit us to provide comfort or guidance. Not all spirits are negative, nor do they want to scare the people still living in the same room. Many spirits just want to laugh with you, enjoy your presence, and watch over you.

Other benevolent spirit energies we may encounter in the home are ancestor or family spirits, spirit guides, and guardian angels (usually to intervene in life-threatening situations or when we are exposed to extreme spiritual danger). Such spirits bring us a sense of peace, warmth, or familiarity, unless one does not recognize or understand who they are and why they are there. People who are open to such experiences find them comforting, knowing that the continued consciousness of their deceased loved ones is still with them in some way.

Conversely, malevolent spirits have negative intentions or unresolved issues that cause feelings of fear, discomfort, or even outright terror. These types of spirits are most often ghosts, but in rare cases they can be poltergeists or demonic entities.

Malevolent spirits manifest themselves through more disturbing experiences, such as sudden cold spots, aggressive behavior, disturbing sounds and events, and in the worst cases, even possession of a person, place, or object. People who encounter malevolent spirits usually feel threatened, resulting in heightened anxiety, discomfort, and even intense fear.

Whatever its origin, a belief in spirits seems to have been common to all the nations of the ancient world who have left us any record of themselves. Ghosts began to walk early, and are walking still ~ James Russell Lowell

The Balance Between Faith And Fear

There is a delicate balance to be struck when dealing with spirit entities. While fear can be a natural response to the unknown, excessive fear can lead to misinterpretation of the presence of spirits, causing unnecessary distress.

Similarly, too much trust or openness can sometimes lead people to tolerate or even embrace malevolent spiritual activity, potentially putting themselves and their families at risk of a negative, destructive influence.

Finding the right balance requires an understanding of one’s own beliefs and boundaries, as well as an accurate assessment of the nature of the spiritual presence.

Before taking any action, or even deciding to do nothing, a reasonable approach to dealing with spirit activity in one’s home is to first evaluate your personal beliefs and views about these phenomena. Honest introspection can help determine whether one’s fear is rooted in misunderstanding, past experience, cultural conditioning, or false beliefs.

After this introspection, the next step is to try to determine the true nature of the spirit presence involved. Is the spirit trying to communicate something important? Is it bringing comfort or causing harm? Consulting spiritual advisors, using protective rituals, and setting clear boundaries with the spirit may be necessary steps to ensure a balanced relationship with the spirit realm.

Know that what you see, feel and hear from spirit can be amazing if you allow it to come through. Before you kick them out of your space, talk to them, allow them to be a part of your space and then make a decision if you want them to stay and play, or if you want to kick them out.

A person terrified with the imagination of spectres, is more reasonable than one who thinks the appearance of spirits fabulous and groundless ~ Joseph Addison

How To Deal With Unwelcome Spirits

Dealing with an unpleasant haunting or malevolent spirit entity can be a frightening and unsettling experience. If you think you’ve encountered such an entity in your home, it’s important to take steps to protect yourself and restore peace to your home. Here are some ways to remove, clear, or banish a malevolent spirit presence from your home:

Emotional Healing: Malevolent spirits are often attracted to places where there is negative energy, emotional turmoil, or toxic relationships. Identifying and addressing any sources of stress, conflict, or negativity in the home can help weaken the spirit’s hold and make it feel unwelcome. This is often the first and only step needed to deal with an unwanted spirit presence in your home. If you have difficulty or are unable to resolve these issues within yourself, with your partner, or as a family, seek professional help from a counselor, therapist, or support organization.

Spring Clean: A clean, tidy environment also promotes positive energy. Declutter your space, clean thoroughly, and dispose of any items that may have negative associations or bring back unpleasant memories.

Smudging: Cleanse every nook and cranny of your home by burning incense or cleansing herbs, such as dried sage or sweetgrass, to purify your space. Sage is particularly effective for its cleansing properties, but be sure to use only ethically and sustainably sourced incense and herbs. Walk through each room, letting the smoke reach every corner while you pray, chant, or say your intentions aloud. Assertively tell the spirit or ghost that it is not welcome in your space. Clearly communicate that it must leave. Use strong, confident language and speak with conviction. Repeat positive affirmations such as “Only pure love and light may enter this space” or “This is a place of divine peace and safety.

Salt Barrier: Sprinkle salt around the perimeter of your home or over doorways and windowsills. Salt is traditionally used for its cleansing and protective properties. You can also make a salt water spray and use it to clean the area.

Water Purification: Depending on your personal religious or spiritual beliefs, sprinkling your home with some form of holy, blessed, or consecrated water is another effective cleansing method. Recite prayers or blessings as you do so to enhance the power of the water.

Crystal Protection: Place protective crystals such as black tourmaline, obsidian, or amethyst around your home, especially near entrances. These crystals absorb and redirect negative energy to provide additional protection.

Visualization: Imagine a white light or circle of angels surrounding your home. Visualize this light acting as a protective barrier that keeps out all unwanted energies. This technique helps create a safe, positive space.

Protective Symbols: According to your own religious or spiritual beliefs, place protective symbols such as the Pentagram, Cross, Evil Eye, Hamsa Hand, Eye of Horus, Dream Cathers, Om (Aum) symbol, Ankh, Star of David, Bindrunes, or any other protective spiritual symbol on doors, windows, and in affected rooms in the house.

Mirror Reflection: Place small outward-facing mirrors on windowsills or doors. This will reflect negative energy and spirits away from your home.

Sound Clearing: Sound is known to change the vibrational energy of a room. Ring bells or chimes in each room to release stagnant or negative energy. The rhythmic sound of drumming can also be used to shift energy and drive away negative energies.

Spiritual Support: Use prayer, meditation, or chanting to invoke divine protection. Call upon ancestors, spirit guides, angels, or your higher power to help remove unwanted spirit energies and protect your home. Archangel Michael is considered by many believers to be a powerful protector against negative energies. You can call upon him to expel malevolent entities and spiritually protect your home. If you feel overwhelmed, consider asking your priest, minister, shaman, or other spiritual leader for help. They can perform blessings, exorcisms, or other rituals to cleanse the space and banish the spirit.

Dutch parapsychologists concluded that the phenomena were linked to tensions within the family, and recommended psychological counselling as a means to halt the disturbances ~ Barrie Colvin

But now a word of caution. It is very important to understand that dealing with extremely malevolent spirit entities, such as poltergeists and demonic entities, can be dangerous and should not be taken lightly. These entities are often characterized by aggressive and harmful behavior that can escalate from minor disturbances to serious physical and psychological harm to you and your family, including your pets and even guests.

Bad actor spirits can manipulate emotions, create fear, and cause chaos, resulting in a sense of overwhelm, fear, and terror. In some cases, these entities may even attach themselves to individuals or attempt to possess them. Dealing with such spirits without proper knowledge and spiritual protection can exacerbate the situation, making the entity’s presence stronger and more difficult to remove.

For these reasons, it is highly recommended to seek professional spiritual assistance when dealing with a clearly malevolent spirit. Paranormal experts, experienced psychic mediums, and spiritual counselors have the knowledge, experience, and tools necessary to safely and effectively deal with these dangerous entities. They can assess the severity of the situation, provide guidance, and perform the necessary rituals or exorcisms to banish the spirits and restore peace and safety to your home.

My Favorite Spirit Clearing Technique

If you don’t know how to start, try my favorite spirit clearing and cleansing ritual if it appeals to you. I have performed it in several homes, including my own, with great success. For this simple yet powerful home ceremony, you will need:

– A white candle (any size, even a simple tea light).

– An old candle holder or similar container (accident and fire safe) that you don’t use anymore.

– Some incense ideal for energy cleansing and spiritual clearing, such as sage, frankincense, myrrh, palo santo, copal, dragon’s blood, sandalwood, cedar, lavender, or sweetgrass.

– Another incense holder or similar container in which to burn the incense safely so you don’t hurt yourself (or burn down your house), such as an abalone shell, small ceramic or clay bowl, stone or soapstone bowl, miniature metal kettle or jar, heat-resistant glass or Pyrex dish.)

You will clear each room of the house slowly and deliberately (i.e. with intention in each step you take).

Start in the room furthest from the front door, or the back door, whichever you feel is most appropriate. Light your candle and your incense. Take a moment to smudge yourself. Simply allow the smoke to wrap around your body from head to toe. Allow the essence of the smudge to build its protective armor around you.

Next, place your candle in the center of the room and set it down. Take your smudge and walk from corner to corner of the room saying, “I acknowledge your presence in this room, but it is time for you to follow the light and come with me. Thank you for seeing this white light that is meant for you.”

Pick up the candle and take your candle and smudge into each room and do the exact same thing. Put the candle on the floor, smudge each corner of the room and repeat, “I acknowledge your presence in this room, but it is time for you to follow the light and come with me. Thank you for seeing this white light that is meant for you.”

Work your way from the farthest room to the door. Do not miss any rooms. If there are closets, open the doors while you are in the room and just give them a quick essence of Smudge. You want to remove all entities from the room and leave it cleansed.

When you get to the door, take the candle, holder and all, out the door and put it somewhere outside the house and let it burn out on its own. Do not blow it out. Just let it burn until it goes out by itself.

This next part is imperative: do not bring the candle or holder back into your house! When you take your garbage out, put it in a bag or can. If you live in a rural area, bury it in a nearby clearing or forest. Dispose of it in an outdoor trash can if you have access to one. Do not bring it inside a building or put it in your car to pick it up. It must be outside so that the entity that followed the white light does not reappear in your home or anyone else’s home.

This may need to be done more than once, but know that each time you are clearing your space and the aura of the room. You will soon see the change. It will be very clear to you or any family member who has been overwhelmed by this energy.

If you or a family member is still burdened or afraid, even though you know you have cleared the house, it may be time to seek professional help.

About The Author: Sheri

Sheri is an international psychic and angel reader who provides clear answers on finance, career, relationships, manifesting your dreams, and working-out the kinks of life. Since 2004, Sheri is the owner on an International Spiritual Healing Centre where she runs her Reiki practice - either working on clients or teaching them the levels of Usui Reiki. She utilizes her office space for readings that are conducted via mail, phone, chat or live. Since 2008, she's honed her gifts on various psychic service websites, where she's provided telephone, chat or email readings. She also works on a spiritual network for people who have suffered horrific loss, applying her own first-hand experiences with such tragedies. Sheri's work has been described as honest, compassionate and life-transforming and she would like to see all of her clients soar free to a higher level of spirituality and growth, and exponentially change the world to the best it can be. You can get a psychic reading from Sheri at

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