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A Foundation Of Well-Being For The Psychic Medium

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!I recently enrolled in a year-long mediumship development course. One of the introductory topics we have been exploring in the course material is the importance of self-awareness and recognizing what affects your personal and spiritual well-being.

This is crucial in psychic and mediumship work, as various factors can affect one’s overall well-being and ability to perform optimally during a reading. As a psychic medium, you have an obligation to provide the best possible guidance to your clients by taking good care of yourself.

And even if you follow various self-care practices and know what you need to do to maintain your well-being, there will be days when you simply do not feel your best. Therefore, it is also important to be self-aware and able to recognize when you are out of alignment with the source of your being or feeling “out of sorts.”

The mediumship course explores several interesting topics and aspects of self-awareness beyond what is generally experienced on a daily basis. For example, negative energy in your environment, tension and conflict in relationships, and worries about people, pets, or finances. It is also important to recognize that we are all unique and that what may significantly affect one individual may not have the same effect on another.

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Dagaz Promises Enlightening Energy This Year

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhen I recently did a rune cast for the coming year, Dagaz came up as the central energy for 2024.

The energy of Dagaz within the context of the surrounding runes in my annual forecasting permeates the fabric of 2024, and its transformative qualities promise both personal and collective enlightenment.

Dagaz, known as the “rune of enlightenment,” represents a powerful force of transformation and enlightenment. Dagaz, pronounced “dah-gahz,” translates to “day” or “dawn.”

Dagaz is the rune of brave, bold change. Its energy encapsulates the moment of sunrise, signifying the transition from darkness to light. It represents the burst of light that breaks through at the moment of illumination.

It is a symbol of hope, clarity, and the promise of a new day and a metaphor for gaining insight, clarity and understanding.

In divination, Dagaz is a positive and auspicious sign, suggesting that a period of darkness or confusion is coming to an end, and a new phase of understanding, growth, and enlightenment is beginning.

This rune embodies awakening, transformation, rebirth, hope, enlightenment, and the continuous evolution of existence. As the focus of this year’s casting, this rune predicts profound changes in both personal and global energies.

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The Inner Truth Of External Clutter

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWe are almost a month into the new year, the time when most people begin to flounder in their resolutions. For me, resolutions are like empty promises, so my only resolution every New Year is to not make any resolutions.

Instead, I try to simply live my life with a few consistent rules. I have found that staying true to these personal and lifestyle guidelines eliminates the need for major resolutions each New Year.

Clutter is a big one for me. I make it a point to clean out the clutter in my life on a regular basis, whether it is physical, material, emotional, or spiritual.

Material clutter is the easiest to deal with because it is tangible and visible. It is hard to ignore a pair of shoes that you never wear anymore and have to move around in your closet over and over again.

It is also hard to ignore all those old clothes from another era that you have held on to in the hope that one day they will come back in style. Equally difficult to deal with are those old spice jars and other pantry items past their expiration date that you should have thrown away years ago!

These small lifestyle annoyances may seem insignificant on the surface until you consider that material clutter goes hand in hand with mental, emotional and spiritual clutter. The way we live, the way we manage our environment, and the way we organize our outer existence are a reflection of our inner being. The resulting clutter then becomes a recurring pattern that leads to more clutter, chaos, and dysfunction in our lives.

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The Robin Outside My Window

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comBirdwatching has become a favorite pastime for me over the last year or two. This morning, I noticed a robin building a nest on one of the air conditioning units on a neighbor’s deck, directly opposite my window.

I was overjoyed! We’ve had very dry weather here in my state since mid-spring, causing robins to struggle finding nesting materials.

Some years ago, I found a newborn chick on a sidewalk while out for a walk. I could not tell for sure what species of bird it was, but it looked like it might be an American robin. I found no nest nearby to put it back into and had no idea what to do with it, but take it home. Sadly, it did not survive.

Since then, I’ve had some ‘robin guilt’ and wished I could have done more to save it. I suspect this stems from another robin incident, when I was growing up. Back then I also tried to care for older fledglings that ultimately didn’t make it. Should I have let nature take its course, instead of trying to take things into my own hands?

Last fall, after the breeding season ended, I purchased some mealworms and placed them by the forested ridge at the end of the complex where I live. The hungry robins were very appreciative, especially after the first frost. It warmed my heart! I plan to continue helping the robins around my apartment complex as the drought continues.

The deeper truth is that robins always remind me of my father. The Latin name for the American robin is turdus migratorius, because it is a migratory songbird that is free-roaming and very sensitive to environmental conditions. However, because they are highly adaptable, their migratory habits tend to be sporadic, even random.

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Be The Change You Wish To See In The World

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comOur co-created world has always been full of woes and challenges. To ignore these difficulties is irresponsible, but to focus obsessively on it creates more of the same. So, how can we possibly affect real, meaningful change in the world as mere individuals?

The answer is simple: we must take personal responsibility for the choices we make, and be intentional about how we are living. In other words, we must begin with ourselves, instead of trying to change everyone else and the world around us.

Our power to make change in the world comes down to taking responsibility for that which we do have control over – ourselves. Change begins in our own backyard.

Rather than pointing out how others might improve, we should focus on what is within our own power to improve. It doesn’t matter how small these changes may be. Once we make a start to improve aspects of our own life, it becomes like a domino effect.

Making improvements in your own world, whether it be cleaning up that pile of junk that’s been cluttering up your home, or dealing with internal ‘junk’ that no longer serves you, will improve your own existence and experience. In turn, simply by doing this for yourself, you may find you inspire others to do the same.

At the very least it will help to improve your own energetic flow and raise your own vibration. You can then take this positive new vibration with you everywhere you go, and it will influence and bless every interaction you have with others.

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Why Do Old Souls Return To Earth?

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comEvolved souls have many options to choose from when they reincarnate, so why do we choose to come to this world? After all, planet Earth is a highly challenging environment for advanced soul growth.

The energy conditions here offer an excellent spiritual ‘classroom’ for younger souls. Earth offers many experiences to learn from. Justice and injustice. Love and hate. Pain and joy. Feast and famine. Wealth and poverty. The magical experience of having children is also very appealing and unique to Earth.

These learning opportunities are a strong pull for young souls, but for the older soul the physical experience here tend to be frustratingly slow and dense. Existing in a frail human body is an added challenge.

There are other planes of existence where a physical body or constant efforts to maintain a raised vibration are not at all needed. In those higher dimensions there is no time-space limitation, nor dense material form. There is only pure consciousness. There are also other planets in the Universe, beyond our solar system, where the energy vibration is much higher and lighter, and the expansion of consciousness much more evolved, and less taxing.

So, why do some old souls choose to repeat the human experience once again, and sign up for another difficult life journey in such a spiritually inhospitable place here on Earth?

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The Sacred Tradition Of Smoke Cleansing

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comSmoke cleansing is an ancient spiritual practice found in many faiths, cultures, and wisdom traditions all over the world. These age-old rituals, ceremonies and healing practices involve the burning of various aromatic plants, resins, and woods and have been practiced since humans first discovered fire. Traditionally ceremonies and rituals involving smoke are mostly used for energy cleansings and spiritual blessings, but the purposes, techniques and materials used vary widely among belief systems, tribes, nations, and cultures.

The burning of incense, for example, was a revered practice in ancient Egypt as part of religious ceremonies. This practice continues today in the Roman Catholic church, with the burning of incense to amplify prayers and intentions.

In both Hinduism and Buddhism, incense is burnt for ritual offerings and rites, while in ancient China incense was burned during festivals and processions to honor ancestors and household gods, and in Japan it is part of the Shintō purification ritual.

In ancient Rome cinnamon was burnt during funerals. The Assyrians burned various aromatic woods in their homes, temples, and places of healing. In traditional Chinese medicine, the burning of agarwood and sandalwood is done to promote emotional wellness and physical healing.

One of the most well-known smoke cleansing traditions, especially in the United States, is known as smudging. To ‘smudge’ means ‘to make a smoky fire’ or ‘to emit a dense smoke.’ Smudging involves various purification and healing ceremonies originally practiced by the indigenous peoples of the Americas. Certain sacred herbs are traditionally used in smudging to purify and bless people and places, of which the most commonly used today is white sage or salvia apiana, also known as bee sage or sacred sage. It is an evergreen perennial shrub native to the southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico.

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