Navigate Your Career Change With Inner Guidance
When a new year dawns we tend to take stock of our lives and consider making some changes, such as in our field of work or our current position. Some people even consider starting a business.
It is common to consider a career change at the start of a new year. A new year makes us aware of the passage of time and is therefore often seen as a time for self-reflection and goal-setting.
But as simple as it may seem at first, changing careers can be a daunting process, especially if you hope to achieve the best possible outcome. It requires careful planning, research and preparation, but with the right mindset and approach, it can be a very rewarding and fulfilling endeavor.
Changing careers is inherently uncertain. It involves leaving the familiar for the unknown, and this can be challenging and scary. However, our personal and spiritual growth tends to thrive in uncertainty. It encourages us to step out of our comfort zone and embrace the unfamiliar. Rather than seeing uncertainty as a barrier, consider it an opportunity for personal expansion, self-discovery, and soul evolution.
If you are considering a career change, one of the wisest things you can do is to ask spirit for guidance and support and to follow your inner guidance. Spirit will guide you through the ambiguity and help you make the right decisions along the way. Navigating a career change can be daunting, but tapping into your spiritual inner guidance system will provide more of the clarity and direction you need.
Transform Your Life With Sustainable Resolutions
Every new year, I hear my clients complain about what they hope to change about themselves, what they want to change about themselves, or what they should be changing about themselves.
I then ask them why they are not claiming their power to change right now?
You do not have to wait until the New Year or some other major life event to make a change in your life. Once you’ve decided on a new path or course of action, the key is to stick with it for the long haul, taking small steps every day.
The Japanese call this kaizen, a philosophical concept that emphasizes continuous improvement, often in small increments. The idea is that by making consistent progress, even if it is just a little bit each day, you can eventually achieve significant results.
Sustainability should be the ultimate goal of whatever you decide to change in your life. While New Year’s resolutions are all noble and lofty, you have to acknowledge the inherent resistances and blockages you carry within and agree to be patient with yourself in order to ultimately get there.
I’m still working on some New Year’s resolutions I made in 2016. Do I look back in horror and say, “Why is it taking so long?” or “I really should be doing better!” Sometimes, yes! Do I use that as an excuse to backslide, fall off the wagon, or throw in the towel? Not at all, mostly because I’ve come to realize that if I hadn’t decided years ago to make those resolutions to make powerful changes in my life, I’d still be where I was, or worse. I’d be living a life of regret, not progress.
The Entrepreneur’s Guide To Business Intuition
The power of psychic intuition can be a valuable asset for entrepreneurs seeking to navigate the complexities of business and financial decision-making.
Spiritually aware entrepreneurs who develop their psychic intuition have a unique advantage in anticipating market trends, understanding consumer behavior, and making strategic decisions that align with their business goals.
Whether you are a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting out, understanding the potential of psychic intuition can be a game-changer for your success in the business world.
Psychic intuition operates at a level beyond the conscious mind. It is the innate ability to perceive information beyond the five senses, known in parapsychology as extrasensory perception (ESP) and more commonly as the “sixth sense” or “gut feeling.”
It is the inner knowing, sensing, or feeling of information that is not perceived through our normal sensory channels.
Psychic intuition is the ability to understand or know something without the need for conscious thought. It is an immediate understanding or realization, a quick and ready insight or knowledge or conviction, without any logical explanation or identifiable source. This heightened awareness gives the attuned entrepreneur access to hidden insights or precognitive information that may not be immediately apparent through logical analysis.
Harnessing Intuition To Be A Better Manager
In the demanding landscape of modern business, effective leadership is more important than ever. As a leader, navigating the complexities of the workplace requires a unique set of skills, and while data-driven decision-making and strategic planning are undoubtedly important, there are powerful tools that are often overlooked: intuition and spirituality.
Inner wisdom and spiritual awareness are invaluable assets for managers seeking to improve their leadership skills. By cultivating a deeper connection with our inner being and the universe, we gain access to a source of wisdom and guidance. It enables one to tap into a deeper understanding and a higher level of consciousness that gives you a winning edge of increased empathy and nuanced awareness in the workplace.
True intuition is more than guesswork or simply a culmination of our past experiences, knowledge, and insights. It is a mystical force, a spiritual superpower, a key component of our inner guidance system.
As a leader, you’ve probably faced countless challenges and solved numerous problems throughout your career. Intuition allows you to tap into the inner guidance of your higher self to make better decisions and more accurate judgments.
Work-Life Balance For The Single Parent
Single parents face many daily challenges and can easily feel overwhelmed. This is especially difficult when juggling childcare, household responsibilities, and your career or business.
It is undoubtedly important to maintain a healthy work-life balance in your life, but it is easier said than done. How does one balance work, family, life, and love as a single parent in the busy world we live in?
Here are some simple strategies for single parents to achieve a better work-life balance.
Work-Life Boundaries. The first important step is to set boundaries between your work and home life. I find that this is often a key element that is missing in the lives of many of my clients.Without clear boundaries between work and home, it is very difficult to be fully present and focused on one or the other at any given time. Without defined boundaries, the single parent is constantly straddling two worlds.
Creating work-life boundaries simply means not mixing business with pleasure. You designate specific times and activities for work and specific times and activities for spending time with your children. This means no thinking about work, no work-related texting, no checking email, and no taking phone calls outside of your designated work time.
Learning To Trust Your Intuition
How often have you said, “If only I had gone with my gut?” This is a question that many of us have asked ourselves at one time or another about a matter, or even about the sincerity of a person who turned out to be untrustworthy, and we gave them the benefit of the doubt, only to feel heartbroken when they betrayed us.
We don’t have to throw reason out the window when we tune into our inner wisdom called intuition. But while it’s good to have as many facts and information available as possible before making a choice or decision, there are certain times when we don’t have the luxury of first weighing all the pros and cons. Tapping into our intuition is a powerful tool for making difficult decisions and important life choices by spontaneously ‘knowing’ or ‘sensing’ what’s best for us in our work, business, relationship, or lifestyle.
For example, as a manager you may be hiring someone for a job who ticks all the boxes in terms of qualifications and experience, but that little inner voice is screaming, “Don’t hire this person!” If you then do hire them, you may find out later that they have deep-seated issues that will upset the rest of the staff and antagonize your customers.
So many clients have told me over the years that they had an overwhelming feeling that they were making a huge mistake, but they decided to marry someone because they wanted to make everyone else happy, or because so much effort and expense had gone into the wedding arrangements. Just the other day a client told me that he should have listened to his inner guidance, not to mention the guidance he received in a psychic reading that warned him that he would end up separating within a few months of the wedding. If only he had trusted his intuition.
Life Lessons From Spirit That Make Us Stronger
As we wander through life, we often face many roadblocks, many stumbling blocks and many disappointments. There are many questions that arise as we walk our path and at times it feels like the entire world is against us, as we progress on our journey.
Many people blame God, Source, Spirit, the Divine, or other people for the situations they are in, and cannot get past. This simply an illusion that we create in our humanness. Spirit does not want us to fail in life. Spirit does not want us to be unhappy. Spirit does not want us to live a pauper’s life.
It is time to sit down, take a look at all what has happened to you and discover two things about each situation. Why did it happen, and what was the lesson you learned from it? As you look at the examples of pain, suffering or disappointment in your life, what do you see? Were they life lessons from spirit?
For example, you have been with the love of your life for many years. One day your your beloved unexpectedly abandons you for another person. What could you have done to prevent this? What could you have done differently? Why were you not enough? You were in love, totally and unconditionally devoted to this person, and you thought they felt the same way about you. Why did they do this to you?
In almost all cases where this happens, there is nothing you could have done to prevent this. It was not you who walked out of the relationship or marriage; it was your partner. And all people have free will and free choice. This was not your decision to make.