Love & Relationships
Being Your Strongest, Most Authentic Self
Many people tend to think that being vulnerable and open is a bad thing, because it makes them vulnerable to getting hurt in life and especially in relationships.
When someone disappoints or hurts us, whether deliberately or inadvertently, it is usually because they have deep wounds of their own that stems from their past, especially for their childhood. These unresolved traumas are often dormant and unconscious.
One might feel this is still no excuse to treat others poorly, or that they should know better. However, because these people typically have not done much inner work or self-healing to really know how to be in loving, happy, and functional relationships. I’m not condoning their bad behavior, but if they actually do not know any better, then how can one expect it from them?
I find people who are stuck in such patterns of hurting others are usually very much defensive and in denial. If you gently suggest what you may need from them, or bring up an aspect that the two of you could work on together to improve the relationship, they tend to instantly throw what you say back in your face and make it all about you. Suddenly, all of it is your fault.
This defensive behavior is a clear signal that this person has a lot of hurt, and is either fearful or unable to work through it. Therefore, if you bring up something that triggers their pain, they immediately see it as a threat. They feel attacked, or that they are being made a scapegoat.
Mistakes Are Necessary For Spiritual Growth
Have you ever felt like you made a wrong choice or bad decision that caused everything to fall apart or steered your life went in the wrong direction. Maybe you knew it was the wrong choice, but you did it anyway? Well, every mistake is an opportunity for growth. There are no mistakes in life, only lessons. Without mistakes, there is very little personal and spiritual growth.
Let’s say you choose to date a guy with a bad reputation. Then, as your gut feeling had warned and your psychic advisor had predicted, he cheats on you, and ultimately dumps you for someone else. Your inner guidance told you it was not a good idea; spirit advised against it. Yet, still you chose to find out the truth the hard way, by experiencing it for yourself.
But then you still do not learn the lesson. You go and do it again. You take him back and trust that he has changed as he has promised. Then he does the same all over again. Do you continue to stay and have him hurt you and take advantage of you? If you do, you still have not learned the lesson.
So, what is the lesson here? Well, the first thing you would have to recognize is that the lesson is not about him. It is about you. It is about establishing your self-worth and building your self-esteem. It is about accepting the fact that you, like anyone else, deserve to be loved and to be happy. And it is about learning to trust your inner guidance and pay attention when spirit guides you.
I have worked with many clients over the years who find all kinds of excuses and justifications for staying in a bad relationship, a toxic workplace, or a dysfunctional family environment.
How To Truly Let Them Go
When a relationship ends, we may find it very difficult to let go of the other person, especially when they have been the one who chose to leave. Friends and clients have often asked me this question. How do I forget him? How do I stop thinking about her? I have asked myself this a few times in my own life too.
My psychic observation has been that consciously trying to forget someone for whom we have strong feelings of love and affection will only serve to make it worse. ‘Forgetting’ someone we love is unnatural and goes against our grain. It only creates resistance that further increases tension and intensifies our pain.
So, it is usually better, but not easier, to channel or process our feelings of love and affection for another soul, in a more constructive, liberating way. This includes honoring the freedom of every soul’s path in relationship with God, Source, Spirit, the Divine.
It is essential to let our feelings flow, because emotions are energy in motion (e-motion). The energy will move through and in time lessen, like storm clouds passing through the sky, until the sun is visible to the eyes again.
Keeping the heart open is an important part of this process. The vision God gives me to describe this is of being in your home, going about your own life within it, with all your attention focused on the activities, surroundings, and experiences of the moment, and simply being present with what you have and what is, while the front door remains open in the background.
Love Is The Energy That Connects Souls
There is one great metaphysical force or energy that connects us all. This greatest force is love. Love is the only energy that can truly overcome all and heal all. It connects us to each other – even those that we cannot be with.
Have you ever experienced the phone ringing and you just knew who it was on the other end before you even picked up? Then, once you had said hello, you think to yourself, “How did I know it was her calling?” You even get goose bumps once your intuition is confirmed. It’s a neat feeling, isn’t it?
Well, it’s also like that when out of the blue we think of someone for no reason. It’s usually because that person is also thinking of us. We are all connected.
We have naturally have what it takes to make these connections happen. One of the ingredients that it takes to be ‘dialed in’ like that is balance. We need to have balance in our lives. If we are disconnected and out of alignment in our lives we are not tuned in very well to these energetic connections we have with others. This is especially true when we indulge in some form of substance abuse, like smoking, alcohol or drugs. These things can really mess with the mind, body and soul.
You need to be healthy and you need to meditate or pray on a regular basis to help you stay on the vibrational frequency that you need to be to receive intuitive impressions, thoughts and feelings from those you love.
It is very difficult to be able to hear someone or feel someone, and love them so much and want to be with them so much, and not be able to. Know that if you are feeling these things from those you love you are very much connected. Remember, sometimes we have to wait to be with that person physically, because it’s all in divine timing – not our own timing.
Is Your History Repeating Itself?
Are you feeling stuck making all the wrong choices and decisions? Are you repeating the same make mistakes? A study at the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences analyzed the processes that occur before the human brain makes a decision. In this study, participants were asked to press a button with their left, or right hand. They were able to do this at whatever moment they decided, however, they were asked to remember the specific time they recognized making their decision and to relay that information to the researchers.
By observing the participant’s brain scanner, it was discovered that the researchers knew the participant’s decision seven seconds before the participant knew, based on observing electrical signals within the participant’s brain. This is important information, because it validates how much our subconscious minds are making decisions without us fully being aware of the choices we are making.
Although this research is based on making immediate decisions, how often are you aware of where their decisions are being based upon? How can you know if you’re making a decision based on old thought patterns and habits, rather than based on higher, conscious awareness?
The philosopher George Santayana famously said, “Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it.” While this is true on a global scale, this is also true in our personal relationships. My interests in psychology and consciousness originated from observing my family, their unhealthy patterns, and observing the resulting choices I’ve made myself, in response to those patterns.
Holiday Gift Guide For The Zodiac Signs
You can find the perfect holiday gift for everyone on your list by considering the unique aspects of their astrological sign. Check out the great ideas below to discover the perfect solution for those difficult to shop for loved ones!
For the Aries people on your list, keep in mind that they love movement! Books, movies, apps or gifts related to cars, travel or the latest exercise trend will get their attention. Since they’re fire signs, you can’t go wrong with candles, incense or fragrances.
Aries also love to read up on the latest news, so consider extending their favorite magazine or streaming subscriptions, or adding a new one to their collection. Pennywise Aries will love a gift certificate to their favorite store, so they can shop for the best deals at all the post-holiday clearance sales.
Taurus is the sign of luxury, so consider a gift certificate to their favorite clothing or all-inclusive store or website. In fact, gift certificates for a massage or a favorite restaurant will work too! These earth signs appreciate jewelry, travel and shopping.
Since a Taurus will be the first on the block to own the latest electronics. If you’re going all out, consider a new TV, computer, video game, or cell phone to make their holidays special. For a more practical gift, look for a book, magazine or streaming subscription, or movie about their favorite subject.
Dating Guidelines For Astrological Compatibility
As a professional astrologer, I’m often asked by clients if their zodiac sign is compatible with someone they are interested in, or currently dating. For this purpose, I have developed over the years through study and experience some simple, yet essential guidelines for astrological romance.
If you are in search of your soulmate, consider the following cosmic guidelines:
Never Date A Neighbor
Rarely are we compatible with the sun signs preceding or following our own sign in the zodiac, even though they flow into one another. Exceptions to this guideline are the Fire and Earth signs: Aries with Taurus, Leo with Virgo, and Sagittarius with Capricorn, but only if the fire sign partner has distinct personality traits of the divine feminine and the earth sign partner tends more towards the divine masculine.
Opposites Rarely Attract
Traditional astrology books on compatibility suggest seeking out the sun sign opposite to your own sign, but in my experience these differences can often be dealbreakers in this day and age. While we want variety and choice in a relationship, I find most people are rarely truly attracted to the signs opposite theirs.